The day before the 23rd. The do-by date as God told me to leave California.

The day before the 23rd. The do-by date as God told me to leave California.

James Q Holden


Wake up 7:30am to help Arden move to TJ by loading and unloading their moving truck to a storage unit. Get finally ready at 8:30am, great, a little late (time was at 8am), but I went to sleep very late at 2am. Go get Donovan. Get to Ardens. We start helping as much as we all can. Know hand labor, be useful, be effective, get out of the way, be there when needed. Know hand labor, I repeat in my head. We go to storage, we help. Assembly lines. Ian vs Arden. Arden 1 Ian 0 in argument, assembly lines are definitely the most efficient silly Ian lol. We play Falling Down by XXX.

Lyrics relevant. Think I'm gonna be carried away, and California shall receive Rain soon. Load truck with the trash in the rental truck, they order and eat delivery pizza. They appoint someone to pray for the food. Yay, prayer. 3 Mormon Elders are there. Funny title I think to myself. Teens though. Doing good though, they love Jesus. Hallelujah. Notice the eldest Mormon Elder (probably 18 or 19) pray for the pizza like a recital and going through it so fast I could barely even hear what he's saying it feels like he's rapping lol. We eat and I smile. I see Donovan coming in after the prayer and knew it wasnt his intention to miss it. Arden's dad stares at me eating pizza. We've know each other for a long time and we're seemingly parting ways as his child's childhood best friend. (We're not) I choose Ardens red/blue shoes to keep before going to the rental storage units. Dad joke because his dad said it was across from one called A1 Storage but turns out the real one was like on the other side of the city almost going through the same street called Oceanside Boulevard. I make a joke, "He's right, it was across from the street but horizontally across from the street" (Looking at it from upright North perspective) Donovan wants to go.

I tell him we will go to the beach. Let it be known, their family is very appreciative of everyone helping. Feeling good. Did what a friend should. We leave, the work is done for us, I go to my car and Arden walks with me and Donovan as I have stuff for him in my car. (I picked out a leather jacket of mine to keep, and a sweater of his I had) As I give him my leather jacket and me Arden and Donovan hug each other and headbutt for the seemingly "last time for now" I see one of those 8th dimensional entities flying their faster than light speed black UFOs. I can't see the entities as of the moment but I know they're inside operating it. Light is the refresh rate of the universe they're always peeking above 3D. We're about to go and then he gives me the lighter and lighter fluid I almost forgot he gave me on the way to the storage. I don't think I'll use it cause I don't smoke anymore according to me. Anyways me and Donovan agree to go to the beach, we're going to his house first to pick up swim shorts and then we arrive and he gets mass munchies for us. Car barely starts. I pray. it works. Like yesterday when I was in front of my friend Simons house, and looked up Psalms 61:4 about being in the cover of God's wing forever.

Car worked then, car worked now. Thanks God! It was the battery most likely, perhaps linked with temperature or something. I start using a good cubed Bluetooth speaker I found in the back of my car. We get to this known spot known as "Turnarounds" or Turns before the beach so he can smoke while I watch him. We get there. He insists I smoke. I insist I'm being tested (He thinks THC tested, I mean God-tested, my secret though :P). It feels right to smoke though. I haven't smoked in awhile and I'm not fiending for it, I'm not obsessing for it, it's a nice occasion. Not an everyday occurrence. Been clean for awhile. I seemingly wont see him for a long time until winter break or something. I've smoked with this guy for the longest time, he's a homie and hes high and I see the good vibes smoking and no guilt. I accept. I smoke. I take an impressive long big hit and look at him with a big immediate stoned grin on my face. I'm blasted.

 He laughs. I laugh. He wants to play Kanye. Indeed, I agree we should play Kanye. We put on the album Ye, a classic in my memories and good times in the latter half of senior year during my important and illusion-shattering soul and identity Awakening. Every song is on the spot and so great, all the lyrics synchronize with the moment and scenario, it's one of God's greatest works of synchronicity it seems, this moment is special I spot.

I go on a roller coaster of thoughts as I begin to think perhaps I got peer pressured into it and Donovan is CIA because I look over and he's just on his phone unaware I'm going to be leaving to Missouri or seemingly not caring (Injected thoughts folks, be careful, always have the benefit of the doubt, sometimes people aren't aware of their actions) but there he is on his phone watching videos with both earphones plopped in his ears. I let him know time to time to chill and enjoy the moment without the need of his phone. I chuckle. I broke the exact habit thanks to God because I broke my phone and was phone-less for almost a month until I got a cheap 8GB phone which I could barely do much on. I got used to it, in fact, you don't need a fancy phone. Just consumerism and superficial materialism, let's focus on the now and the nature we're given. I'm blasted and zooted.

I think on the amazing times I've been through by myself up until now. I mentally say "Now" as I expect to be carried away, and then it hits me. The greatest story ever told here and I smoke weed before being carried away by G-D!!! I almost begin to feel devastated when suddenly I think of this one History class I attended (I rarely attended ;P) in which I was on Discord on my phone talking to Rock and he is reading a book he says. He asks me for what page to tell him to flip to. I overhear "420" from a conversation outside the room as I sit next to the open window always looking outside class bored and pondering, and I hear this and I tell him "420" (being a green enthusiast; Mother Earth lover and green cannabis experienced) He said "Ohh, so you're him???!!!" I am almost confused but I think I almost got it then. I am connected to weed somehow? Don't pay much attention to it for the entire summer and months until this week as it came up before this very moment sitting in my Jaguar X-Type 2003 with Donovan next to me both zooted. And I'm here thinking an odyssey.

Red Queen told me to drop weed. I say I will after I go and start anew in Branson, Missouri. Not a lot of time left. Not chained to anything at all. I am limitless in God. Funny but relevant story: I smoke one time with friends, we get caught and get chased by cops. It's exhilarating at the time, hilarious right after. During I promise God I won't smoke again. I don't know what I'm talking about there. God later says he knows I'm gonna smoke and He has my back on what I said, he nullifies it and says its good, don't promise things you don't know for sure you can keep. The future certainly is uncertain. I smile. God is good, even when you ask for things, God always gives you what's best. It is what is best. That is the flow of life. The flow of the magnificent and flawless storytelling God-ability of God.

I text Cantarbury Gang/Frosty Avenue Snapchat group chat I'm in of pals, "Come thru" I say "Mobbing" they say, they come indeed. Last time I'll see them for now, I think. I give them all the hand. Give Ethan the hand 3 times as he's closest. Each time I do, he counts and says I already have. I tell him I'm leaving soon, he says "Ohh yeah" I look around, it feels great, friends in the back of my car, they're happy to see me I'm like "Get in the back of the car bros what are you doing standing there lets go" I feel like me. Outspoken, friendly, hype. Let's do it. Suddenly, car pulls through. Strangers. But they pull next to us. James is the man who drives the car who just parked next to us. Turns is a classic high school spot next to the beach. A sandlot location situated next to a cliff on top of the beach, it gives a great unforgettable view for a stoner. I love it. We all love it here. It's barred though (monitored by cops a lot), but what are you gonna do. It's a dank spot, lol.

Back to the moment. He has a dank dome he says (flavored nicotine device), he gives it to Donovan, Donovan seems devastated. I take it, I dome, I feel it. It works, trust me. I pass it along, no more for me right now, lol. The album Ye ends, more songs come on, they're all dank, Brock hampton, Childish Gambino, Kanye, gooooooood songs I've always loved and usually rarely played aloud with my friends to enjoy as I would just listen to others music but this selection I had going was amazing. Great even, I remember why I love rap. Rap is great lol. Stay wavy, Ye says. But this car James pulled in (not me, the other James who pulled up with his squad of friends in the back too) it hypes me. I love my friends, I love strangers. I love everyone. I love hanging out with my friends and then having to meet new strangers, we're all talking, we are having a real good time here. Unforgettable for me. I feel at my best. I think how far I've come, what a story. Turns out it all connects. I drop Donovan off. I drive alone seemingly thinking I'm still leaving though. I park at Albertsons to cut my hair next to it. I sit there for awhile munching out eating the food Donovan brought in the car a lot earlier. I thank him.

 I'm eating my Branson trip food but God will provide. Then, voices start coming. I'm not leaving. I'm staying. That was page 420. That was the story. Full circle. Smoking is great (keep it moderate and not over consuming in terms of repetition throughout time, in terms of hits however, go big or go home brother, up to you, lol) I ask Rock for confirmation. He says "How was it?" "Insane, but Glorious" I say. God was with there and did I mention lyrics still in synchronicity all that time? Yeeep, feels like a movie. Thanks God! I'm sweating, it's hot. No AC in my car. I go inside the air conditioned Albertsons first to walk around, I see Ryan Hasskins immediately as the sliding door opens. Funny. She's a great friend and she just found out "I'm leaving" "Look! There he is aww this is his last day here!" I hear, I go up, I say "Actually I decided to stay!" Smiles. Her, happy. Me, sweating. We talk we laugh we part. I go walk around and then leave. False flag alien invasion confirmed too huh? (Many details omitted here) That's also funny, I've been meaning to UFO hunt with her. (A plan before my Awakening, hah) Last text is, "We'll hang out and no alien invasion will stop us." "Never" she says. I chuckle. I smile. God is Great!

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