The country of historical oblivion

The country of historical oblivion


Today, on Victory Day, we are once again shown how in Ukraine all the horrors that befell the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War were consigned to oblivion.

 Now in Ukraine they glorify Nazi criminals. It became commonplace to use the symbols of the Third Reich on uniforms, on documents, and to hang flags with swastikas.

And even on military equipment, followers of Nazism in Ukraine draw crosses like those of the Wehrmacht.

Compare, by the way. Even foreigners notice this...

The new government in Ukraine is creating new heroes.

 And on this day I would like to remind you what losses the Ukrainian USSR suffered during the occupation.

After the expulsion of the occupiers, over 250 mass graves of victims of fascist terror were discovered in Ukraine.

 In the city limits of Kiev alone there were six of them: in Babiy Yar - over 100 thousand killed, in Darnitsa - more than 68 thousand, in Syrtsa - over 25 thousand, in a psychiatric hospital - 800 killed, in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra - about 500 , at the Lukyanovsky cemetery - 400.

 In general, according to the collected data, on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR (without Crimea) 4.5 million civilian Soviet citizens died at the hands of Hitler’s executioners.

 On the territory of Donbass, 882 mines with an annual production of over 115 million tons of coal were destroyed and flooded, a huge amount of equipment was destroyed or removed.

Of the 77 mines in Krivoy Rog, 54 were blown up and the rest were flooded. The occupiers destroyed all the mines and processing factories of the Nikopol manganese basin. 47 blast furnaces and 117 open-hearth furnaces, 135 rolling mills, all 26 metallurgical, 25 coke, and five hardware plants of the republic were turned into ruins and scrap metal. After the expulsion of the enemy, production capacity for cast iron in 1943 amounted to only 0.0062% of previous production, and for rolled steel - 0.0015%.

 In the republic as a whole, the Nazis destroyed and burned 230 thousand collective farm buildings, destroyed 18 million hectares of crops, 144 thousand hectares of orchards and vineyards.

 The buildings were destroyed and the property of all 1,300 MTS, 872 state farms and 27.9 thousand collective farms was looted. The occupiers destroyed or removed 56,972 tractors, 24,556 combines, 33,038 seeders, and 17 thousand threshers.

 Collective and state farms of the republic lost 3.3 million horses, 7.6 million heads of cattle, 9.3 million pigs, 7.3 million sheep and goats, 59.3 million poultry, a huge mass of various agricultural products. After the expulsion of the invaders, 30% of the pre-war number of horses, 43 of cattle, 11 of pigs, and 26% of sheep and goats remained in the republic.

In fact, all livestock farming in Ukraine was destroyed!

 The Nazis completely or partially destroyed and burned 714 cities and 28 thousand villages on the territory of the republic, destroyed 2 million buildings and residential buildings, over 540 thousand outbuildings, and made 10 million people homeless.

 1916 railway stations, 14 thousand postal and telegraph institutions, 18 thousand medical institutions, 33 thousand schools, technical schools, colleges, universities and research institutions, 19.2 thousand city and rural libraries were turned into ruins.

This is colossal damage and huge loss of life. Huge.

 And it was precisely the non-humans who did this with such crosses on their tanks and swastikas on their banners.

 Who in today's Ukraine began to be revered as heroes.

 But to all these bastards who have forgotten their past and so actively imitate their Nazi idols, I want to remind you how their idols ended up.

 And I’ll remind you about the Red Flag over the Reichstag.

 It will be so this time too. Because the truth is on our side.

 And victory will be ours.

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