The ceremonial meeting of the 5th ENCPR, dedicated to the day of the 207 th anniversary (April 24, 2010.)

The ceremonial meeting of the 5th ENCPR, dedicated to the day of the 207 th anniversary (April 24, 2010.)


of the birth of A. Dukhnovich, was held in Svalyava on April 24, 2010.

 Decision of the 5th European National Congress of Subcarpathian Ruthenians

 Preamble to the decision of the 5th ENCPR.

Subcarpathian Rusyns were formed 90 years ago as a people (according to Law No. 10 of Hungary as a "Ruthenian political nation"), having received the right to self-determination, confirmed by the world community (Versailles of June 28, 1919, Saint-Germain peace treaties of September 10, 1919 and the Trianon Treaty of 1920). Of all the Rusyns of the world, only the Subcarpathian Rusyns formed into a political nation and created an autonomous national state within the framework of Hungary (1918) and Czechoslovakia (1919-1946).

According to international law, once granted to the people the right to self-determination is unshakable, eternal (as long as the representatives of this people are alive), inalienable and indestructible.

At the time of the termination of the existence of the USSR in 1991, the Republic of Subcarpathian Rus, (like Poland in 1945), was renewed in its statehood rights in accordance with international law.

In 1991, the Rusyns, using their right to self-determination, voted in a referendum on December 1 for joining Ukraine exclusively with the status of national territorial autonomy.

But for 31 years, the will of the Ruthenian people has been ignored by Ukraine. Moreover, the Rusyns are subjected by the political regime, especially the orange one, to discrimination on the basis of nationality, political repressions and legal persecution.

In this situation, the Rusyns are forced by means and methods available to them to defend the right of their people to life, and to their national existence.

For 31 years, the Rusyns have successfully developed vital decisions and documents with the involvement of a wide range of specialists in their discussion. The most important of them: the Rusyn National Concept, Subcarpathian-Rusyn economic doctrine, codification of the language, publication of books, newspapers, political declarations, memorandums and decisions of representative Rusyns organizations and the government of Subcarpathian Rus.

It follows from all the adopted documents that always a priori, the main topic on the Rusyn agenda of negotiations at any level is the issue of recognizing the pre-Soviet political status of the Republic of Subcarpathian Rus restored in 1991 - with the cessation of the existence of the USSR and in accordance with the will of the people at a referendum on December 1 1991.

The fact of the termination of the existence of the USSR, which annexed the Rusyn

 statehood on June 29, 1945 and January 22, 1946 - is not in doubt.

           Instead of recognizing the rights and freedoms of the Rusyn people, during the years of independence

           Ukraine carried out a quiet deportation of the indigenous population "for work" - for

 border, mass felling of primary forests was carried out, prerequisites were created

 the emergence of a flow of illegal migration and settling in the region of migrants, the land was contaminated with imported toxic substances, the mass impoverishment of the majority of the population of the region continued.

Kyiv, ignoring the will of the people of this region, at the same time demonstrated its complete inability to ensure security, civil and political rights and a normal life for people in this “Rusyn territory” in 19 years.

Recently, despite the change in the highest echelons of political power in Ukraine, the persecution of activists of the Ruthenian movement continues.

Based on the above, the Rusyns, the delegates of the 5th European National Congress of Subcarpathian Rusyns, decided:


1. Confirm the decisions of all 4 previous Ruthenian European Congresses.

2. Re-apply to the authorities of the EU, Russia, Germany and the United States to act as guarantors to resolve the issue of saving the Rusyn nation in Ukraine, their language and culture, from the impending threat of destruction.

3. That such a settlement can be achieved through the political recognition, re-established in 1991, of the pre-Soviet status of the national Republic of the Rusyns - Subcarpathian Rus, violated by the totalitarian Bolshevik regime.

4. To note that the facts of the termination of the existence of the USSR, and later the ChSR, are undeniable, as well as the results of the successful legal decision of the referendum on December 1, 1991 on the autonomy of Transcarpathia within the new Ukraine. They are confirmed by the Rusyn public and the Rusyn congresses. Therefore, Kyiv's official political opposition to the peaceful realization of civil rights and freedoms of the Rusyn nation falls under the crime against humanity and as a real genocide of the Rusyn people in Ukraine.

5. To confirm the codification of the norms of the Subcarpatho-Rusyn language, which is based on the grammar of I. Garayda of 1941 and the codification of the grammar of 2002 adopted by the Soym of the Republic of Poland (collegiate work of linguists under the guidance of Archpriest D. Sydor). Apply officially to the appropriate body to include the Rusyn language in the list of languages ​​that fall under the protection of the "European Charter for the Protection of Regional Languages ​​...".

6. To consider useful in use the Rusyn dictionaries Gritsak M., Petrovtsia I, Choria Yu., Kerchi I., Pop D., Almashia M., prot. D. Sidor, Grada M., Padyak V., works of Rusyn writers and poets Petrovtsy I., Molnar V., Kalinich I., Sochka V., Kemin M., Sitar I., Dalida A., Kesheli D., Pishchalnik R. and others.

7. Appeal in various judicial instances: a) Refusal and opposition of the Ukrainian authorities to the Rusyns to peacefully implement the results of the referendum on December 1, 1991, as their political will. b) The criminal "Plan-Come..." of 1996, to destroy the Rusyn people in their native land, as documented crimes against humanity by the Ukrainian authorities, developed at the state level.

8. Send the decision of the 5th ENCPR to all the mentioned addressees.

Co-chairs of the 5th ENCPR: Prot. Dymytry Sydor - chairman. Soyma PR; Mikulin V. I. - chairman. NRPR; Secretary - Lakatosh B.Yu.


Decision of the 2nd World (Svitovy) Congress Subcarpathian Rusyns (SKPR).

On April 24, 2010, the next 2nd SKPR was also held in Svalyava, also timed to coincide with the day of the 207th anniversary of the birth of A. Dukhnovich. It was attended by delegates of the UCPR, and as guests, the delegates of the 5th ENCPR.

Preamble to the decision of Congress.

On May 1, 2009, in Uzhgorod, far-right Ukrainian nationalists who arrived from Galicia in six buses disrupted a peaceful meeting of Rusyns in a puppet theater, calling for the deportation and destruction of local Rusyns. In the same year, in October, the same lawlessness was repeated in Mukachevo during the holding of the Rusyn congress. And in April 2010, with the connivance of the SBU and the regional prosecutor's office, more than 10 buses with nationalists and about 1,000 young people arrived in the region from Galicia, using other modes of transport.

 They had the intention to openly demonstrate to the Rusyns that ethnic cleansing would soon await them, such as the Volyn massacre. The outrageous facts of vandalism, terrorism, fatal beatings of people, robbery at retail outlets, provocations against the police, unrest at the stadium during the Lviv-Uzhgorod football match, were already a clear rehearsal for the future massacre of Rusyns.

Rusyn organizations repeatedly warned local authorities about such a danger. But the inaction of the SBU and the prosecutor's office, the refusal to properly respond to such lawlessness of the far-right Galicians, led the Rusyns ​​to suspicions about the involvement of the special services themselves in these gross violations of people's rights with the threat of a planned clash between large groups of the population of the two regions.

After all, they immediately initiate criminal cases against the Rusyns on the basis of a single denunciation-letter of Ukrainian nationalists. And against the open manifestation of fascism and vandalism of the nationalists from Galicia themselves, with their calls for interethnic hostility in the SBU and the prosecutor's office, there is no reaction.

Considering that the predictions of the Rusyns about the planned threat of destruction of the Rusyn nation, in particular, and by the hands of the Galician planned voyages to Transcarpathia, are coming true, the issue of recognizing the restored pre-Soviet status of the Republic of Subcarpathian Rus as a national state, and the self-preservation of the Rusyn people, has become a priority for representatives of the Rusyn organizations !

The 2nd World (Retinue) Congress of Subcarpathian Rusyns decided:

I. Appeal to the world and European community - to the authorities of the EU, the USA, Germany, the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation - about the threat of destruction of the Rusyn nation in Ukraine.

II. Call for the protection of the Rusyn people and all immigrants from Transcarpathia, who were forced to stay abroad in search of work.

III. Announce such a threat to all residents of the Rusyn region, reminding them of their

violated in Ukraine civil and political rights and freedoms.

 IV. Ask the European Court of Human Rights to accept information about

 Ukrainian courts, which, in fact, deny the Rusyns a fair trial; they refuse to take cases related to discrimination and ethnocide of the Rusyn people to court, as well as excessively unlawfully dragging out court proceedings with the clear goal of preventing complaints about criminal Ukrainian anti-Rusyn court cases from appearing in the European Court in Strasbourg.

V. Due to the continuation of political repressions and court prosecutions, at the beginning of 2010, the Rusyns, together with the ENCPR, re-apply to the authorities of the EU, the Russian Federation, Germany and the USA with a request to act as guarantors to resolve the issue of saving the Ruthenian people in Ukraine, their language and culture, from the looming threat of annihilation. This can be achieved by recognizing the pre-Soviet status of the Republic of Subcarpathian Rus, re-established in 1991.

VI. Since the facts of the termination of the existence of the USSR and later the Czechoslovakia are indisputable, as well as the results of the successful legal decision of the referendum on December 1, 1991 on the autonomy of Transcarpathia within the new Ukraine, confirmed by the Rusyn public and the Rusyn congresses, the official opposition of Kyiv to the peaceful realization of the rights and freedoms of the Rusyn nation falls under under a crime against humanity and as a genocide of the people.


VII. Approve the codification of the norms of the Ruthenian language for Subcarpathian Rusyns, in accordance with the decision of the Seimas of the PR of 2002, which was also adopted by the 5th ECPR.

VIII. Elect the World Council of Subcarpathian Rusyns (Svitova Rada of Subcarpathian Rusyns), SRPR in the following composition:

1. Dzhugan V.I. - Chairman of the SRPR, chairman. total Rusyns in the Czech Republic.

2. Getsko P.I. - Honorary Co-Chairman of the RPR, Prime Minister of the RPR.

3. Turyanitsa I.M. - Honorary Co-Chairman of the RPR, Former Prime Minister of the RPR.

4. Prot. Dimitry Sidor, chairman. Soima PR, co-chair. ENKPR.

5. Mikulin V.I. - Deputy Chairman of the SRPR, Chairman. NRPR, co-leader. ENKPR.

6. Gegalchiy A. - chairman. International Fund "Russian Prize".

7. Moshkola A. - member of the SRPR from the Rusyns of the Czech Republic, a member of the SRR.

8. Petrovtsi I.Yu. - Deputy Chairman NRPR, Rusyn writer.

9. Levchak Yu. - chairman. total Subcarpathian Rusyns in Germany.

10. Matiko Anatoly - Society. Subcarpathian Rusyns in Latvia.

11. Glivka Joseph - Rusyn. compatriot "Carpathians. Rus" in Russia.

12. Lauryuk M. - prev. from the Carpathian Rusyns of Romania.

13. Lipinsky Yang - Society. under. Rusyns in Slovakia.

14. Siladi Miroslav - Society. under. Rusyns in Serbia, Vojvodina.

15. Rusnak V. - Society. under. Rusyns in Croatia.

16. Dronov M. - honorary member of the SRPR. Club of friends of "Carpathian Rus", Moscow.

17. Farkovets M. - Chairman of the Society. Subcarpathian Rusyns in Canada.

eighteen . Kokhan Vladislav - chairman. under. Rusyns in Nyiredgaz, Hungary.

19. Onisko A. - gen.rep. on Human Rights in ENKPR, Uzhgorod.

20. Lakatosh B.Yu. - chairman. Svalyavsky Society. A. Dukhnovich.

21. Patrus Vasily - Chairman of the Tyachevsky NRPR.

22. Feysa M. - chairman. Rusins Novi Sad, Vojvodina.

Chairman of the World Congress of Subcarpathian Rusyns and Svitova Rada of Subcarpathian Rusyns (World Council of PR) - Dzhugan V.I.

Secretary - Lakatosh B.Yu. .



Abbreviation Form VIII.


VIII. To elect the World Council of Subcarpathian Rusyns (Svitova Rada of Subcarpathian Rusyns), SRPR in the following composition:

1. Dzhugan V.I. - Chairman of the SRPR, Czech Republic. 2. Getsko P.I. - Honorary Co-Chairman of the SRPR. 3. Turyanitsa I.M. - Honorary Co-Chairman of the SRPR, 4. Prot. D. Sidor, Chairman Soima PR. 5. Mikulin V.I. - co-leader ENKPR. 6. Gegalchiy A. - Russian Prize Foundation.

7. Moshkola A. - member of the SRPR from the Rusyns of the Czech Republic. 8. Petrovtsi I.Yu. - Russian writer.

9. Levchak Yu. - Society. Rusyns in Germany. 10. Matiko Anatoly - Society. Rusyns in Latvia.

11. Glivka Joseph - Rusyns in Russia. 12. Lauryuk M. - from the Rusyns of Romania.

13. Lipinsky Yang - Society. Rusyns in Slovakia. 14. Siladi Miroslav - Society. Rusyns in Serbia, Vojvodina. 15. Rusnak V. - Society. Rusyns in Croatia. 16. Dronov M. - honorary member of the SRPR. Club of friends of "Carpathian Rus", Moscow. 17. Farkovets M. - Society. Rusyns in Canada. eighteen . Kokhan Vladislav - from the Rusyns of Hungary. 19. Onisko A. - gen.rep. on Human Rights in ENKPR, Uzhgorod. 20. Lakatosh B.Yu. - commonly. them. A. Dukhnovich in Svaliava.

21. Patrus Vasily - from the Rusyns of Tyachov. 22. Fiisa M. - from the Rusyns of Novi Sad.

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