The capacity of a people

The capacity of a people

Roland Denis

This is a rough translation of an article originally posted in Castilian by Roland Denis in La capacidad de un pueblo.

Roland Denis on the hunger strike of José María Korta, an 81-year-old Jesuit who protests the right to land and the justice of the indigenous people of Venezuela. (Photo: Luis Carlos Díaz)

It is more than a thousand years of war between states and empires that humanity counts. The confrontations between them inaugurated them in war technology that does not stop until today, probably taking a leap into space as long as the needs of invasive superpowers are met. But there is a detail not to forget and already in the war that is from its own beginnings in counterpart has evolved the People's War (that is to say not the War of dominion but of liberation) that equally has learned to cross its own paths.

The People's War as a response to the war, to the genocidal slaughter, and always a slaver in its different historical tones, from slavery itself to the current wars of imperial invasion, is not necessarily a war of arms race. It is a war of the majority signifier of the population (its most beloved identity either as a nation as a self-fulfilling community) that through its communitarian intelligence bursts in favor of its own emancipation.

The truth is that we are facing a scenario of war that forces us to form a third force. It is very likely that the government collapses internally, where gradually generals and officers who have been part of the big smuggling and drug trafficking mafia that has had virtually all the power of the state in the end will negotiate not their lives based on the overall performance of these thugs and cowards but the nation itself. The important thing is that interventionist operations are on the way and will cause the fall of this regime that is offered on an unprecedented lie as continuator and heir of the Bolivarian popular revolution.

The truth is that we are at the door of a decision of transcendence. The world capital has done its job by deoxidizing a political leadership that made the mistake of being a portrait and the agent of interest of these great capitals but at the same time a buffoon of other superpowers like the Russian and the Chinese confronting, from the Cuban discourse, to the USA.

We need a republican pact in favor of a self-governing Republic that can overcome the war that we have in front of us. We need a left redefined in the capacity of a people to produce what Kléber Ramírez called "food, science and dignity".

The matter is done. A government while the characters and dependent, supine and partidocratic visions of the fourth Republic come back to life after a coup d'etat that 17 years ago they could not finish. At the time of the fall of this mafia command and its internal dismemberment, it will generate a vengeful wave that has to be answered not with the same symptom but with the courage and ability of a people to make a pact for itself. That is the basic pact that we have to achieve these days. There is a world of capitals waiting for this outcome. We, unarmed and disunited, are facing a gigantic challenge that is the creation of this third force. That excluded third party that at the moment has to ensure and give the possibility that the counter-revolution becomes an emancipatory act thanks to the national formation of assemblies and councils that remove all the political garbage that for decades commands nationally. There is not much time left and although, with all the merit, this government has to burst as they have burst this country, we can not return to the Fourth Republic including its characters, parties and other interests that are preparing with the help of the US to take back the command that twenty years ago they lost. What is Guaido but a key piece in this play?.

A program of productive and justice emancipation needs its own communal and labor institutional maps, workers and communes that dispute real and concrete power to the new masters on the way. The territorial networks and corridors must be prepared for its structuring in the coming times. The organized territorial axes: south, western centre, western and coastal, in their organizational and productive capacity, must begin their journey, leaving behind the stupid history of group confrontations that saturated popular power starting with the ending that bureaucratic and corrupt party that is the PSUV.

This is the people's war in this case, depending of course on the possible scenarios where the continental right-wing can fill the territory with armed mercenary groups more than it already is, following the Syrian model of ISIS, the people's war is for its territory and its rights. Will weapons be necessary? Of course, but the principle of the people's war does not part from it but the ability of a people to conquer their justice and their right to live producing their own.

This Chavismo, mobster and completely traitor to the revolution that it claims to represent, it's over. Its ability to bring a people to hunger to pay for its embezzlement has been indescribable. Now comes a new stage where if we face formed divisions, where the people's war and its ability to displace the old and rotten Republic that has to be replaced by a true self-governing Republic, ecological, productive, made in a science of the people, ie, a free knowledge that completely stands in the way of this modern capitalist civilization. There is no people defeated!

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