The bonding of a family #18

The bonding of a family #18


The bonding of a family #18
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The world today is filled with so much violence, anger , and apathy that it can be downright scary. As we have children, it is of utmost importance to be a positive leader of our family. We all want to belong and feel accepted.
A sense of belonging is derived from the close bond of family. Family is where our roots take hold and from there we grow. We are moulded within a unit, which prepares us for what we will experience in the world and how we react to those experiences.
Values are taught at an early age and are carried with us throughout our life. Close family bonds are important and have many benefits.
A close family bond is like a safe harbour where we find refuge. From trusting that someone will pick us up when we fall, as a preschooler, to someone being there for us as we experience the storms in life – family bonds help to instil trust and hope in the world around us and belief in ourselves.
Bonding with your child can come in small moments of laughing together, cuddling, and doing activities often that are fun for both parent and child. Rituals of bedtime stories, hugs, holidays and daily meals shared, provide a sense of warmth, structure and safety.

These rituals and traditions, not only create memories and leave a family legacy but create our first path in life – a positive one. We encourage parents to spend as much time as possible with their children to keep and enhance the bond between each other.
In this hasty and hurried world, “spending time” can feel like pressure. Here are some suggestions for anxiety-free family-bonding activities .
Family time is a time where everyone at home dedicates this special time for each other. Do an activity together. This will not only show your children how to time-manage their activities, but it shows them that they are special to merit undivided attention in your super busy work week.
Before the family rendezvous, ask how everyone would like to spend the time. Designate an old coffee can as the “suggestion box” and encourage everyone to drop in their ideas that can include all members. This allows everybody’s suggestions to be heard.
Head to the zoo! This is my all-time favourite place. You can choose a spot where your preschoolers can draw the animals and the primary school goers can write a short story about their favourite animals! Daddies and Mummies can sit back and relax. Simple and diverse activities that consider everyone can allow for fun interaction among families with children of various ages.
Put a little extra effort in the things you do with your child to create a stronger bond. Try to put all else aside whether you are stressed over money, work, home life, spend time with your child and give him your full attention. You can try to erase all concerns from your mind for the time being and just enjoy being together.
By spending more quality time together as a family, you will build a stronger family unit. Your time and attention is the one thing they will value most well beyond their childhood.
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The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage Taschenbuch – 25. Februar 2022
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By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton | Writer and author Linda Goudsmit was kind enough to send me a copy of her new book, The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage . She is a fantastic author and I enjoy her writing immensely so I made time to read her latest and was glad that I did. It has always been evident that communists and those who are basically just evil have targeted the traditional American family unit because it holds our nation together. Tear it asunder and we are much easier to control. As progressives and leftist entities such as Disney push teaching children of all ages gender fluidity and sexual perversion in a blatant attempt to groom them for a Maoist agenda, Goudsmit's book is a clarion call warning parents to be alert to the propaganda being forced on their children and to do whatever it takes to ensure they are not exposed to this attempt to corrupt them and separate them from their families. Linda is a devoted wife and mother of four. She also has four grandchildren. Nothing is more important to her than family and it propelled her to speak out against the enemies of freedom and family that are attempting a coup in our schools, culture, and society. The collapse of the American family is a must for the left as they attempt to implement the Great Reset and to further transhumanism. And all of it is being done under the guise of being for our own good, where we will own nothing and be happy as serfs under the coming overlords from the left. This is fascism and it has arrived in America. Goudsmit astutely sums up the dire straits we find ourselves in as patriots and parents, "Space is no longer the final frontier--reality is." Book Review by Dr. Rich Swier, Ed.D., LTC, US Army (Ret). The enemies of freedom are enemies of the family. Linda Goudsmit We received a copy of a new book by Linda Goudsmit titled The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage . If we said this book is timely it would be a gross understatement. Linda's book accurately chronicles the evil, repeated and constant attacks on the traditional American family consisting of a mother, father and their biological children. This comes at a time when Walt Disney is releasing its latest family film ironically titled "Turning Red." Linda's book exposes the sinister attack on the nuclear family as the primary strategy in globalism's asymmetric warfare on America. Linda explains how the American family must be destroyed in order to collapse our Constitutional Republic from within and impose the Great Reset of technocracy and transhumanism. The "New Normal" replaces family bonding with feudal bondage in the global Managerial State where you will own nothing and be happy. Globalism's war on America is psychological warfare, an information war fought without bullets. Linda's closing line warns the nation: "Space is no longer the final frontier-reality is." The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage is a must read because itis dedicated to American sovereignty, and to those who continue to fight the good fight to preserve our precious American freedom and families. From Dr. Scott Keller (DSS) President, Strategic Synergies Inc. (SSI)-- Europe (SSI-E) - Fighter-Town LLC Greetings Folks, The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage is an extremely well written/researched book written by Linda Goudsmit. We are now immersed in a global Marxo-Fascist Inquistion, which includes a ruthless and surgical attack against the Patriarchy, Motherhood and all things other words, God's plan for humankind. This inquisition has been masterfully executed incrementally over the past several decades. The book's level of scholarship and accuracy is unparalleled, a borderline necessity; starting at the family level, thence across the entire spectrum institutionally; Church, government, academia, culture, corporate, legal etc. When addressing the current "Synthesis of Threats", the attack on the Family is foundational, since the family unit is integral for society to thrive/survive; the bad-guys know this! Linda Goudsmit has created a magnum-opus confecting situational-awareness with superb specificity. The high volume of cogent sources provide unquestionable credibility to an unambiguous literary work. The current global Godless ' Woke-Washing' , Marxo-Fascist/Leftist and perverse onslaught, has made huge strides almost universally. For the most part, the populace is ignorant...can't recognize reality, is sissified or just doesn't care.  An animalistic idolatrous pursuit of carnal pleasure and material profit, are in large part the present template of priority...the principle of principles, instead of infallible Truth in the realm of Faith and Morals...which is unchangeable. Recognizing and embracing the information in this book, if applied correctly, can hopefully prevent/mitigate the current societal suicide...not an overstatement. Book Review by Joan Swirsky Linda Goudsmit's new release, The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage , is an extraordinary exposé of the current attack on the American family as the primary target in globalism's asymmetric warfare on the nation state. Goudsmit's message is clear, "Make no mistake, the world is at war." She clarifies globalism's objective of eliminating the sovereignty of nations and describes WW III as today's planetary battle between globalism and nationalism. This book makes it crystal clear that globalism is a replacement ideology. It seeks to reorder the world into one nation where the world's population will be merged into one planetary state with one religion, one currency, one language, one culture, one race, and one-world government ruled by the globalists themselves, of course. Goudsmit's analysis explains that globalism cannot succeed without collapsing America from within. She documents how the enemies of freedom recognize that the three pillars of America are faith, family, and freedom. She connects the dots that demonstrate how those enemies understand that the nuclear family is the social structure that supports faith and freedom. Generation after generation, pride in our American constitutional republic, and commitment to our American ethos passed from parent to child, strengthened the nation. Not anymore. Linda's strengths are her exemplary research and remarkable ability to make complex subjects easily understandable. Chapter by chapter and source by source, her book documents the well-coordinated, well-financed, well-planned, sinister globalist scheme that targets the very future of our nation-American children. She describes how using three main vectors of indoctrination---educational curricula, leftist media propaganda (and also entertainment), and social media--the globalists seek to replace parental authority with state authority, and family loyalty with loyalty to the state. This explains her prescient title, The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage . Goudsmit reveals how life in the New [very old] World Order is a return to feudal serfdom in the managerial state where you will "own nothing and be happy." She documents how the enemies of freedom also know that private property is the hallmark of freedom. When you own nothing, you are basically an indentured servant living by the dictates of your masters who decide every aspect of your life. Free stuff is not free-the cost is your freedom. Written in Goudsmit's clear and precise signature style, The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage is a powerful warning to unsuspecting American families that the globalist campaign for world domination is alive and active and targeting their children. Joan Swirsky is a New York based journalist and author.
Linda Goudsmit is the devoted wife of Rob and they are the parents of four children and the grandparents of four. She and Rob owned and operated a girls' clothing store in Michigan for forty years before retiring to the sunny beaches of Florida. A graduate of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Linda has a lifelong commitment to learning and is an avid reader and observer of life. She is the author of the philosophy book Dear America: Who's Driving the Bus?, its political sequel, The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with 'Kindness', and numerous current affairs articles featured on her websites and Linda's illustrated book series, Mimi's Strategy, offers young children a universal new way of solving their problems and having their needs met. Mrs. Goudsmit believes that learning to think strategically rather than reacting emotionally is a valuable problem-solving skill that will empower any child throughout his/her life. Plus, in Linda's words, I have yet to meet the child who would prefer a reprimand to a kiss.



Contrapoint Publishing (25. Februar 2022) Sprache


Englisch Taschenbuch


290 Seiten ISBN-10


1953255183 ISBN-13


978-1953255181 Artikelgewicht


390 g Abmessungen


15.24 x 1.55 x 22.86 cm

5,0 von 5 Sternen

2 Sternebewertungen

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I read a lot and this is one of the most important books of our time. The author walks you through the Marxist/Communist destruction of our family and thus our nation. It is well written, fact-based, and laid out in an understandable way. Love this book and highly recommend it.

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The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage exposes the sinister attack on the nuclear family as the primary strategy in globalism's asymmetric warfare on America. The family must be destroyed in order to collapse America from within and impose the Great Reset of technocracy and transhumanism. The "New Normal" replaces family bonding with feudal bondage in the global Managerial State where you will own nothing and be happy. Globalism's war on America is psychological warfare, an information war fought without bullets. Linda's closing line warns the nation: "Space is no longer the final frontier-reality is."
In the 1995 manuscript for her book Dear America: Who's Driving the Bus? Linda Goudsmit wrote these prescient words: ' It is not a race war, an economic war, or a war between states. It is a psychological battle between states of mind that will determine who has the power in our society, who is in control. ' In that book, published in 2011, she explained with clarity and precision how America was headed for an epic battle between the advocates of freedom and the believers in lifelong dependency. In her new book, The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage, Goudsmit exposes the targeted attacks on the nuclear and national American family designed to collapse America from within. She reveals the psychological mechanisms employed to frighten and manipulate the public; the role of the col
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