The birthday of Julius Evola

The birthday of Julius Evola


May 19th is the birthday of Giulio Cesare Andrea Evola, born in Rome in 1898.

Hail to the Baron who reoriented our thought towards the inexhaustible spring of the Perennial Tradition!

A true Philosopher whose compendious knowledge of religious & spiritual traditions & doctrines with profound understanding of the hidden forces & archetypes governing the world & the human psyche beyond the rational the sensible & the physical, and whose unsurpassable insight shed new light upon the timeless essence of Aryan, Olympian spirituality.

A true Warrior whose intellectual insight helped our people rediscover their fundamental noble and warlike character; so desperately needed in our times, and who sought his calling and practiced his conviction upon the ethereal mountain tops and amidst the bloodiest war fronts.

Julius Evola was the standard bearer of a new breed of mainly European thinkers whose revolutionary ideas (bound & inspired by the purest & finest essences of Aryan wisdom & the profound depths of Aryan traditions), engaged modernity, its suffocating bonds of intellectual rationalism, and its restricting/disorientating notions of individualism & humanism.

The ideas which generated and formed the decadent modern world and almost irreversibly severed the integral bond of the European peoples with the ancient traditions of their ancestors and the eternal realities of the cosmos.

Going against the chaotic, plebeian, all devouring, anti-principial and inverted trends, agitations and pseudo-structures of the modern world, he proposed Order, Hierarchy, Aristocracy, War, Culture and Spirit as the natural and authentic path and orientation of the European peoples, and the enlightened warrior as the highest ideal and the absolute destiny of the European man!

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