The bare-faced cynical lie . .

The bare-faced cynical lie . .

The People's Media

The bare-faced cynical lie that underpins all the other lies


SOURCE: April 11, 2021

by Jon Davy

If you go to the video we have featured here and fast forward it to 1 hour, 15minutes, 56 seconds you will see a screenshot of a government publication and this telling quote:

“Vaccination is the single most effective way to reduce deaths and severe illness from Coovid-19.”

That single sentence incorporates perhaps the biggest, cruellest lie of the whole terror campaign being orchestrated by the subversive globalist faction that has hijacked our government.

Upon it, upon these liars and con men being able to get millions of people to swallow it depends the whole caper.


Covi-19 is a treatable illness. The remedies for it are several (Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D , Budenoside and so forth).

They have a track record of safety and effectiveness and have been around and used in other applications for decades.

In the hands of competent and caring doctors they have been producing remarkable results in terms of (a) prevention (c) alleviating the severity of the illness and (d) significantly reducing fatalities.

Some doctors have achieved pretty much zero fatalities using one or other of these remedies.

This has been known from the outset.

And ignored. Or outright vilified and suppressed and fraudulently discredited in an effort to keep the public from knowing about them and dedicated doctors from using them.

Had these remedies not been suppressed, had their distribution and use been encouraged and backed up with the same energy and resources as those devoted to the experimental vaccines, there would have been no Covid emergency, no fear or panic over a routinely treatable bug, no lockdowns and no excuse to push vaccines on millions of people.

The known remedies were denied in order to keep up the myth that vaccines are the “only answer” for a bug for which there is “no remedy”.

So the government lies, many and egregious, were on two levels:

The first was misrepresentation of the severity of the bug in terms of falsification of the infections and cases stats (mainly through the device of using the flawed PCR test) and gross falsification of the “with covid” fatalities stats and thirdly by glossing over or ignoring the fact that only specific demographics were serious risk and those under sixty and in particular children are at virtually no risk at all.

The second has been the even deeper ongoing lie that underpins the whole psychological warfare operation: the lie that this illness is not treatable and has no effective medicine abe to significantly lessen its severity and prevent the vast majority (and sometimes all) of the fatalities that do occur.

That lie has enabled them to tout the deceit that there is “no other way out” than the vaccine route.

Every humanitarian catastrophe in history has come about because somebody lied.

From the lie of Iraq’s WMDs (weapons of mass destruction), to the lie of Communism, of “This or that God hath commanded us” or “The Catholics/Protestants/Hindus/Sikhs/Muslims are out to get us” or “We are bringing people democracy” or various False Flag EVENTS and so forth, the oppressors, defamers, enslavers and assassins of Man have concocted their justifications and motivations.

The present day suppression of workable remedies for a treatable bug is the klatest in a long and pernicious lineage.

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