The almonds stock information

The almonds stock information

The almond is a defining symbol of the Mediterranean, and its cultivation can be traced back to ancient times. The first recorded use was in Iran where it originated from wild forms grown along shores near salt water bodies such as seas or rivers with salinity levels higher than fresh water lakes. It has been spread across Europe into Africa after humans transported them during different periods over time due mostly because they like their taste better than other nuts found at that location but also some believe almonds are symbolic for abundance since you often see trees full fruit on hillsides cultivating this crop which produces more by weight then anything else save grapes; giving hope when food sources were scarce.

It is the second most expensive tree nut after brazil nuts, which are not botanically a nut but an oily seed called berry. You can grow an almond tree from seed by letting it open pop its shell and basically plant itself. Almonds are classified as stone fruits because they have a pit inside of them just like plums, cherries, apricots, peaches etc… Different subspecies exist that vary slightly in taste or geographical location where they are grown. The Italians have several varieties of almonds usually stored whole then shaved with special graters to garnish their deserts with flakes before serving (I recommend you find these little gems).

Almonds contain all essential amino acids necessary for proper growth and muscle development; about 25% of the Daily Value for protein per ounce. They are also a source of fiber, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, zinc and selenium. Magnesium is an important mineral that helps regulate blood pressure and keep the heart rhythm steady while potassium aids in muscle contraction and nerve transmission. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect cells from damage. Almonds are low on the glycemic index which means they don’t cause a spike in blood sugar levels after eating making them a good choice for people with diabetes or those who are trying to manage their weight.

So go ahead and indulge this holiday season; toast to your health with some delicious warm almonds sprinkled with cinnamon!

Breads baked with almond flour are naturally gluten free.

An important source of protein, minerals and vitamins for a balanced diet.

It's a great combination of a crunchy texture and a sweet taste.

Almond meal can be used to bake both sweet and savory dishes which makes it versatile in the kitchen.

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