The Words

The Words

Sremska Mitrovica

The fettering fear which stops your development like an everlasting wall the end of which you cannot see and limit your opportunities like a warning tape forcing you to go in another way was the sense which came from the idea about saying to someone the words.

Looking at the soul, at deeply, darkness and at unknown part of us, I observed the fear of sharing this holy, gigantic and brightest idea and the words which hiding in me. There was the woman or rather the young lady, from the classic fairy tales, which got me opportunity became more ideal person than I was all my non-right life. I was afraid as a worst and a disgraceful prisoner in the World dread a judge. I had to say it. I am tense as a guitar string in a moment of tearing. The struggle between the part of my mind occupied all sense from angry to calm, from happy to sad, and I cannot stop this demolished battle between the ideas. I can stay with my habits and norms or change myself and go to uncertainty which feels like happy obscurity.

In that knotty moment, she helped me. Her influence and significant came from her attitude to me. She was heavenly merciful and infinitely opened to accept my idea, my words, to take me. It was heavy working for her like for Danko was grievous decision to rip out his own heart to give people a bright future. The young lady understood my feelings and let me get rid of an unbearable burden. Then, it was the moment of the nuclear bomb explosion, the moment of the explosion of an atomic bomb, the moment of the second coming of Christ to earth, the moment of boiling of all feelings, the moment when I said the words which are “Thank you”. Virtuoart

The gratitude and the opportunity say it everyone in the World is crucial and unimaginable component of me, which help me to be the person who I am is and who I am want to be.


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