The Wizard and The Mage

The Wizard and The Mage

Everyone in this story is 18 years or older.


Alia's blood boiled as she bursted into her chambers, stripping off her silk dress. After months and months of continually placating him, hoping he would finally teach her something more than one or two simple incantations, she was done. Done with him and his condescending tone and his sense of superiority. 

Just because he was her teacher did not mean that he could treat her like a servant, making her handle simple kitchen chores and demeaning tasks. She was not your ordinary green girl, from one of the many small villages that scattered the kingdom. She was descended from a line of powerful mages, wizards, and sorcerers, and was supposed to be training in preparation for her role at court. How was this grooming her to become a court mage, one of the most important positions in the kingdom.

She groaned in frustration as she continued to unlace her dress, her hands still shaking. It did not help her situation that her instructor was so attractive. Though he was at least a hundred years old, he looked in his early twenties, since those with magical abilities aged slowly, living hundreds if not thousands of years. His face was young, almost boyish, but his eyes showed his age.

Dark and guarded, his deep green eyes showed no glimpse of the naivety that most young men possessed. Those eyes had seen things, horrible things that she could never understand. And when he looked at her, his mouth smirking, his eyes stern, Alia always froze, as if he could see right through her. She felt her face grow hot as she recalled the way his black silky hair always fell into his face when he was reading, and how strong he was, his muscles hidden beneath stiff black clothing and court robes.

Stop, she thought trying to compose herself. She hated him, and she was done trying to learn from him. She would find another teacher, someone who would actually prepare her for the trials ahead. As she finally stepped out of the dress, confident in her decision, she heard a sharp knock on her door. Now only in a thin cotton shift, Alia froze as another knock rang through her chamber.

Silence, followed by another swift knock. Before Alia could answer, the door burst open, hitting the stone wall behind it with a resounding crack. He stood in the doorway, hair askew, with a ruffled look only frustration could achieve. At first he looked determined, but his face soon shifted, turning a deep shade of pink as he realized what he had just barged in on. She had never seen him blush, and he looked oddly boyish as his eyes ran down her body, his mouth slightly ajar. 

Has he never seen a naked women before, Alia thought. It looked as if he one of the many green boys who ogled the busty merchant's wives who came into town to sell their goods. However, unlike the boys back home, he quickly recovered, only frozen for half a second before composing himself and turning around. Alia then thought she heard him mumble something that sounded vaguely like an apology before shutting the door behind him.


In all his 300 years of existence Magnus had never been more mortified. Sure he had been embarrassed, humiliated, even disgraced on a couple occasions. But regardless of the situation, he had never lost his composure. Until now.

What was it about that girl that embarrassed him so? It was not like she was the first women he had even seen. Though Mangus tended to avoid the company of others, he still had his fair share of experiences. 

So if it wasn't for lack of experience, then what was it? Why was that image of her in that thin shift seared into his brain. Why could he not stop thinking about the way it hung on her, hugging the curves, usually hidden underneath the gowns she wore. Or how the thin cotton exposed her hard nipples, no longer restrained by layers of fabric. And more importantly why could he not stop thinking about sucking them through the thin fabric, hearing her gasp in shock and pleasure and....

God he needed to stop this. She was his apprentice, someone he was supposed to be training. Not someone he should be lusting after, no matter how good she might look naked. He'd had other attractive mages before, but he had never felt this pull to them, this frustrating urge to both argue with her and kiss her. As he struggled to sort out his thoughts he heard a loud knock on his own door, and rushed to answer it, dreading the confrontation awaiting him.


Just knock, she told herself for the fifteenth time. After he had left, Alia had quickly re-laced her gown, ignoring the messy ties and rumpled skirt. However, by the time she reached his door her courage had faltered, and she had now been standing outside his study for a ten minutes, contemplating whether the confrontation was worth it. Her face turned hot as she remembered how he looked at her and she felt a shiver run through her body as she thought about what that look meant. As confident as Alia tried to be, she was still very much a virgin, and had only ever kissed a boy on a dare from some of her school friends. So that look, with all it's hidden meaning was something both dangerous and exciting, full of unknowns and firsts. 

But it didn't matter how he looked at her. Alia was outside his door for one reason and one alone. To request a new teacher. So with determination surging through her, she knocked, pushing down the desires spurred by their earlier encounter.


"I've been thinking and-" Alia started before faltering and meeting her mentor's gaze. 

"What a foreign concept," he replied, his signature smirk appearing on his face. There he was, all cocky and confident again, like the past hour had never happened. Maybe it was the frustration of being talked down to, or the disappointment that the moment hadn't fazed him, but Alia snapped.

"Oh really," she exclaimed. "You're one to talk. Just a glimpse of a woman in her underwear and you were reduced to a speechless mess"

"Why would I be speechless for you? This whole time you've been an insufferable mess, refusing to listen or follow any semblance of instruction. I have never been given a mage so disagreeable, so aggravating, so--"

"Oh and you are so agreeable. No wonder you looked so surprised. I bet you wouldn't even know where to begin with a woman, since you've spent the last hundred years wanking off in a stone tower by yourself. You may hide behind snide comebacks and court titles, but in reality you are just the same as every other village idiot, clueless on how to really please a--" and before she could finish, he kissed her. 


He didn't know how his mouth ended up on hers, but frankly, he didn't really care. All he knew was that his hands were in her hair, her arms wrapped around his neck, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop himself. No amount of willpower could pull him away from Alia's kisses, soft and yielding yet hungry. 

"Don't know how to please a woman, huh," he said softly, breaking the kiss and whispering in her ear. "I'll show you pleasure." 

And with that he pushed her up against the nearest bookcase. Their weight made it rattle, sending a few books onto the floor around them as they sunk to the ground, becoming a pile of limbs and silk. Mangus pulled Alia onto his lap, pushing her hair out of the way to access her neck and collarbone. Alia moaned as he began lightly sucking and nibbling on her tender flesh, his hands roaming underneath her skirts. His fingers grazed her thighs, sending shivers down her spine as he inched closer towards her aching cunt. She felt wetness drip down her lips, running down her thighs and ass, as he continued to trace up and down her thighs.

"Do you think I can please a woman now?" he said, smugly impressed with the obvious effect her had on her.

"Oh shut up," she replied hoarsely, pressing her lips back on his, her hands fumbling with his shirt, trying to unlace and undo all of the elaborate fastenings. 

As she struggled, Mangus skillfully unlaced the back of her gown, pushing it down to reveal the top of her shift. Now that the silk and frills were gone, he could see her hard nipples, brown nubs poking through the thin fabric. He pressed his mouth against them, sucking them through the cotton shift, Alia whimpering in response. Magnus continued assault, his tongue running in tight small circles, as he unlaced the last few ties. As the dress pooled around them, he returned his hand back under her shift, now teasing her outer lips. His touch was soft yet unyielding, as his fingers began to explore her eager cunt, his thumb slowly rubbing the clit in tantalizing circles. Alia bucked against him, shocked by the waves of arousal that were running through her body.

"Can you stay still you insufferable twit," Mangus snapped in her ear before continuing his work on her cunt. Alia pursed her lips in preparation for a sharp reply before succumbing to moans as he pressed a finger at her entrance. His work was slow and steady, moving in and out of her as he nibbled on her neck. 

"Ahhh, Mangus..." she moaned, forcing a grunt out of her instructor.

"You want more," he replied smugly, before lifting her up out of the silk puddle and setting her down on his paper covered desk. Alia looked up at him, his eyes lustful and dark, as he pulled her shift up to reveal her pussy. Brown curls hid her mound, wetness glistening on her slightly parted lips. 

He moved his hands onto her thighs, slowly spreading them apart before getting down on his knees and placing his head between them. He moved expertly, running slow circles around her clit with his tongue. Soon Alia's vision became blurry, her body shaking as he added a finger inside of her cunt, moving it in and out as his tongue teased her tender nub. 

Her moans became louder, turning into screams. He added yet another finger, stretching her out as he slowly fucked her. Alia's mind began to numb, unable to focus on the sensations running throughout her body. She thrashed against the table, screaming in both pain and pleasure, before cumming on her instructor's fingers. She fell back onto the desk, basking in her orgasm, before the reality of her situation began rushing back. She tried to pick herself up off the desk, but stumbled, landing in a pair of familiar arms. 

She felt him pull her flush against him, his dark green eyes staring into hers. 

"Do you want to take back what you said now?" he said softly.

Alia tried to respond, not wanting him to get the best of her, but the next thing she knew, he had set her back on the desk and left, leaving her completely alone and utterly confused.

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