The Witcher 3 Scene X

The Witcher 3 Scene X


The Witcher 3 Scene X
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GHOSTBUSTER: Each time you reach the next phase of this fight, The Caretaker will summon a group of spectres to use as fodder to regenerate his health. Kill as many of these ghosts as you can (while avoiding The Caretaker) in order to prevent him from regenerating his entire life bar.
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This page contains IGN's walkthrough for the main story quest Scenes From a Marriage in the Hearts of Stone expansion for The Witcher 3 .

After arriving at the Von Everec estate, dismount your horse and speak to the peasant shouting into the garden through a hole in the wall. After sending him on his way, venture into the garden to begin searching for signs of the rose.

Inspect the manure sacks, fountain and bench on the south side of the front yard, then the beehives and easle on the north side. Make your way up to the front doors of the manor and use your Witcher Senses to inspect the broken lamp in front of the door.

Follow the trail of the dragged body down the steps and around the south corner of the manor until you reach a gate. Open it and proceed into the rear garden, again using your Witcher Senses to follow the trail towards the rear hedge rows.

The Caretaker is a formidable opponent, primarily because any of his attacks that successfully land will regenerate a large portion of his health. The best strategy for efficiently defeating this boss is to constantly retreat down the long pathways in the garden, then avoid his special attack and rush in to deal damage.

His special attacks come in three phases (in addition to his basic swipe attacks), which advance when you deplete his health past the dividing lines in his life bar:

Phase One: The Caretaker sends a wave of energy towards his opponent. This is indicated by the large blue-green cone that appears on the ground in front of him a few seconds before his attack. Use a backwards dodge or roll to avoid taking damage, then roll towards him and execute an attack combo while he wrenches his shovel from the ground.

After (roughly) 5 seconds, the Caretaker will recover and another energy circle will appear on the ground around him. Dodge backwards (don't roll - the circle isn't wide enough to merit that) to avoid taking damage in the circle and regenerating your enemy's health, then wait for him to execute his energy wave attack once more.

Phase Two: Instead of the energy wave, The Caretaker will channel his power into the blade of his shovel and charge at you. The best way to avoid this is to perform a roll towards him, avoiding the charge either to the left or to the right.

After avoiding the attack, sweep back in to deal damage while he recovers, then avoid his rejuvenation circle and await another charge.

Phase Three: After depleting 2/3 of his health, The Caretaker will begin using both his charge attack and his energy wave. Keep a close watchful eye on his movements to predict what the attack will be, and continue avoiding them and attacking while he recovers until the fight is done.

After dispatching The Caretaker and wrapping your head around the notion of a talking cat and dog, head inside the manor house to search for Iris.

Make your way through the open door on the left of the foyer to enter the parlor, then pick up the sketchbook on the table after the cutscene.

Go through the door to the right (near the front of the building) to enter the main hall, then head up the stairs and follow the landing around to the left. Move through the burned-out study and onto the balcony, then head back inside via the entrance to the guest bedroom to your right.

After moving through the door into the hall, you'll have a short mini-boss fight with a very angry wraith . Use Quen to prevent yourself taking too much damage, and Yrden to slow or deal additional damage.

If her health gets low, she'll activate a healing portal in one of the four paintings along the walls. Strike these with your sword (or a destructive sign) to prevent her from healing or using them to teleport around the arena (this will also grant her a full heal).

Once the spirit has been returned to the proper realm, move through the door at the other end of the hall to enter the master bedroom.

OPTIONAL QUEST ITEM: Before examining the body on the bed, you can pick up the portrait of Olgeird and Iris from the table at the far side of the room. This is not necessary, however, as you (probably) already have her Sketchbook.

Examine the body on the bed to trigger a dialogue with the mysterious animal spirits. After coming to the conclusion that Iris needs her body interred, head down the front steps and into the yard.

Head to the easel sitting beneath the tree, up the stairs at the front of the yard. Interact with it to begin the burial ritual.

Once Iris's spirit appears, follow her through the portal into the painting.

After arriving on the other side of the painting, make your way down into the garden. There are several ghosts that need busting in this area - they're basically Arachnomorphs - so eliminate them and then examine the memory of Iris and Olgeird near the fountain.

There are three items that could be used in this area - a bouquet of flowers , a glass , and Iris's wedding veil . As pretty as she'd look with flowers, it's the cup that belongs in Iris's hand.

After completing the memory, a giant arachno-spectre appears. Defeating it should be fairly simple, providing you maneuver into a position that allows you to dodge and roll a good amount. Once the spectres have been dispatched, head into the house and examine the dining table scene.

To re-create this scene, you'll need to match the lighting to the painting on the wall opposite the table. Use Igni to light the fire in the hearth, as well as the first two sets of candles closest to the head of the table.

Head upstairs into the master bedroom and pick up the bloody towel on the floor near the bed. Place it in the basin next to Olgeird to complete the memory.

Follow the specters out of the bedroom and into the drawing room across the hall. Pick up the glass from the chair near the window and examine the fruit bowl beneath the portrait on the far wall to take the apple and grapes from the dish.

Examine the work-in-progress on the easel to view the proper layout of the items , then place them on the table next to Olgeird with the grapes on the left, the goblet in the center and the apple on the right to complete the scene.

After Olgeird storms out, follow him into his study on the other side of the main hall. Pick up the piece of chalk from the shelf next to the door, then take the beeswax candles from on top of the desk beneath the window.

Examine the pentagram on the floor in the center of the room. When prompted to place the candles, arrange them on the circle surrounding the pentagram . This will complete the memory.

When the cutscene ends, interact with the portrait of the snowscape on the wall to avoid being burned alive.

After emerging into the blizzard , quickly run to the open doors leading into the manor's basement.

Once inside, pick up the marriage contract from the floor in front of the wine barrels, as well as the mug off of the floor next to Olgeird.

Place the mug in von Everec's hand and the marriage contract in the grasp of Iris's father to complete the scene.

After the cutscene ends, slash your way through the spectres (Ghouls), then make your way up the steps to enter the dining hall.

To complete this final memory, first get the food tray from the shelf next to the door you entered from, then the large bowl off the floor on the other side of the room, and finally the small bowl next to that.

Place the small bowl on the floor near the spirit cat , the large bowl in front of the black dog, and finally the food tray in the hands of the Caretaker to complete the memory.

After the cutscene, head across the foyer into the lounge and pick up the letter on the table to face Iris von Everec's Greatest Fear.

When the battle begins, you're surrounded by six phantoms. Here are some basic tips that will help throughout the fight:

After defeating the last phantom, a cutscene will trigger an Geralt will return to the yard of the manor.

Geralt can choose to either take the rose to give Olgeird or not. Doing so will force Iris's spirit from the world, though it will also set the Cat and Dog free. In gratitude they will give you this warnng: "Before we go, some advice - beware of the one called the Man of Glass. Stand in his way, and you'll meet a fate worse than death. Seek salvation in glass that can't be broken."

If Geralt opts to leave her be, he will be transported back to the mortal realm and take a portion of the painting (featuring Iris and her purple rose) to Olgeird instead.

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As a lengthy and certainly creepy quest, here's everything you need to do to complete Scenes From A Marriage in The Witcher 3.
Scenes From A Marriage is a quest in The Witcher 3 's Heart of Stone expansion that plays out Geralt's endeavor to fulfill Olgierd Von Everec's final wish. After showing Olgierd's brother a final hoorah in Dead Man's Party and securing him a particular house through a heist in Open Sesame! Olgierd will ask Geralt to retrieve the rose he gave to his wife as a final farewell the last time he saw her.
Olgierd will direct Geralt to the sprawling Von Everec estate he once shared with his wife. The estate lies north of the Von Everec Family Crypt where Geralt contacted Olgierd's late brother. Upon approaching the rusted front gates, Geralt will hear yelling nearby and discover a thief standing atop a broken part of the property's bordering wall. It doesn't take long for the thief to abandon the partner he was calling for when he catches a glimpse of a towering hooded figure in the distance. Naturally, this is a witcher's cue to investigate further.
By exploring around the estate into the back garden Geralt will come across a freshly doused lamp presumably belonging to the thief's partner, and drag marks leading further into the garden. It is here Geralt will discover the morbid gravesite dug by the estate's caretaker. The Caretaker is one of the creepiest enemies Geralt will have to face throughout the entirety of The Witcher 3 and he proves equally as challenging to fight, that's why we have dedicated an entire guide just to him .
After mastering the unique pattern necessary for taking out the caretaker, Geralt will encounter two spirits in the form of a cat and dog who will periodically guide him throughout the rest of the quest. They'll direct him into the mansion, telling him the lady of the house is in her bed-chamber, but explore the garden before heading inside . Under the gazebo nearby, Geralt will discover an Ornamental Hairbrush , which is one of three items he can collect as an option to use a little later in the quest.
Inside, Geralt will have to work his way up through the dilapidated manor to the bed-chamber which is relatively straightforward when using his witcher senses . Along the way, he will encounter a wraith that pops out of a painting.
Taking on a wraith should come second nature at this point and you can deal with this one using the general tactics of Yrden and a blade lathered in spectre oil , but she does have one trick up her sleeve Geralt will want to be ready for. When the wraith gravitates upwards and emanates a scream effect (depicted by a green wave animation), take notice that a random painting hanging on one of the walls will emulate the same color. Strike these paintings as quickly as possible as this ability allows the wraith to heal herself the same way the caretaker uses his spirits from the grave.
Once the wraith is dispatched, use Geralt's witcher senses to find the other two items that can be used in the next phase of the quest. These are Iris' sketchbook , a small painting of Olgierd and Iris .
Upon entering the bed-chamber, Geralt will find Iris' rotting corpse on the bed. After learning a bit more from the cat and dog, Geralt will decide lying Iris' body to rest is the next logical step, but he will first have to select an appropriate spot for Iris's Grave. The animal spirits will guide Geralt through this portion of the quest as well, telling him about their mistress' character and what she would've liked.
After deciding on a spot near her painting easel in the garden, Geralt will have the option to speak a few words and lie one of the items he has collected from around the manor on Iris's grave. Choose from one of the three items to lay on her grave:
By respectfully lying Iris' body to rest, Geralt will momentarily awaken her.
Once Geralt buries Iris's corpse, the real endeavor begins. Her spirit will awaken and create a portal into a surrealism painted world that mirror's the Von Everec Estate. After following her into the surreal dimension, Geralt will work his way through a series of seven scenes contrived of Iris's fragmented memories . Geralt will need to restore elements within each one to make Iris's memories whole again and sometimes face down her nightmares, thus fully awakening her spirit.
This one isn't a requirement for the quest, but completing it along with the other scenes earns the "Curator of Nightmares" achievement and enriches the tale by painting a fuller picture. Geralt will start in front of a gazebo within the painted realm depicting the Von Everec estate. Inside the gazebo, he will find a scene of Olgierd and his wife Iris and after using his witcher senses to scan the scene he'll find a palette and book to collect. Geralt will need to place them appropriately within the scene to restore Iris' memory.
Find the glass sitting on the fountain's rim and place it in Iris's extended hand . After completing the scene, a cutscene will play out the restored memory, during which Iris will mention her fear of spiders just as a giant arachnid appears between the hedges.
When the cutscene ends, Geralt will need to dispatch the nightmare consisting of the giant spider and several smaller spider minions before moving into the house and onto the next scene.
Heading in the direction of the half-formed nightmare that appears momentarily after dispatching the spiders, enter the manor through the kitchen and continue through until it opens into the dining room where Olgierd and Iris will be sitting to eat with Iris's family. Geralt will have to use igni to set things right in this scene.
There is a painting hanging on the wall opposite the fireplace that Geralt may cross-reference to Iris's skewed memory. The painting depicts that the fireplace and two candelabra sitting on the table closest to the family were alight during the dinner.
After witnessing the tension between Olgierd and his inlaws, Geralt must fight a spectre version of Olgierd .
This scene is broken into two acts. Geralt should make his way through the house from the dining room up to the bed-chamber on the upper level. He'll find Iris sitting on the bed, Olgierd bent over the washbasin on the other side of the room, and a blood-stained towel in-between. Geralt should place the stained rag next to Olgierd at the washbasin.
The scene will then move into the next room where Iris is working on a portrait of Olgierd. The living tableau should mirror the painting Iris is working on, so again, Geralt may use the painting for reference. He'll need to collect the various items seen on the table from around the room , then arrange them on the table as they are depicted in the painting.
The scene will play out and carry over to Olgierd's study, across the way. Geralt will have to take a different path and dispatch a few more spectres instead of following Olgierd directly, but the passageway will lead to the other side of the hall and come out directly in front of the study.
Following Olgierd into his study, Geralt will see a partially completed pentagram on the floor. He needs to fill in the broken lines with chalk and place Beeswax candles along the perimeter circle of the pentagram . The scene reveals Olgierd is trying to break a magically binding contract, which by now Geralt can surmise is the ruffian's agreement with Gaunter O'Dimm. The scene will end with Olgierd setting his study ablaze and Geralt must escape through a wintery painting .
The painting will drop Geralt in the middle of a blizzard in the courtyard where he must run to shelter before the bitter cold depletes his health . running down the curved steps straight ahead and cutting directly across the courtyard, Geralt will run straight through an open cellar door and into the next scene.
In the cellar, Geralt will find Iris, her father, and Olgierd. Geralt will again need to gather items from around the room to restore the proper scene. Olgierd is sitting with something missing from his hand while Iris's father is standing as though reading aloud from a scroll. By exploring the cellar with his witcher senses, Geralt will discover a mug and the marriage contract between Iris and Olgierd.
Continuing upstairs to the private dining room, Geralt will come upon a miserable scene of Olgierd and Iris after Olgierd's heart has completely turned to stone. He has created magical "monstrosities" as Iris calls them; the cat and dog that have been guiding Geralt around the estate and the caretaker he faced in the back garden at the start of the quest. To restore this scene, collect the small and large clay bowls along with the food platter from around the room, then place them as such:
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