The W12 Convention Intended To Be Effortlessly Coordinated Into Any Current Business, Stage or Association

The W12 Convention Intended To Be Effortlessly Coordinated Into Any Current Business, Stage or Association

abeexy platform

What Precisely is W12? 

As said before, W12 is making a decentralized framework in which parties don't have to confide in one another. The convention utilizes blockchain innovation to guarantee the straightforwardness and addressability of exchanges, keen contracts and prophets to guarantee the control of usage of the fundamental phases of the guide by the venture. The W12 arrangement likewise incorporates component for DAO creation and a stage that enables activities to raise reserves by means of Token Sales without beginning expenses or unique specialized information. The W12 convention is intended to be effortlessly coordinated into any current business, stage or association. Within W12 biological community any of the gatherings can without much of a stretch set up a DAO of the required kind: patron, recipient, store or provider. Also, W12 gives a token deal stage, through which activities can move their tokens and effortlessly dispatch raising support battles dependent on the W12 convention. The W12 convention is intended to effortlessly incorporate into any current business, stage or association. Inside the W12 biological system, either gathering can without much of a stretch design a DAO of the required kind: teammate, beneficiary, reserve or supplier. 


The vision stage is to wind up a huge worldwide stage that is equipped for changing important raising support ventures. A stage that will offer speculators a method for making new activities dependent on the computerized economy and decentralization. The W12 blockchain convention enables speculators to get assets through a savvy contract simply after the part has finished on the guide. Satisfaction of the part gone through casting a ballot by financial specialists. 

The Problems 

Trick or extortion; 

High dangers of exchanging assets to ventures at the beginning period; 

The absence of a component for ensuring swarm ICO speculators and members in beneficent undertakings; 

Absence of straightforwardness and staggering expenses while actualizing beneficent ventures. 

The Solution 

They have manufactured brilliant contracts that discharge ICO assets to the task just after the choice of its token purchasers once the undertaking meets its achievements. 

This arrangement enhances returns, since it is shields token purchasers from around 96% of tasks that never achieve any achievements. 

Favorable circumstances of the stage 

Gives the likelihood to restrict the offer of tokens by speculators at the underlying phase of the trade instantly after the ICO to keep the decrease in the cost of the token (when the task actuates the token Hold work). 

Improve the decision of private financial specialist tasks and exchange assets to confide in the board experts. 

Enables tasks to rapidly pull in financing without starting expenses or any extraordinary specialized ability. 

Token Details 

Token – W12 

Stage – Ethereum 

Type – ERC20 

PreICO cost – 1 W12 = 0.0002625 ETH 

Cost in ICO – 1 W12 = 0.00035 ETH 


Pre-deal 33-20% 

Crowdsale 15-0% 

Tokens available to be purchased 240,000,000 

Venture Details 

Min. venture 1.5 ETH 

Tolerating LTC, BTC, ETH 

Circulated in ICO 60% 

Hard top 22500 ETH 



– Quarter IV, 2017 

Client advancement, statistical surveying and task improvement. 

Group meeting. 

Stage engineering advancement. 

Terms of Reference advancement and beginning the commercial center improvement. 

– Quarter I, 2018 

The alpha rendition of the W12 commercial center. 

Terms of Reference advancement and the W12 blockchain convention model improvement. 

+100 undertakings will be added to the W12 commercial center. 

Formation of venture rating framework. 

Formation of token purchaser preparing plan. 

Formation of presentation page for executing the W12 crowdsale. 

Organization enlistment in Singapore. 

Begin making the venture network. 

– Quarter II, 2018 

Enlisting the W12 token purchasers as White List members. 

Propelling publicizing and PR crusades of commercial center and W12 token deal. 

Actualizing the Pre-offer of W12 tokens. 

Advancement of the W12 blockchain convention for issuance and offer of task tokens (with a staged dispensing of assets): 

brilliant card formats for issuing tokens by ventures. 

DAO venture support with the likelihood of casting a ballot by the token purchasers. 

web interface on W12 commercial center for ventures to fill in the parameters of their crowdsale. 

affirmation blockchain transations benefit (ETH, LTC, BCH, ETC, ADA, XLM). 

Testing of W12 commercial center. 

Beginning of relegating a venture rating by the stage clients. 

Adding new highlights to the commercial center (Sandbox usefulness, administrations and specialists segments, abundance bureau, further improvement of the Personal office). 

Creation and A/B testing of high-changing over greeting pages for token purchasers and venture enlistment on the stage. 

– Quarter III, 2018 

Propelling and leading W12 crowdsale. 

Posting the tokens on trades. 

The W12 convention extra highlights advancement: 

for moving tokens issued by tasks outside the stage. 

adding more digital currencies to be utilized to purchase venture tokens. 

robotization device to convey brilliant contracts for the Ethereum blockchain. 

Testing of the W12 blockchain convention. 

Review of the W12 blockchain convention. 

Review of the W12 stage security framework. 

Building up extra usefulness of W12 commercial center, including pay administrations for ventures. 

Beginning of creating portable commercial center application on Android and iOS. 

Propelling the beta adaptation of W12 commercial center. 

Promoting and PR battles of W12 commercial center. 

Engineering advancement and Terms of Reference improvement for a trade. 

Accomplice concurrences with private specialists and rating organizations for scoring the stage ventures. 

– Quarter IV, 2018 

Propelling the advancement of a trade to give liquidity and free token posting for the undertakings having finished the ICO on the W12 stage. 

The main form of portable commercial center application on Android and iOS. 

Propelling a completely practical W12 blockchain convention. 

Propelling an administration for purchasing ETH for fiat monetary forms (to additionally purchase venture tokens for ETH). 

Publicizing and PR battles of commercial center and portable application. 

– Quarters I and II, 2019 

Association of the arrangement of meetings and occasions everywhere throughout the world to draw in token purchasers and activities. 

Adding something like 300 ventures to the commercial center. 

Propelling an administration for purchasing real cryptographic forms of money for fiat monetary forms. 

Continuous advancement of the trade and PAMM accounts, adding new capacities to the commercial center and the versatile application.o 

Propelling a scoring framework giving the master's casting a ballot control being dictated by the aftereffects of his projections and the genuine increment in the cost of the token. 

Testing of portable W12 commercial center applications. 

Portable application security review. 

Arrival of a full-highlighted versatile commercial center application. 

Consenting to accomplice arrangements with digital money trades. 

Publicizing and PR crusades of commercial center and portable application. 

– Quarter III, 2019 

Propelling own trade and stage for making PAMM accounts (exchange of assets to confide in the board).

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 Authore :abeexy

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