The Virtues of Laylatul Raghaib

The Virtues of Laylatul Raghaib

Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Adil ar-Rabbani

Bismillahir Rahamnir Raheem

This night is a holy night, the first holy night of the month of Rajab. It was Laylatul Raghaib, Shukr to Allah ﷻ. Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla sent down a lot of blessings and mercy to this world so that whoever willing takes from them. Whoever makes Dua, whoever wants anything, Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla ordered the angels to respond to them. So they carried out this order until the morning.

Mawlana Shaykh Nazimق used to say that Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla sends His ﷻ mercy and blessings down to this world for everyone, for all people so that whoever wants can take from them. Most people are not aware of it or they don’t care. The angels look around and say, “Those who want from it are that much. What shall we do?” This is the duty of the angels from Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla, to send down mercy and blessings. Their duty is this. So they say, “That much is left. What shall we do?” Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla doesn’t take back what He ﷻ gives. He ﷻ says, “Give it out to everyone who is asking. Split it up. If there is no one to take, give it to those who will take. Give to those who want it, if there are many people who don’t want”. Therefore, for us, for those who show respect to this night, there was great mercy and blessings.

Those who see and know its virtues are aware of it. The rest, as we said, don’t understand. Those who don’t understand are at loss. They think something of themselves and deny it. There is no benefit in denying. The favors of Allah ﷻ are in front of us. We cannot see these, but these are the real favours. These are the necessary things people need in Akhirah. Everyone eats and drinks, but there are these favours also for everyone. Whoever accepts gets benefit. And whoever doesn’t accept is at loss and disappointment.

Last night was also a holy Friday night. It is always holy. There is always virtue in it. But these nights come together – Laylatul Raghaib and Friday night. They don’t come separately. They come together and have more blessings. Shukr to Allah ﷻ, we reached this night. Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla gave us favours and blessings abundantly. May Allah ﷻ not deprive us from this beauty and goodness. May we not be ignorant.

Everyone thinks that he is clever and does all kinds of things. “We are all scholars and educated. We graduated from universities.” None of this brings any benefit. The benefit is in these holy nights, in worship and obedience. We need this in order to be closer to Allah ﷻ. To be close to Allah ﷻ is the most important thing. May Allah ﷻ give strength to our Iman for the honor of this night, because Iman is the biggest strength for us insha’Allah.

Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.


There are recited Khatms, Tasbihat, Ayat and Surahs from all over the world. We gift them to the soul of our Holy Prophet ﷺ, to his Ahl ul Bayt and the Sahabah, all Awliya, Anbiya and Asfiya, to the souls of Mashayikh, to the souls of our deceased relatives. May the good goals of those who have recited be achieved. For happiness here and hereafter, for goodness to come and evil to be gone, liLlahi Ta’ala l-Fatihah.

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