The University Of Turin

The University Of Turin

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General Information About The University Of Turin

The University of Turin, the building is home to 120, with over 75,000 students is one of Italy's oldest and most prestigious universities. Founded in 1404, the University in Turin in different areas of the campus to encourage cultural development, research, innovation, training and employment that provides a different city within the city has been considered.

Also at the University of Turinis proud of its sustainability efforts and is committed to contribute to the sustainable development of the community seriously . Economic, social and environmental sustainability in the last few years with UniTO self-sustainability is dedicated to. 460 euros, employing nearly 3,700 UniTO having an economic value and Human Resources, is closely connected to the local community.

the University of Turin

Today, the largest Italian universities, open to international research and education, which is one of the University of Turin, provides training in various programs outside the field of engineering and architecture. Located among the best in Italy, medical diagnosis, and nanotechnology research centers've biyosensoris are available. College; history, philosophy, law, economics and significant research on topics such as traditional medicine has a tradition. Also currently food science, social politics, IT, Performing Arts and Communication Sciences in important sectors such as itself to develop.

22 32 separated in different areas in the college library. Botanical Garden and “Cesare Lombroso” – the Museum of criminal anthropology and “Luigi Rolando” – is known for its various museums such as the Museum of human anatomy University. University, Egypt on various topics ranging from the network of local museums to contemporary art and pay attention to their own media, radio, television and film production units it manages.

The University of Turin , within according to the latest figures, there are over 75,000 students. Approximately 4.600 percent of them are international students. 69 degrees, 75 degrees, 34 doctoral degree programs offered. 429 professor, professor with an extensive training and has a staff 776.

At The University Of Turin Where?

University of Turin, in the northwest of Italy, and the administrative center of the Piedmont region on the banks of the river Po, Italy's third largest city, is located in Turin.

where is the University of Turin

Celebrities Who Have Graduated From Graduates Of The University Of Turin

1506, Rotterdam-Erasmus received his degree here. In addition, many French and British especially to information as a first step has chosen this university. 20. most of the leading names in the century, Antonio Gramsci, Piero was Nino, Palmiro Togliatti, Massimo Bontempelli, Norberto Bobbio, such as the Italian Cesare Pavese political, social and cultural life of the individuals that play an important role in Salvatore Luria and Nobel Prize winner Rita Levi-montalci you, Renato Dulbecco, presidents Luigi Einaudi of the Italian republic Giuseppe Saragat and the University of Turinand graduated from.

Library Of The University Of Turin

  • 22 32 location spread library
  • Around 3,200 workstation
  • More than 2.900.000 skin
  • Bibliographic around 23,000 new book
  • 237.000 more than online resources (e-journals, e-books, databases, documents, reports)
  • More active users than 17.500
  • More than 1.207.000 visit to the OPAC (online public access catalogue)
  • 135.500 over local and inter library loan

Student Life At The University Of Turin

Student at the University of Turin; throughout the year a wide range of activities, museums, sites, monuments, churches, parks, theatres, thanks to the facilities cultural center. The exciting lifestyle of Turin, is preferred by teenagers and students eager to pursue academic careers in this city. In recent years, major studies have been conducted in order to improve its services to the student community of the city. Turin, a brand new campus, to study a greater number of and the option to stay, transportation, and student-friendly policies, student-oriented city. More than 1,000 Erasmus+ the agreement was made with more than 600 college and around the world 177 cooperation agreements with the University of Turin, students, and supports strongly encourages mobility between countries and disciplines. The city, in the centre of Italy and France because of its proximity to the students can visit many different areas that are close by. Turin Winter sports are also quite popular also.

“25 things to do in Italy” you can browse the rankings.

The University Of Turin “The Buddy Project”

The University of Turin, all new incoming students to have a Buddy you can assign. Unito your buddy for international students and a student at Erasmus + incoming students to the programme and provides support services for educational purposes karsilasama or abroad.

If you're going to a partition, or if you are coming as an exchange student, Erasmus, before we get to Turin, you will be contacted directly by a buddy. Buddy he could meet when you come to Italy, and at the University of Turin , you will be able to begin your experience.

Well, what are the benefits of a buddy?

  • Make new friends
  • Learn Italian language and culture
  • Get the information and clarify your doubts before you leave
  • Offered by the university libraries, study rooms, college canteens, sports activities, etc. get information about the services
  • Health, information about residence and accommodation
  • To fulfill administrative procedures (course enrollment plan your career, exam, registration, etc.)
Buddy Project At The University Of Turin

Place In The World Ranking Of The University Of Turin

  • CWUR World University Rankings 2018-2019 208 in the world. 6 in Italy. are in order.
  • 300 best college rankings ARWU Shanghai 2018-2019 2. are in order.
  • NTU Taiwan 171 in the world Rankings 2018-2019. 6 in Italy. are in order.
  • 2018-2019 U.S. News Best Global Universities rankings in the world, 232. 8 in Italy. are in order.
  • Greenmetric rankings of Universities in the world 2018-2019 Sustainability 47. 2 in Italy. are in order.

If you want a general ranking of Italian universities 500, you can browse what.

Graduates Of The University Of Turin Employment (Employment) Rate

At the University of Turin, graduating at the top of 13900 he gave in 2019. Undergraduate departments and 5-6 percent of them 9400-year graduate graduate departments, 4500% they graduate graduates.

AlmaLaurea 2017 and 2019, according to ISTAT sourced Workforce graduates employment Ratio;

Within 1 year after graduation,

  • Total %61.1 percent have found jobs. (national average %53.5)
  • A graduate of 50.5 percent of them have found jobs. (national average 41.1)
  • 5-6 years of graduate the graduates of the Department %78.2 percent have found jobs. (national average 64.2)
  • 74.7 percent of graduate degree have found jobs. (national average 74.8)

Departments Of University Of Turin

“Bachelor of Science in Italy” and “graduate education in Italy” articles examine, you can get more information.

English Department

  • Business and management
  • Global Transnational Law & Legal Studies
  • Medicine and surgery

The University of TurinDepartment of Medicine and surgery (6 years), except for 3 years old. High school diploma and language proficiency in English for admission is required. Language proficiency exam is held for Tarm. Basic knowledge was tested also for this exam to pass the exam as well as general of where required.

departments of the University of Turin

English Graduate Departments

  • Area & global studies for international cooperation
  • Business Administration
  • Cellular and Molecular Biology
  • Economics
  • European Legal Studies
  • Materials Science
  • Molecular Biotechnology
  • Quantitative finance and insurance
  • Stochastics and Data Science

The University of Turingraduate chapters 2 years. Basic information about the exam the examination for admission section of measured and language are required to obtain a passing score on.

Faculty Of Medicine At The University Of Turin

Faculty of Medicine at the University of Turin

At the University of Turin medical education started in the year of 2017. Faculty of Medicine, which is about 13 km southwest of Turin Orbassano that is named in a town known as San Luigi is located in a teaching hospital. This arrangement for the students to experience and witness the treatments given to the patients to be live, it also allows you to observe various research studies. Includes everything they need for professional medical campus students. On campus; emergency services, hospitals, conference rooms and comfortable first-class medical research laboratories. The campus has a structure proximal to medical school, and makes it easier for instructors and students to communicate easily with other medical professionals. This is also the first year medical school curriculum is designed so that students can do an internship. “The faculty Dorsale Clinica called” a special course type. This special lecture tour, to discuss clinical cases with specific clinical coordinator allows specific student, students will focus on more clinical topics 6. until the year continues.

Also the “study medicine in Italy,” you can examine your position.

University of Turin medical faculty, and the research, there are several research groups that allow the integration of didactic information. In addition, students in the Erasmus Placement Program, job placement, and many more services.

Medical education lasts 6 years at the University of Turin. A single test for admission applies, which is English; the international medical admissions test(IMAT). The cost of testing approximately 130 €.

For detailed information, see “IMAT” you can read the article.

Tuition Fees At The University Of Turin

The University of Turinis calculated depending on family income and fees at the country of origin of the student. Fees 150 € – 3500 € and varies between.

Italy, Europe is one of the countries that offer the most scholarships. You are applying to the college and departmental scholarship opportunities vary. In Italy, each region of the region in its own right, based on the rules defined in scholarships. These scholarships family income, success, and varies according to the personal income students.

At the University of Turin scholarship fees 2000 € – 5500 € varies between.

Also in Italy, fees and scholarships , you can browse topic.

Italy tuition fees in a bank account in Italy

Accommodation and Dormitory at the University of Turin

The University of Turin and international exchange students (Erasmus+, etc.) provides students with dormitory housing. In any case, out-of-school dormitories so special accommodation, rooms and apartments for those who make the choice of accommodation is also available.

Dormitory fees on a monthly basis the average 200 – 450 € between. In Turin, for a single room per month 300 € for a double room around 250€, you will need to pay around. Apartment rent 500 €from starts.

For detailed information, see “accommodation in Italy” you can browse by topic.

A reference at the University of Turin with us for communicatee if you pass it, we can begin your process.


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