The United States carried out a giant operation to guarantee Lula's inauguration, which included the CIA, the White House, the Pentagon and pressure on the Brazilian military

The United States carried out a giant operation to guarantee Lula's inauguration, which included the CIA, the White House, the Pentagon and pressure on the Brazilian military

By @tupireport
The United States government acted behind the scenes of the elections in Brazil in 2022.

According to the Financial Times, the White House began discreet pressure to urge Brazilian political and military leaders to safeguard democracy.

The aim was to emphasize to Jair Bolsonaro 's close allies that Washington would not tolerate any attempt to question the voting process or the result.

To prevent Bolsonaro from questioning the election, US officials launched a coordinated but unannounced campaign with the Brazilian government, including the military, the CIA, the State Department, the Pentagon and the White House.

“It was a very unusual commitment ,” said  Michael McKinley , a former state department official and former ambassador to Brazil, to the newspaper. “It was almost a calendar year of strategy, being done with a very specific objective, not to support one Brazilian candidate over another, but very focused on the [electoral] process, on ensuring that the process worked”, he added.

According to former senior State Department official  Tom Shannon, the effort began with Biden's national security adviser Jake Sullivan's visit to Brazil in August 2021, who left his meeting with the former Brazilian president concerned .

“Sullivan and the team that accompanied him came away thinking that Bolsonaro was fully capable of trying to manipulate the election results or deny them as [Donald] Trump had done ,” he said.

July 2022 — As Bolsonaro launches his election bid a US official reports that the vice-president, Hamilton Mourão, said he agreed with US worries about the possibility of a coup.

Shannon also recalled to the newspaper the conversation he had with  Hamilton Mourão during a visit by the former Brazilian vice president to New York, in July last year.

A day after the conversation between Shannon and Mourão, the US State Department issued an endorsement of the Brazilian voting system, saying that  “Brazil’s capable, time-tested electoral system and democratic institutions serve as a model for nations in the hemisphere and of the world”.

“The US statement was very important, especially for the military ,” a senior Brazilian official told the  Financial Times . “They receive equipment from the US and do training there, so having a good relationship with the US is very important for the Brazilian military. The declaration was an antidote against military intervention ”.

The interference of the Brazilian judiciary is evident in the electoral period

Luís Roberto Barroso, a supreme court judge who at the time headed Brazil’s electoral court, says he also played a part in soliciting the statement from the US state department. 

“I asked [Douglas Koneff, then acting US ambassador to Brazil] a couple times . . . for declarations about the integrity and credibility of our voting system and the importance of our democracy,” Barroso recalls. “He did make a statement, and more than that he got the state department to make a statement supporting democracy in Brazil and the integrity of the system.”

The US embassy declined to comment on details of confidential meetings held during the election period.

The bill for this international support is coming

A large part of the FT report quotes "Tom Shannon, a former senior official at the State Department", who is the one who gives voice to the Brazilian president's charge, in the newspaper's report:

"For the Biden administration, relations have improved, but there are frictions with the new administration. Lula has shown little recognition of the US campaign. His visit to Washington in February was low-key and lasted a day. In April, he took a large delegation to China to three days in two cities. On that trip, Lula rejected US sanctions on Huawei, criticized Western military support for Ukraine and endorsed Beijing's push for alternatives to the dollar. A spokesman for Lula insists he spoke in Washington about 'the defense of democracy and threats from the far right' and that a longer trip is being considered. 'People here understand that there will be differences,' says Shannon. took people by surprise...It's like he doesn't know or doesn't want to acknowledge what we've done'."

See more:

January 8 in Brasilia – a semi-false flag operation?

MORAESGATE: How did an endless investigation and repudiated by various Brazilian institutions ensure that a minister invaded the entire private life of a former President?

Will the European money to protect the Amazon end up in the pockets of NGOs?

 American interference in Brazilian elections: Why does it matter? (1/2)

American interference in Brazilian elections: Why does it matter? (2/2)

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Brazil's mineral riches are incalculable. Globalists and communists know this very well. FHC made it easy for the globalists to rob us. Lula, in his first two mandates, then opened his legs for the Chinese communists to dominate the world and financed the communists of Latin America with our money, in order to create the great mother country. The election of Jair Bolsonaro interrupted this cycle momentarily. Bolsonaro tried to make it difficult for parties to extort these riches: globalists and communists. So BOTH found a way to bring back the thief. The solution was to put a communist (Lula) together with a globalist (Alckmin), in an agreement (with the participation of Alexandre de Moraes, according to Bolsonaro himself) to 'divide' things well and PURGE Jair. Biden (meaning the 'Deep State') INTERFERED in the Brazilian elections. Follow the timeline:

The Democratic Party influenced the elections in Brazil

June 10, 2022- Bolsonaro visits Biden and asks for the support of the American government to help him in the process of auditing the polls. BIDEN IGNORED.

October 28, 2022 – 31 politicians from the American left party, the Democrats, wrote a letter to Joe Biden stating that he should have a plan to interfere in Brazil if Bolsonaro did not recognize Lula’s victory.

October 29, 2022 – Biden is committed to defending the transition from the Bolsonaro government to Lula, in case Bolsonaro DOES NOT RECOGNIZE the defeat.

October 30, 2022 - Biden and Europeans (globalists) rush to recognize Lula's victory.

October 31, 2022 – Joe Biden congratulates Lula and praises “clean, fair and credible” elections

November 03, 2022 – Fox News accuses Biden and CIA director of having interfered in the Brazilian elections.

Biden interfered and influenced the Brazilian election process with the clear objective of electing Lula! Why? Biden wants Lula as an ally.

October 31, 2022 - Joe Biden calls Lula to congratulate him for the victory: 'We are putting together a team to discuss what to do TOGETHER '

December 5, 2022 - Biden sends a man of his trust to make the first negotiations or 'collections' for his support for Lula's election.

February 10, 2023 – Lula visits Biden in the US; Biden (globalist) helped Lula (communist) and they signed an official 'cooperation' agreement on 02/10/2023, but effectively everything was just words and a photo to illustrate.

March 04, 2023 – Lula receives Iranian ships After visiting Biden, UNEXPECTEDLY two large Iranian ships (a kind of aliexpress for Russians and Chinese) stay for almost 10 days docked in Brazilian waters. What was inside those ships? Why would Lula accept ships from the enemies of his biggest supporter and likely person responsible for his election? Was it worth taking such a risk? COINCIDENTLY, it was precisely this fact that changed the way Lula began to treat Joe Biden from then on.

LULA SPITS ON 'HELP' TO ELECT HIM AND BETRAYS BIDEN April 13, 2023 - Lula arrives in China and is welcomed by Xi Jiping. The communist trade unionist did not think twice and opened the 'vault' for China – he closed 15 BILLIONAIRE agreements – which he did not do on a visit to Joe Biden. Lula is audacious, or stupid: he criticized the use of the dollar as a currency in international negotiations. In practice, this means touching the money of globalist billionaires and, to boot, supporting the transfer to their 'enemies', the Chinese. Biden sent diplomats to talk to Lula, who he IGNORED. Biden made veiled threats, in code, showing his dissatisfaction with Lula's betrayal.

April 15, 2023- Lula again ignored and doubled down on the bet: on his trip to the United Arab Emirates, he severely criticized the Americans, defended the Russians and interfered with a sacred territory of the globalists – Ukraine. Biden left Bolsonaro talking to the walls when he signaled help to investigate election 'irregularities'. Biden also used American 'influence' in other ways to benefit Lula, in the hope that Lula would open the 'vault' of national wealth for globalists to suckle, as they did in the FHC era. She broke her face.

April 17, 2023 – After several unsuccessful attempts to 'dialogue with Lula', Biden sends his ambassador – Elizabeth Bagley – to CNN Brasil on April 17, for a 'courtesy' visit.

April 19, 2023 -Two days later, CNN – the main communication channel of the globalists – brings EXCLUSIVELY an excerpt from a video that created the beginning of a tsunami for the Lula government.

April 21, 2023 – 'Unexpectedly', two days later, Minister Alexandre de Moraes breaks the secrecy of ALL IMAGES OF JANUARY 08.

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