The Three Daughters of King O'Hara (5/17)

The Three Daughters of King O'Hara (5/17)


Три дочери короля О’Хара

The youngest daughter comforted him (младшая дочь успокоила его). "There is no danger to you (для тебя нет никакой опасности)," said she, "for wherever I am (так как, где бы я ни была), you'll be (ты будешь /тоже там/), and wherever you go (и куда бы ты ни пошел), I'll follow (я последую /за тобой/) and take care of you (и позабочусь: «возьму заботу» о тебе)."

The youngest daughter comforted him. "There is no danger to you," said she, "for wherever I am, you'll be, and wherever you go, I'll follow and take care of you."

When all was ready for the feast at the castle (когда все было готово для пира в замке), and the company were assembled (и гости собрались: «были собраны»; company — общество, компания; гости, общество; to assemble — созывать; собираться), the king was for banishing the white dog (король был за то, чтобы выгнать белого пса: «за изгнание белого пса»; to banish — изгонять, подвергать изгнанию; прогонять, выгонять, выдворять); but the youngest daughter would not listen to her father (но младшая дочь и слышать не хотела своего отца), — would not let the white dog out of her sight (не хотела выпускать белого пса из виду; to let /let/ — позволять; пускать; выпускать; sight — зрение; поле зрения, предел видимости), but kept him near her at the feast (но держала его рядом с собой на пиру; to keep /kept/), and divided with him the food (и разделяла с ним еду) that came to herself (которая подавалась ей самой; to come /came, come/ — приходить, идти; доставаться).

When all was ready for the feast at the castle, and the company were assembled, the king was for banishing the white dog; but the youngest daughter would not listen to her father, — would not let the white dog out of her sight, but kept him near her at the feast, and divided with him the food that came to herself.

When the feast was over (когда пир закончился: «был окончен»), and all the guests had gone (и все гости ушли; to go /went, gone/), the three sisters went to their own rooms in the castle (три сестры пошли в свои собственные комнаты в замке).

When the feast was over, and all the guests had gone, the three sisters went to their own rooms in the castle.

Late in the evening (поздно вечером) the queen took the cook with her (королева взяла с собой кухарку; to take /took, taken/), and stole in to see what was in her daughters' rooms (и крадучись пошла посмотреть, что было в комнатах ее дочерей; to steal /stole, stolen/ — воровать, красть; красться, прокрадываться, скользнуть /куда-л./). They were all asleep at the time (они все спали: «были спящими» в это время). What should she see by the side of her youngest daughter (и кого же она увидела рядом со своей младшей дочерью; side — сторона, бок; место рядом; by the side of smb. — рядом с кем-л.) but the most beautiful man (как не самого красивого мужчину) she had ever laid eyes on (которого она когда-либо видела: «на которого она когда-либо положила глаза»; to lay /laid/).

Late in the evening the queen took the cook with her, and stole in to see what was in her daughters' rooms. They were all asleep at the time. What should she see by the side of her youngest daughter but the most beautiful man she had ever laid eyes on.

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