The Three Daughters of King O'Hara (16/17)

The Three Daughters of King O'Hara (16/17)


Три дочери короля О’Хара

The princess blew the whistle again (принцесса снова дунула в свисток; to blow /blew, blown/). A fox and a hawk came to her (лиса и ястреб пришли к ней). She caught and put them into two boxes (она поймала и поместила их в две коробки; to catch /caught/; to put /put/), which the washerwoman had with her (которые были у прачки с собой: «прачка имела с собой»), and took them to her new home (и взяла = отнесла их в свой новый дом; to take /took, taken/).

The princess blew the whistle again. A fox and a hawk came to her. She caught and put them into two boxes, which the washerwoman had with her, and took them to her new home.

When the henwife's daughter went home (когда дочь птичницы ушла домой), she told her mother about the whistle (она рассказала своей матери о свистке; whistle — свист; свисток). Away ran the henwife to the queen, and said (птичница побежала прочь, к королеве, и сказала), "That strange woman has a whistle (у той незнакомки: «незнакомой женщины» есть свисток) that brings together all the birds of the air (который собирает всех птиц небесных: «приводит в одну группу всех птиц воздуха»; to bring — приносить, привозить; together — вместе, совместно; в одну группу, воедино), and she'll have your husband yet (и она все же получит твоего мужа), unless you take her head (если только ты не лишишь ее головы: «не заберешь ее голову»)."

When the henwife's daughter went home, she told her mother about the whistle. Away ran the henwife to the queen, and said, "That strange woman has a whistle that brings together all the birds of the air, and she'll have your husband yet, unless you take her head."

"I'll take the whistle from her, anyhow (я заберу у нее свисток в любом случае; anyhow — во что бы то не стало, в любом случае; как-нибудь, любым путем, так или иначе),'' said the queen. So she sent for the whistle (итак, она послала за свистком; to send /sent/).

The princess gave answer (принцесса ответила; to give /gave, given/ — давать; answer — ответ) that she would give up the whistle (что она отдаст свисток) if she might pass one night with the queen's husband (если она могла бы провести одну ночь с мужем королевы).

The queen agreed (королева согласилась), and gave him a draught as on the other nights (и дала ему глоток /сонного зелья/, как и в предыдущие: «другие» ночи). He was asleep (он спал: «был спящим») when the princess came and when she went away (когда принцесса пришла, и когда она ушла прочь).

"I'll take the whistle from her, anyhow,'' said the queen. So she sent for the whistle.

The princess gave answer that she would give up the whistle if she might pass one night with the queen's husband.

The queen agreed, and gave him a draught as on the other nights. He was asleep when the princess came and when she went away.

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