The Structure Of 4 Types Of Dental Implants, And How It Works

The Structure Of 4 Types Of Dental Implants, And How It Works

J4 Dental Implants Center

After losing some teeth is common to become conscious while smiling. The lost teeth not only make your face shape irregular, but you also face difficulty in regular mouth functions such as eating, chewing, and speaking. The best dental implants Santa Clarita, CA, helps in keeping the jaw bone intact as the jaw bone shrinks due to bone loss. Dental implants secure nearby gums and teeth from getting infected. To keep the adjacent teeth stable and healthy and to improve the quality of life, dental implants are necessary. Apart from that, dental implants are one of the most common and less painful ways to get the shape of your restored.

Reasons For The Tooth Loss:

  • Tooth decay
  • Root canal failure
  • Gum disease 
  • Trauma to the mouth 
  • Excessive wear and tear
  • Congenital disabilities

The Structure Of Dental Implants And How They Work:

A dental implant is a combination of three different pieces. All three pieces have different functions to perform.

  1. The Screw: It is the most critical piece of an implant. The screw is always connected to the jaw bone, working as the root of the teeth.
  2. The Abutment: The abutment is a structure connecting the implant's upper and lower parts.
  3. The Crown: It is known as the fake tooth in ordinary language. It is the only visible part of a dental implant. It is fixed on the top of the abutment. Porcelain is used in the making of a Crown. Porcelain is a tooth-colored material. The Porcelain made crown resembles the shape and looks of your natural teeth.

Benefits Of Dental Implants:

  • A dental implant prevents other tooth or bone loss.
  • It reduces the chances of facial collapse.
  • It helps in filling in the gap between teeth.
  • It helps prevent issues such as overcrowding or shifting.
  • It helps in enhancing speech and pronunciation.
  • Secure your jawbones and teeth from further loss.
  • Durable and cost-effective.
  • No special cleaning is required, and low maintenance.
  • Designed to look like your natural teeth.
  • It helps in improving your self-esteem.

Types Of Dental Implants:

1. Single Tooth Implant: It is clear from its name that this implant is ideal for replacing a single tooth. The purpose of this implant is to provide esthetics, comfort, and function to the patient. A Single Tooth Implant requires one dental crown, abutment, and implant screw to connect with the jaw.

2. Implant-Supported Bridge: Implant-supported bridges are ideal for people who need more than one missing tooth to be replaced. The eating and speaking functions of a tooth can be restored. Full mouth dental implants Santa Clarita connect and support the remaining teeth in the mouth. The eating and speaking functions of a tooth can be restored.

3. All-on-4 Dental Implants: When a patient is looking to replace several missing teeth, All-on-4 implants are recommended. Multiple teeth implants Santa Clarita is an intensive solution for restoring the entire upper or lower jaw. This is a permanent solution to a tooth problem.

4. 3-on-6 Dental Implants: It is an alternate solution for All-on-4 Dental Implants as it uses a 3-on-6 implant. It is a less costly and quick solution.

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