The Story of Sabai

The Story of Sabai

The Origin

For over 12 years, we've been working with real estate and successfully implementing our own development projects. At one moment, after selling real estate for $35 million in cryptocurrency, we decided to shift our focus to tokenization to take our business to a whole new level. However, the existing solutions for real estate tokenization on the market couldn't completely meet our requirements. Therefore, in 2021, we embarked on developing our own solution — the Sabai Protocol.

Unexpected Side Effects

Soon, we realized that we were developing a versatile tool that would be suitable for tokenizing not only real estate but also other assets and businesses.

However, creating the tool is only half the battle. It needs to be tested, preferably in real-world scenarios. This led us to the idea of creating two products based on the Sabai Protocol — a platform for investing in resort real estate, Sabai Property, and a tokenized game with Play-and-Earn mechanics, Sabai World. To facilitate interaction between users and Sabai products and to attract investments, we released the Sabai Ecoverse token.

The Superpower

Upon realizing the strength of the solution we had created, we decided not to keep Sabai Protocol as an internal product of the ecosystem and introduced it to the B2B market. Immediately after its release, we received several dozen applications from potential partners in various sectors of the economy: real estate, game development, investment funds, industry, green energy, and so on.

To meet our client's needs, we developed Sabai Academy, a platform for training client teams on integrating tokenization and Sabai Protocol tools into their business processes.

What’s next

Sabai Property has evolved into a full-fledged investment platform, currently listing properties totaling $1,073,000. By the end of summer 2024, our aim is to have properties listed with a total value surpassing $10,000,000.

Sabai World has also progressed, entering the beta testing phase by 2024. Thanks to the integration of tokenization tools, the project has delivered noteworthy metrics, exceeding even the team's most optimistic projections. Our goal is to continue enhancing these metrics upon release.

The Sabai Protocol token has been integrated into all ecosystem products and B2B processes. Presently, the token is traded on BitMart (CEX) and Uniswap (DEX) across the Ethereum and Polygon networks. In 2024, we intend to broaden the availability of exchanges for trading the Sabai Ecoverse token.

Cross your fingers for us! The story continues… 🤞

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