The Shock of a Lifetime

The Shock of a Lifetime

My wife and I have been together nearly twenty years now. And nineteen of them married. We have raised three beautiful children to become good solid young adults who all live productive lives. Sheila and I met in Grade school and became friends. We dated in high school and college. I ask her to marry me while we were in college and we were engaged for two years living together the last one before we married. 

Sheila got PG the first year we were engaged. Nearly a year later we moved in together Faith was 3 months old and Sheila as PG again. She was PG the third time by 3 months when we got married. Sheila spent the first five years of our marriage raising kids and working part time jobs. 

While I went on to school and became an Doctor. Once I had my practice started I sent her back to school. She soon was an ER nurse and going on for her degree as a Doctor too. Sheila has been an MD for many years now and between the two of us we have made lots of money. Our lives were as nearly perfect as I could ever dream of and then I got the first video on my phone. 

The first video was in a motel room and a nude woman walking away from the guy taking it and going into the bathroom. When she turned into the bathe the side of her face as partly shown and she looked a lot like Sheila! The second one came 3 hours later. The same lady leaving the room fully dressed in a very nice dress and again it looked a lot like my wife. 

There was nothing for three days. 

Sheila left for a week refresher in LA. and that night a got another video. A tall leggy woman of undetermined age walking in a mostly dark room into a bathroom with a light on . When she turned into the bathroom her big bare breasts reflected the light off them and the side of her beautiful face reminded me of Sheila. A very large black man who was very naked then followed the woman into the bathe. 

I was nearly asleep when my phone went off again. A video came in again. Same room but light was on now. and the phone was held by someone. A tall well built naked woman came out of the bathroom. And as she came into the lights of the room I knew Sheila's breasts first and then her face came fully into the lights. She stood naked beside the bed facing the hand held camera. as she bent to take something out of her suit case a naked negro male came from the bathroom to behind her. His hands came around her and his hands cupped her bare breasts. 

"Come on Baby, we want some more of this pussy now." 

The video ended. He went back and looked again and again. No doubt about it. It was his wife naked and the black man had cupped her bare breasts. His statement was one of the fact she had just fucked them. Them? Yes, he'd said we. I had no idea what she was doing but it excited me. My wife was still going to be gone the better part of a week yet. 

I thought about and watched the video over and over. Someone wanted me to know Sheila was having sex with others. And not just others, but negro others. I got two more videos in the next few days. Both showing Sheila naked in hotel rooms with nude men with her. 

My wife got home a few days later. We greeted each other as usual and made love like two people in love for many years. The sex was very good as usual. As we lay in the glow of our lovemaking I rolled over and got my phone I pushed play and handed her the phone. She watched and her face turned very red. It ended and she handed it back. 

She rolled to face me. 

"So I wondered when this would happen? Calvin has wanted this to happen and it seems he now has made it happen himself." 

"So is this Calvin in any of these videos?" 

"Dave, I met Calvin over ten years ago at school just before I got my degree in med school And we became friends. It was when I was up in Michigan finishing up. We spent time together. I went out with him socially a few times. I enjoyed him and I admit I was sexually interested in him." 

"You were dating him openly? Wasn't that dangerous for you at school?" 

"No not under the situation we were in." 

"Our liberal colleges are so happy with interracial relationships, even if the parties are married." 

"Interracial? So your friend you were dating is a black? 

"Yes and I woke up naked in his bed with my pussy full of cum. And his arms around me. I know I was slipped something. I remember nothing before. But the damage was done and I openly fucked him once I woke up. And once it began his cock was in me all the time." 

"So this Calvin is black?" 

"Yes and he has been my boyfriend for nearly ten years and my Pimp for over nine." 

"Your pimp? Sheila, how on earth is that even possible?" 

"Calvin has a network with a group of companies run by the most powerful black men in the world and I am just one of the small goodies provided for them." 

"You mean he actually pimps you off to these customers?" 

"Yes, that is exactly what he does." 

As the following weeks went by I took lots of time thinking about my wife's second job. And we spent lots of time honestly talking about it. Sheila admitted she had adapted to her role as a high quality prostitute. And had finally had to admit she felt very sexy being owned by a colored pimp. And she finally did admit she has the best sex of her life when he fucks her. 

She also explained the most rewarding was our sex. I finally had to admit to her that it was also exciting to me that a pimp owned her and provided her to his customers. 

"Sweetheart, are you ready for me to go to work?" 

I thought about it for a few minutes. 

"You have an assignment to go to?" 

"Yes, I am to go to LA for two weeks to a customers house." 

"A regular customer, Honey?" 

"I am very excited by this trip, no this is a new customer and these men are some I have never been with before." 

Sheila flew out the next morning. She called twice in the two weeks she was gone and confirmed she was having a very good time. I couldn't believe she was actually a call girl. And I couldn't wait for her to get home. 

I picked her up at the airport when she flew in and took her right home. We lay in bed and cuddled. 

"My you were glad to see me." 

"Yes, I was very glad to have you home with me." 

"And the 18,000 dollars I just deposited in our account for us too." 

"And how many guys did you fuck for that amount?" 

"Actually I have had 12 new lovers so I guess I made good money doing it. Of coarse There is Calvin and his fun." 

"So Calvin fucks you some?" 

"Calvin is my pimp, Sweetheart he fucks me when he wants. And I need to tell you I will be gone a while tonight." 

"Calvin wants your pussy tonight?" 

My wife just nodded. 

"You enjoy Calvin?" 

"You, Dear are the love of my life and our sex is wonderful. But Calvin has the largest cock I have ever seen on a human and he knows how to use it. The first time he fucked me he told me he wanted to sell my pussy to other colored men. And I agreed to let him. His cock is that good." 

"So your pussy really does belong to him?" 

"No it belongs to both of you, but please don't ever make me choose." 

"So it would be Calvin over me?" 

"I didn't say that at all. I have told Calvin the same thing, to please not to ever ask me to choose." 

"And if you had to make the choice?" 

"That my Dear is the problem. I just don't know?"

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