The Shee an Gannon and the Gruagach Gaire (13/15)

The Shee an Gannon and the Gruagach Gaire (13/15)

Эльф Ганнона и Смеющийся Груагах

"Well (ну)," said the woman, "I have three sons (у меня есть три сына), and they used to play hurley (и они обычно играли в /ирландский/ хоккей на траве) with the three sons of the king of the Sasenach [English] (с тремя сыновьями короля Sasenach [англичан]), and they were more than a match for the king's sons (и они были достойными соперниками королевичам: «они были более чем равными по силами противниками сыновьям короля»; match — человек, подходящий под пару, ровня; равный по силам противник, соперник).


"Well," said the woman, "I have three sons, and they used to play hurley with the three sons of the king of the Sasenach [English], and they were more than a match for the king's sons.

And it was the rule (и правилом было то = и по правилам) that the winning side should give three wallops of their hurleys to the other side (что победившая команда должна была дать = нанести три сильных удара своими хоккейными клюшками другой = проигравшей команде; side — бок, сторона; /спорт./ сторона, команда); and my sons were winning every game (и мои сыновья выигрывали каждую игру), and gave such a beating to the king's sons (и так отлупили сыновей короля; to beat — бить; beating — биение; битье, порка; to give /gave, given/ — давать; to give smb. a good beating — отлупить кого-л.) that they complained to their father (что те пожаловались своему отцу), and the king carried away my sons to London (и король увез моих сыновей в Лондон), and he is going to hang them there today (и он собирается повесить их там сегодня; to hang — вешать, подвешивать; вешать, казнить)."


And it was the rule that the winning side should give three wallops of their hurleys to the other side; and my sons were winning every game, and gave such a beating to the king's sons that they complained to their father, and the king carried away my sons to London, and he is going to hang them there today."

"I'll bring them here this minute (я приведу их сюда сию же минуту)," said the cowboy.

"You have no time (у тебя нет /на это/ времени)," said the Gruagach.

"Have you tobacco and a pipe (есть ли у тебя табак и трубка; pipe — труба; курительная трубка)?" asked the cowboy of the Gruagach (спросил пастух Груагаха).

"I have not (нет: «я не имею»)," said he.


"I'll bring them here this minute," said the cowboy.

"You have no time," said the Gruagach.

"Have you tobacco and a pipe?" asked the cowboy of the Gruagach.

"I have not," said he.

"Well, I have (так вот, у меня есть)," said the cowboy; and putting his hand in his pocket (и, сунув руку в свой карман), he took out tobacco and a pipe (он вытащил табак и курительную трубку), gave them to the Gruagach (отдал их Груагаху), and said (и сказал),

"I'll be in London and back (я побываю в Лондоне и /вернусь/ обратно) before you can put tobacco in this pipe and light it (прежде, чем ты сможешь набить табаком эту трубку: «положить табак в эту трубку» и поджечь его; to light — зажигать; прикуривать /сигарету и т.п./)."


"Well, I have," said the cowboy; and putting his hand in his pocket, he took out tobacco and a pipe, gave them to the Gruagach, and said,

"I'll be in London and back before you can put tobacco in this pipe and light it."

He disappeared (он исчез), was back from London with the three boys all safe and well (вернулся из Лондона с тремя юношами: «мальчиками» здоровыми и невредимыми; safe — безопасный, находящийся в безопасности; невредимый), and gave them to their mother (и отдал = вернул их их матери) before the Gruagach could get a taste of smoke out of the pipe (прежде, чем Груагах смог попробовать: «получить» вкус дыма из трубки; taste — вкус /чувство/; вкус /свойство пищи/).

"Now come with us (а теперь идемте с нами)," said the cowboy to the woman and her sons (сказал пастух женщине и ее сыновьям), "to the wedding of the daughter of the king of Erin (на свадьбу дочери короля Ирландии)."


He disappeared, was back from London with the three boys all safe and well, and gave them to their mother before the Gruagach could get a taste of smoke out of the pipe.

"Now come with us," said the cowboy to the woman and her sons, "to the wedding of the daughter of the king of Erin."

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