The Secret of Candlestick 🕎 Charting 💹. Strategies for Trading the Australian 🇦🇺 Markets
👓 Louise BedfordThe Secret of Candlestick 🕎 Charting 💹. Strategies for Trading the Australian 🇦🇺 Markets
✅ Most traders on the ASX are familiar with line and ➕ bar charts 📊, but there has never before been a book 📚️ written 🖋️ in Australia 🇦🇺 on the ancient Japanese 🇯🇵 art 🎨 of candlestick 🕎 charting 💹. Louise Bedford, author of the highly successful The Secret of Writing ✍️ Options, writes ✍️ in a clear, concise way and ➕ uses plenty of examples to help readers understand candlesticks 🕎 and ➕ use them ➡️👥 to profitably trade the markets.
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