The Secret Behind Good Web Content

The Secret Behind Good Web Content

Sam Cherry

For web sites that post messages that are full of misspellings, long words, improper grammar and lot of typing errors, this will only make the reader wary of visiting the web site. It is certain that none of us will be interested in visiting a website that makes us work hard.

If you want your reader’s rapt attention and make him or her visit your web site again and again, then the secret lies in being short and “to the point”. However this works best when you are able to generate “good positive attention” from your readers and not “negative attention”.

Hosting web articles in web pages that are aesthetically correct by being neat and tidy will ensure that you gain a lot of visitors to your web page, who are willing to visit the contents you host, again and again. Imagine this: You got to know about one of the fast food joints that newly opened up in your local neighborhood from one of your friends. So on the way back home from work, you stopped by the new fast-food joint to take-away some goodies for the evening. The ambience looks good and the locality is just perfect, so you walk-in to the joint. However, once in, you notice the poor upkeep of the fast-food joint and the unhygienic conditions of its service executives. Will you really feel uncomfortable buying your goodies for evening for free on itunes?

The above comparison between a fast-food joint and web content might not sound right at the first instance. However, believe me, it is nothing different from each other. You will only be able to build trust and higher comfort levels with your visitors and prospective clients only by hosting neat, appealing, and clean web content every time a reader visits your web page.

If your web page contains messy and ill-written articles it is only going to make your visitor feel uncomfortable and he or she is going to avoid visiting your web page the next time. The best way to ensure that your web page is one that attracts visitors and prospective clients all alike and does not repel them is by remembering the acronym “Get It All”.

So, what is “Get It All?”

‘G’ stands for Get an extra pair of eyes to look at your article and the web content with an “outsider’s” outlook‘E’ stands for pay Extra attention to spelling and grammar‘T’ stands for Telling your message with appealing words and not to rely on graphics alone‘I’ stands for Italics, Capital words and Bold letters should be used lesser number of times‘T’ stands for Take good enough time to go through the entire content completely once forwards and another time backwards, too‘A’ stands for Always have one last look before you finish your content‘L’ stands for Letting all content a cooling period of one complete day before you finally edit it‘L’ stands for Losing any and all guess work with respect to spelling, grammar and correct meaningful words.

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