The Round Table of King Artus (Arthur)

The Round Table of King Artus (Arthur)

A medieval replica of King Arthur's legendary table, the Round Table hanging in Winchester Castle was decorated by Henry VIII.
The Spinal column of Adam Kadmon, the "primordial-man", "Urmensch" - Double Hag-All

The doubled Hagall rune is the symbol of eternity, rebirth, resurrection. It is also the "spinal column" with the 12 thoracic vertebrae of Adam Kadmon (primordial-man), who fills the world with his body and spirit. It is the heavenly body of the celestial zodiac, "Widerrist", what dissolves into "wid-Arist", or "Widar ist". Widar is the Widdar, the ram (Aries), with which the celestial rotation in the earth and solar year begins anew.

By doubling the Hagall-Rune and by coupling the male and female foundation of the universe. By superimposition, the Zodiac emerges with its twelve-parts symbolically represented by its two main parts, namely the IS-Rune and the X-Cross (the World-Cross), written runically as IX and IX which equals a double Hagall as such:

or 2 x 6= 12. However, if we address the characters as Roman numerals, which are of course also taken from the runic canon, which we can only briefly mention here without going into details, put IX + IX, we get 2 × 9 = 18, which corresponds to the 18-part Futhark runic series. Thus, from the same hieroglyphs, that is, sacred symbols, there is a doubling and a tripling of the "Sacred Hagal", which is not accidental. Anyway, here the Hagall rune also proves to be the total content of the row of 18 runes.

The FA or Father-Runes, The Hag-All or Son-Runes, The Bat or the Spirit-Runes. Compare to the Zodiac-Clock

It is occasionally used as a bind-rune or a heraldic rune, characterized by the attachment of the threefold lily on each of the six end beams, i.e. 3 × 6 = 18, which equation also indicates the division of the rune series into the 6 Father or Creation Runes, the 6 Son Runes and the 6 Spirit Runes, again illustrating the Holy Trinity and the sanctity of triplicity. Once we have reached the level of 18, then a further reduplication, a copulation leads us to the number 36. Two times 18 = 36. Furthermore, according to another calculation the number 18 = 3 × 6 already contains the number 36, if we read 3 + 6 as a transverse sum, namely 36 as a coupling read as a combination by superimposition. These are not idle number games, but mathematical-metaphysical tools on the path to final conclusions.

36 is the number of the Holy Grail (des heiligen Gral). The Gral is in its highest meaning none other than the holy vessel of the cosmic heaven, the 3 × 6-part double Hagall rune. The word Gral is separated into the two primal/Ur-syllables "kar" and "al". Kar is still the old-nordic word for the cup! So Kerr-al = Gral. The syllable kar, ker, cor, chor, corpus, korb, kir means in all languages the enclosed. So "Kar-al" = the enclosed All (Universe/Kosmos), the Hag-All. Therefore, Kraal on the earthly plane is called the cherished rural farm settlement with "livestock enclosures." The Gral is therefore so to speak the heavenly pasture of the stars.

** It is interesting to note, that there are total of 36 Star-Constellations of the Northern Hemisphere! **

The legend of the Grail/Gral is of pre-Cristian origin, as can already be seen from the word Gral, which emerged from the words Kraal and Kelch (chalace), as well as the old Nordic word for vessel, Kerr. The Grail belongs to the Round Table of King Arthur, whose name probably refers to Arktus, the polar circle, Ark-Tys = bow of Tys. The Discus = Ties-Circle, which imitates the celestial rotation of the sun, was brought by the the Greeks from the north, where the ancient (Ur-alte) fire-wheel-run is still practiced from the heights of the mountains at the time of the summer solstice.

Fire-Wheel ceremony for the Summer-Solstice

Ark is arc, circle, the twelve knights of the round table are the 12 signs of the zodiac. It is the Ties-Round of the Ty or Tiu or Ties, therefore the table or table-round of the king "Arktus", the "round"-table, because Rond is Old Norse for shield, is the Rand, the edge, the edge of heaven, the heavenly round, the shield of the sun as it is called in the Edda, the Zodiac (Tierkreis).

Another revealing tradition follows here. The father of King Arthur is Hu-thyr Pen Dragon. Hu is an Irish-Atlantean god of the sky, which we find everywhere in the God-syllables Ju, Jo, Ja, Je. in the names Ju-ra, Ju-ropa = Europe, also in the Ju-hymns to the Ju-bal = the Ju-bel-God of the alpine herdsmen, in the Juchzern (in German the word Juchzer means "shouts of joy"), the Jod-lern (God-learners), and in Hul and Jul, the two solstices with their annual festivals. In the old Freesen in Thuringia the young girls, at the time of the summer solstice, turn to the young boys and yell, "Hihu", to which the boys answer in a deep voice, "Hexe! (Witch)" and in other places they call Juhu. In the word Jod-ler the name God/Gott= Jott is still present and unaltered. Here it should be mentioned that the holy letter Jota of the Hebrews still contains the Jottes- the Gottes-(God)-name.

The name of the highest Irish-Atlantean sky-god and father of the "King Artus/Arthur".

However, the "Dragon" had the position of selective breeding. His image has shifted in the course of the time to his disadvantage. A time that no longer understood the position, attributed to him the "abduction" of the virgins, whom he guarded until the fearless knight came and "freed" the virgin.

Uther and Igraine by Warwick Deeping, illustrated by Wladyslaw T. Benda

Certainly, the "dragon" guarded the young females in the castles of fire, the Walburgen, and gave them only to the most capable, the most fearless, who had to win the virgins by passing the greatest of dangers. That this "holding in captivity", this "abduction" was not of the hostile intent that the new era has forgotten. So we read in the legends and fairy tales of our past that we only need to have the key, the All-Rune, All-Raune (mandrake, Man-Drakon = Alraune), to once again understand the symbolic language of our ancestors. Indeed the archangel Michael and St. George stood in a fight with the dragon, the protector of procreation, and they had to overcome the "dragon" in order to pass the test, in order to take the "spoils" out of his hands.

Saint George and the Dragon
Gustave Moreau (1889)

The image of King Arthur with his Round Table proves its cosmic origin and its affinity with the Aristos, the Christos of the world. It is the mystery of pure procreation that now has united the knighthoods of such round tables to the divine action on the earthly level. This Order of Twelve was formed throughout the entire earth, as far as the Aryans reached, under the different names and symbols and it remains completely the same, whether as the Apostles, as the Asen (Aesir), as the Arval-Brotherhood in ancient Rome, as the Calander, as Dorden-, as the Druid-Orden with the name of Kessel (Cauldron/Vessel) of Ceridwan, because here Kessel represents the Gral, or the Knightly Orders with their groups of twelve, of which Emperor Ludwig of Bavaria also founded one, which by statute, was founded in Ettal near Oberammergau with its women of the pure racial breeding and behooved pure love of the Gral.

A Renaissance reliquary of Saint George in the Treasury (Schatzkammer) of the Munich Residence. The Bavarian Royal Military Order of Saint George (Königlich Bayerischer Haus-Ritter-Orden vom Heiligen Georg).

Joseph of Arimathea (Ari-mathia) had saved the Holy Grail, according to one legend the chalice of Christ's last supper, and according to another one the bowl or the vessel in which the sacred blood was collected, the pure blood of the Aryan race, which redeemed us and all those who partake of it through the "Lord's Supper" (the "Abendmahl" =Holy Communion), the "Abendvermählung" (the evening marriage), the "Vermählung" (marriage) with the Race of the Gods.

The Lord's Supper is the blood sacrifice of the "crucifixion", the crossing of the higher humanity with the lower. In every other consideration it would be blasphemy, if one wanted to take the word literally: This is my body and this is my blood! Cannibalism and wildest superstition would be such "transformation". You will be "transformed" in spirit and in body if you receive the pure blood, if you breed! This is the deep meaning of the Lord's Supper.

Therefore, the Christ is the pelican (Pelikan), a Kala, a concealment of the Bal-der-, Pal-, Pohl-, A-pollo-kans, the Bal-Kans, Baal-Kahns (Kahn means boat)of the Sun-King (Sonnen-Kön-igs). The Peli-kan, the Baal-Kan, as the word must be translated literally, is this "bird", and since time immemorial "bird" (Vogel in German) has been a symbolic image and a symbolic word for the procreation of the pelican who killed its rebellious young and then revived them after three days with its own blood.

The Pelican Symbol:

This means "translated" that the Christos, the Haristos, the Aristos, the Aryan raises his "younger brethren", the subraces (Unterrassen), with his blood, he "pulls them up"... breeds them upwards. What else would these symbolic images mean? Would they not be total nonsense if taken literally? Or were those Symbolic-imaginers, who invented such wonderful images, so that man could think of something and in doing so not sink into the stupor of a delusional material madness not ten times wiser than us? Religions have broken down and degenerated into superstition due to the lack of imagination of mankind, due to its lack of understanding for the symbolic image.

According to the legend, three Ties, Tisch or Table-rounds of 12 people each were founded in the Arthurian circle. This is necessary in order to reach the number of the Grail/Gral, which is 3 x 12 = 36, the Three-Six, the Tri-Six, the trewe, troie, treue Sexus (true-Sexus), the Holy Three, Dreiung (threeing or tripling), Drehung (rotation), Drittelung (three-parts) in the procreation.

So all the threads come together again in one hand, in the God Tyr-Tri- Trew-Treu-Hand, which becomes a (English) Drive (instinct)-Hand, Trieb (instinct)- and Dräu (dräuen/drohen is to threaten in German)-Hand, if we do not submit to our fate!

Source: Rudolf John Gorsleben, Hochzeit der Menschheit

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