The Risks and Benefits of Shiatsu Massage

The Risks and Benefits of Shiatsu Massage

The Japanese therapeutic art of Shiatsu uses touch to stimulate Meridian points in the body. These points allow Qi (or vital energy) to flow freely throughout the body. In essence, shiatsu massage helps to release waste and stimulates the hormone system to operate better. In addition, shiatsu massage is painless and gentle. Shiatsu massage, although it is a mystical practice and is widely practised more than 4000 years.


People who have undergone shiatsu massages are less likely be diagnosed with high blood pressure heart conditions, or other ailments. Massage techniques activate the parasympathetic nervous systems, and release neurotransmitters, which improve body function. It also improves the circulation of blood and creates natural killer cells. These are the body's defense against infections. Japanese scientists have proven that Shiatsu massage is a great way to aid in preventing heart disease as well as increase blood oxygenation. But if you're still in doubt about the benefits of Shiatsu read on!

Shiatsu is a Japanese massage technique. To regulate the energy flow in your body, you apply pressure on acupressure areas with your fingers. By balancing the energy flow the type of massage helps to encourage self-healing. Shiatsu massage techniques help relieve physical and emotional stress and increase the body's capacity to heal. Shiatsu massages are known to promote peace and wellbeing.

Side effects

Shiatsu massages can cause side effects, despite its many benefits. Certain people may experience tingling discomfort, or swelling around certain pressure points. Pregnant women should not use pressure points for massages as they can lead to miscarriage. A patient with poor blood circulation may experience bruising or swelling following a session. This is why patients must speak to their doctor prior to undergoing a shiatsu treatment.

A study examined Shiatsu and acupressure for cancer patients. 아산출장마사지 Both techniques resulted into higher levels of serotonin. This hormone is known for helping individuals feel more relaxed and focused. Shiatsu enhances the levels of dopamine, that are linked to higher energy and higher productivity. In the end, Shiatsu is a proven therapy that reduces the risk of anxiety and improves sleeping. About one fifth of Americans have a sleeping disorder. Shiatsu may help these sufferers get the proper rest they need.


While shiatsu massage is not a high risk, it does come with a few risks. These are however limited to massagers with poor quality and when they are employed in poor situations. Shiatsu massages are a fantastic choice for safety and health. Listed below are some of the dangers associated by shiatsu massage. The risks include:

Shiatsu shouldn't be used on patients suffering from medical conditions. Though it can seem unorthodox, Shiatsu is often used to treat musculoskeletal conditions and psychological disorders. It has been proven to be successful for treating a variety of diverse health problems, like the chronic stress condition, bowel or shoulder pain, cancer as well as chemotherapy-related side effects. Shiatsu's positive effects Shiatsu have the potential to influence a person's health and eating habits, and also their understanding of their body as well as the mind.


Shiatsu massage has roots that go from the beginning of Japan in the time of monks who traveled to China for study of Buddhism as well as traditional Chinese medical practices. They studied the five elements as well as how they interact with each other to create different cycles of the body. The five elements are the two yins and the Yangs, as well as fire, water, wood earth, metal, and fire. In combination with their studies of ancient Japanese massage techniques, these monks invented an ancient healing technique called Shiatsu.

During the Edo time it was not permitted to people who were blind, though the emperor did allow blind people to take part in massage. In the following centuries it was developed into the way we experience it today. Celebrities like Nakamura or Todo Yoshimasu wrote works about massage in the 1300s. These works were later called Amna. The treatises highlighted the advantages of the massage, ranging from improving organic function and circulation to enhancing the body's ability to discharge toxic substances.


Shiatsu massage will help ease your muscles, boost the energy level and enhance the quality of your life. Shiatsu massage, which is an old kind of massage, is focused on the gentle application of pressure. The basis of this massage is the idea that energy could be transferred to different parts of the body for healing as well as energizing. Therapists using Shiatsu apply gentle pressure to the body's meridians to stimulate blood flow. Before the massage, practitioners may perform acupressure pulses on particular areas of the body to identify which parts are overstimulated or weak.

In addition to relieving tension in muscles, Shiatsu also improves blood flow. It is also believed to improve blood flow. University of Alberta has found that Shiatsu is a highly effective treatment for patients suffering from concussions. Shiatsu helps people relax, increase sleep quality, lower stress hormone cortisol and boost the brain's chemical serotonin and dopamine. Shiatsu may also be beneficial for skin. Since it influences the capillaries in the skin, it can help keep the skin healthy and maintains a glowing appearance.

Treatment choices

There are numerous benefits of Shiatsu massage. The shiatsu massage may increase your energy and stimulate the circulation, hormonal and lymphatic system. Additionally, it has been utilized to treat a variety of common health conditions, including sciatica, joint pain, back pain, neck pain, and sprains. It can be used to help treat sinusitis and blocked passageways. It is crucial to remember that some medical conditions may make shiatsu massage unsafe.

Shiatsu is one of the Japanese type of massage that uses pressure to specific areas of the body with rhythmic movements, is based on finger pressure. The body is able to recover itself through balancing flow of energy. Alongside promoting general wellness and healing, the shiatsu massage is a pleasant experience. Patients report feeling better following every session. There are many Shiatsu massage options. Here are some Shiatsu Massage Therapy Options you should think about:

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