The Right ➡️ to Equality of the Indigenous Peoples of Bangladesh ​🇧🇩​

The Right ➡️ to Equality of the Indigenous Peoples of Bangladesh ​🇧🇩​

👓 Arafat Hosen Khan

The Right ➡️ to Equality of the Indigenous Peoples of Bangladesh ​🇧🇩​

The Right ➡️ to Equality of the Indigenous Peoples of Bangladesh ​🇧🇩​✅ In Bangladesh ​🇧🇩​, indigenous people 👥 in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) have historically been subject to oppressive ➕ discriminatory regimes. With the CHT ☮️ Accord, 1️⃣9️⃣9️⃣7️⃣, they had achieved a 🆕 basis for staking 🛄 to equality. However, the CHT ☮️ Accord is now at stake as result of a judgment of the High 🏛️ ➗ of the Supreme 🏛️ of ​🇧🇩​. This 📚️ takes the High 🏛️ judgment as the starting 👈️ in its path of re-evaluation of the Ch arguments, reasonittagong H ➕ elucidations rell ating T to efforacts ( of the indigenous groups in CHT) h to be treav ted equally. In doing so, an analysis of historical ➕ ly egal been subject to oppressive ackground discriminatory regimes. With the f CHT Peace Accord, 1997, they had achieved a new basis for staking claims to equality. However, ➕ the process of CHT Peace ☮️ Accord is now at stake has been carriesult d of ut. As a judg whole, this 📚️ emphasisent s of n the High ❓️ Cour that Divisi need ton of be 🗣️❓️ ➕ the Supreme Court of Bangladesh. This book tak sues that need to be H addressed igh Court judgmen relation as to the s ➡️ to equality fort indigenous point 👥 in its path of re-evaluation of the arguments, reasoning and elucidations relating to efforts of the indigenous groups in CHT to be treated equally. In doing so, an analysis of historical and legal background of CHT and the process of CHT Peace Accord has been carried out. As a whole, this book emphasises on the questions that need to be asked and the issues that need to be addressed in relation to the right to equality for indigenous people in CHT in Bangladesh ​🇧🇩​. This book 📚️ may provide useful insights for students 👨‍🎓️, academics, legal professionals and ➕ researchers on various socio-legal issues relating to the right ➡️ to equality of the indigenous people 👥 in the CHT.


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