The Resurgence of LOLLIPOP token in the Crypto Space
PunkRugTimesIn the vast realm of tokens, Bitcoin Cash CashTokens have carved out their own niche. Among them is LOLLIPOP, a token inspired by the security defense model where breaching one layer of security can grant access to a specific resource. This meme token has seen a remarkable > 3,000 trading transactions and a trade volume of > 18 BCH in the last 30 days on Cauldron DEX.
April 6 update: > 19,000 transactions and > 50 BCH trade volume.
LOLLIPOP stands out as a mintable CRC20 CashToken, allowing its enthusiasts to mint up to 1 million at a time. 40 million out of the total supply of 100 million is available to mint on Scaling (
April update: all LOLLIPOP have been minted.
What is Lollipop security defense model?
Imagine your phone's security is like a giant, multi-layered lollipop 🍭. Each layer of that lollipop is designed to keep sneaky sugar thieves (aka hackers) from reaching the sweet, sweet center (your precious data). Now, let's dive into the delicious details of the Lollipop Security Defense Model in a way that's as fun as finding an extra candy in your pocket!
First off, we have the hard candy shell 🍬. This is your device's first line of defense, like a lock screen. It's tough and gives the initial smack-down to anyone trying to get a taste without permission. But, if someone manages to lick through this layer, it's not game over yet!
Beneath that, we find the chewy layer 🍫. This could be something like encryption. It's a bit softer than the hard shell but still puts up a good fight. It scrambles your data into a secret code that only someone with the right teeth (or decryption key) can chew through.
Then, we hit the sour layer 🍋. This is where things like two-factor authentication come in. It's that unexpected zing that catches intruders off guard. They thought they were in for a sweet victory, but instead, they get a tart surprise that makes them pucker up and think twice about trying to sneak further.
Finally, at the core of our lollipop, we have the chocolate center 🍫. This is the ultimate prize—your most sensitive and valuable data. If a hacker has licked, chewed, and soured their way through all the other layers, they reach the heart of your digital life. But, getting there is no easy feat, thanks to all the sticky, tricky, and picky layers they had to get through!
So, the Lollipop Security Defense Model is all about layering different types of protection. Breaking through one layer might give access to certain resources, but getting to the very center and accessing all the goodies? That's a whole different story. It's like trying to eat a lollipop in one bite—sure, you might get a taste, but you're really missing out on the full experience (and probably getting a toothache in the process). Stay safe and keep those layers strong! 🍭🔒
LOLLIPOP is a speculative crypto-asset. There is no central entity to provide liquidity. Take a risk and lick a lollipop. 🍭
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