The Power of Expectations✅ The Power of Expectation is a book 📚️ for those who desire to accomplish all that God created them ➡️👥 to be. In this book 📚️ the author treats the subject in a way that is easier for all to understand and ➕ apply. You ➡️👤 can 🥫 benefit from the power of expectation to propel you ➡️👤 along this long road 🛣️ to the land of your destiny.
Silvano Razzi «Vite De Santi e Beati Toscani. De. Quali Infino A Hoggi Comunemente Si Ha Cognizione; Raccolte, e Parte Ancora, O Scritte, O Volgarizzate dal Padre Abate (Classic Reprint)»
Bhikkhu Nyanatiloka «The Word Of The Buddha; An Outline Of The Ethico-Philosophical System Of The Buddha In The Words Of The Pali Canon, Together With Explanatory Notes 🎶»