The Pooping Team Ch. 03

The Pooping Team Ch. 03

Strong credit histories and a well-presented pitch were enough for Samantha and Lindsey to get a loan to open their club. Lindsey had recently received her MBA and was excited to bring her business smarts and her pooping love together. Samantha knew she was the right person to work with, as she wasn't going to let anything unacceptable slip by.

Finding a venue was the next step, and one of the most important. They wanted to be able to fit in up to 250 people, as well as a stage that was at least 10 feet off the ground. Location mattered as well. They knew they wouldn't be able to get away with opening their club in a "family-friendly" part of town, but they also didn't want to be stranded in the middle of nowhere.

One afternoon, Samantha was writing out a list of pros and cons of some potential spots, her doorbell rang. She was greeted by Lindsey dramatically dropped a commercial real estate listing in her hands.

"You couldn't've emailed this to me?"

"What can I say, I've always had a thing for mic drops," Lindsey said as she let herself in.

Nodding at the look and the price, Samantha became a little stymied when she saw the location.

"Lindsey," she asked carefully. "Do you know where this is?"

"East side. Why?"

"1554 Langford! This is the same street as Madame Calvert's!"

"Yeah, but how far does Langford go? Madame Calvert's is at least four blocks away from where we'll be," Lindsey replied.

Samantha didn't like how presumptous Lindsey was being, and she definitely didn't like being so close to another pooping club.

"This place is great, and I know we can make it special. Trust me,"

"Poop-off," Samantha replied.

"Come on, Sam," Lindsey moaned.

"You beat me in a poop-off, we get this place. I win, we keep looking." She stomped her right foot down for emphasis. Samantha knew she has Lindsey when she went to put her purse down.

"Poop-offs" were used by Samantha and Lindsey to settle disputes. They had different kinds, such as whoever was the first to poop winning. This was going to be a size competition. Whoever had the heaviest poop after an hour would get their way. Samantha pulled out two digital scales, specifically for this purpose.

To keep things fair, no food was allowed during the competition. Lindsey's reluctant agreement suggested she didn't have to go, but Samantha hoped that wasn't the case, as she didn't just want to win by default.

She did, however, get an early lead when she squatted bare-bottomed over the scale and dropped a short, yellowish loaf out of her asshole, weighing in at 0.17 grams.

"I don't think that one's going on the poster," Lindsey teased.

"Still weighs more than nothing," Samantha retorted as she wiped her ass.

A few minutes later, a fart came out of Lindsey. Samantha groaned, because she knew that meant Lindsey was ready to poop. Sure enough, her best friend was rushing to take her pants off and drop her thick and mushy poop onto the scale. It didn't look too pretty, but Lindsey had taken the lead, with a 0.22 gram poop.

It had been 16 minutes since the timer started, and Samantha knew she had more. However, she also knew the benefits of letting it build up inside her. Her plans was to hold it in until it wouldn't stay put. The more she tried to keep it in, the more it wanted to come out.

Wanting to have as grand of a finale as possible, Samantha spread her cheeks as far apart as possible and pushed her load out with all her might. It felt so good that she nearly forget about the competition.

She looked at the scale. Barring a last-second miracle, 0.37 grams was going to be her benchmark for the day.

Meanwhile, Lindsey was looking determined, trying as many poses as possible. While she was normally talkative during poop-offs, today, she was so focused she didn't even realize her phone was ringing as it sat right next to her. Samantha loved seeing her friend's thick ass and was excited to see her drop thick loads, no matter what the circumstances were.

She knew Lindsey had something big about to come out, and she felt good enough about her own poop to not feel threatened.

"Come on, Lindsey," Samantha urged. "Get that sexy poop out of there."

This triggered a response in Lindsey, as her asshole suddenly opened and got wider and wider before any of her poop dropped out. Samantha was awestruck by her load, from its dark color to its giant size. She started to feel herself get a little wet.

When it came time to exit, it landed with a perfect thud on the scale, Lindsey sighed in relief, and the two friends both rushed to check the scale.

"Congratulations, Lindsey," Samantha said, with total honesty and happiness.

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