The Peace ☮️ Will Come ⤵️. (Through the Eyes 👀 of a MotherCaregiver)

The Peace ☮️ Will Come ⤵️. (Through the Eyes 👀 of a MotherCaregiver)

👓 Karen Pettaway
The Peace ☮️ Will Come ⤵️. (Through the Eyes 👀 of a MotherCaregiver)

The Peace ☮️ Will Come ⤵️. (Through the Eyes 👀 of a MotherCaregiver)

✅ This book 📚️ will inspire mothers 🤶 and ➕ anyone who is a caregiver to continue to be faithful to the call 📞 of caring 🚘️ for the person 👤 with the disability.


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