The November - 2011 - Cat's Journal - Page 3 Statements

The November - 2011 - Cat's Journal - Page 3 Statements

9 Simple Techniques For Navigator Tarot deck

The art in this deck is of a surreal, dream quality, with individuals and things floating around the cards. The colors are rather extreme. differ from card to card gray, green, red, yellow, black, purple its all there! The figures appear impersonated if they remain in some kind of official dance motion.

Navigators Tarot Of The Mystic Sea Card Deck Switzerland - sealed deck - #1848000998

Individuals and things appear to be suspended in mid air, and we see broad swoops of color, androgynous figures, futuristic architecture, sci-fi type animals and more. A few of my preferred cards include the Two of Pentacles (keyword permutation), where we see two figures facing each other, each with the Pentacle sign in one hand, matching each other in a dance type posture; the Magian (keyword encapsulation), which reveals a purple figure floating inside an intense yellow hexagram; and the Empress, which reveals a green figure holding a golden pear shaped item out to a white swan.

Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea by Julia Turk - benebell wen

Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea - Psychics London

This is an extremely various deck, however it has the advantage of taking the reader and the Seeker out of any ruts that they might be in. This is a deck that would attract collectors, to individuals that discover dream art appealing, and to those that already have a pretty good understanding of the Tarot.

Not known Facts About navigators tarot of the mystic sea - #1840140028 - WorthPoint

Bonnie Cehovet Buy and Enjoy This Set at: Total Deck Particulars Name: Navigators of the Mystic SEA Tarot Creators: Julia Turk Publisher: US Games 1997 Deck Type: Tarot Deck Cards: 78 Major Arcana: 22 Minor Arcana: 56 Deck Custom: Golden Dawn Minor Arcana Design: Special Scenes With Match Signs Suits: Cups, Swords, Wands, Pentacles Court Cards: Page, Knight, Queen, King Major Titles: Fool, Magian (sic), Arch Priestess, Empress, Emperor, Hierophant, Lovers, Chariot, Strength, Hermit, Fortune, Destiny, Suspension, Death, Art, Devil, Tower, Star, Moon, Sun, Aeon, Universe Strength is 15 Justice is 9 Card Size: 2.

33 in. = 7. 00cm x 11. 00cm Card Language: English Card Back: Non-reversible Back Style: Colourful Tree of Life Purchase Now At: Similar Decks to Navigators of the Mystic SEA Tarot Theme: Occult, Qabalah Category: Available Tarot Decks < Previous Deck Back to Leading Next Deck > Home > Decks > Navigators of the Mystic SEA Tarot.

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