The Not, Nod Or Nauth Rune

The Not, Nod Or Nauth Rune

The “Nauth” Rune According to Guido Von List

 Nauth* = need [noth], Norn, Compulsion of fate [Schicksalszwang].

An eighth I have,

surely for all most needful to use:

wherever discord grows among heroes,

since I know how to settle it quickly.

The Not (or Need) Rune blooms on the nail of the Norn ! This is not need (or distress) in the modern sense of the word, but rather the compulsion of fate — that the Norns fix according to primordial laws. With this, the organic causality of all phenomena is to be understood. 

Whosoever is able to grasp the primordial cause of a phenomenon, and whosoever gains knowledge of organically lawful evolution and the phenomena arising from it, is also able to judge their consequences properly as they are beginning to ferment. 

Therefore, one commands knowledge of the future and also understands how to settle all strife through the constraint of the clearly recognized way of fate. Therefore: “Use your fate, do not strive against it!” 

-Paraphrase from The Mystery/Secret of the Runes [Das Geheimnis der Runen] (1908)

by Guido Von List

* NOTE: The German word ‘nauth’ can be translated as “need, want, penury, indigence, poverty, lack of necessities; hardship, difficulty; destitution, distress, adversity, trouble, anxiety; danger, peril”


The “Not, Nit, Naut” Rune According to R.J. Gorsleben

Letter N and Number 8. The Rune of Destiny, Cosmic Law and Need/Necessity. 

Naut, Not, Norn, the decapitated Trunk of a Tree; the Norns’ Thread of Need meaning Water, Guild, Debt, Fate, Negation, and Decline. 

Its Ur-word is Trennung meaning “Separation” as well as Division, Parting, Split, Distinction”.

“An Eighth one is mine,

useful to hear for all the people.

Where hate arises between man and man,

I can mediate it fast.”

Misery and death, night, nott. Nothingness, blank, loss, fate, Norn, transmutation, change from misery, that which is unavoidable: “The NOT Rune is blooming on the nail of the Norn.” 

The NOT Rune is the cross of Misery [Not], the Emergency Anchor [Not-Anker ] or Emergency Fishing Rod [Not-Angel], upon which we hang between life and death. Here we do not understand Misery [Not] in today’s meaning, but as necessity, coercion of destiny, which the Norns determine following the Ur-law that is active within every creature. It is the Rune of sacrifice, devotion. The ‘Emergency’ Rune is the Wheel of Necessity, the Wheel of Karma and Rebirth. 

N is the wave-rune of the Egyptian pictographs, you are subject to the “water words”: Naut = flood, Undine, Nek, Nix. 
It symbolizes the emergence from the infinite, divine into finite, earthly. Now Ur becomes Nat-ur(Nature), the Non-Ur… 
In the lower planes of life hate between humans is often settled fast by means of misery and death. But misery and death are temporary in the eternal changes of life.  Our misery and our necessities come from the Originality of our Actions, our Will.

Whosoever is capable of fathoming the origins of something that is happening (or of an action), can also recognize consequential events and is thereby capable of adjusting (and even preventing) them. This is how one rules the future and therefore also understands all necessity of fate as a relation of cause & effect. 

Thus, NOT also brings transformation, re-birth (Natus , in Latin, means ‘being born’ and ‘destined by nature’). 

Still a few more terms emphasize the meaning of negation. “NOT breaks Iron.” Note that the IS Rune (the vertical line) is symbolically represented as the Ice or Iron Rune, which is crossed by the Balk- or death-line from the right side below to the left side above. NOT breaks the IS (the Self or Ego)! 

In all languages the N means collapse, decline, negation, destruction, wetness, to go into the wet, naked, from the infinite, Divine into the finite, Earth bound, non-Divine. Therefore also Nat-ure, old Nordic = nattura, the characteristic – property, one’s properties, one’s Self that the human being acquires with birth.

-Paraphrase from The Peak-Time of Humanity [Die Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit] (1930)

by Rudolf John Gorsleben

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