The Nicest Pussy Ever

The Nicest Pussy Ever


The Nicest Pussy Ever
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Which ethnicity has the nicest pussies?
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Well at least we know that we can stop arguing about do girls with big asses or small asses are better, or are girls with big boobs or small boobs are better, are white girls the best, aare Asian girls the best, and are balck girls liked the least... Because we've managed to move on to our vaginas. Good Job
I have no interest in your vagina due to the fact that you are under 18.
Well first I didn't ask nor do I care if you have an interest in my vagina, becuase if I did don't you think I would've left my answer? I think this is a rather degrading and idiotic question that wonly starts another debate/commotion that will make us feel bad about ourselves once again. P. S. I'm usually the one that states my age range when it comes to moments like this.
I would not be offended if a girl posted inquiring to the differences in male genitalia between races. There are many Internet sites devoted to that. I think that is common knowledge. Why is it bad when I inquire?
Becuase do you know what's going to happen people are going to go by stereotypes. So if no actually it's already been done before a bunch of guys get hurt and upset and start complaining when girls say that black guys have the "biggest dicks" and that white guys are "average or tiny". Whether it's true or not people should not be judged on something like this. Like I said on my opinion we already have enough things to feel bad about ourselves we don't need another one. That goes for guys as well.
If there's any way to just ask guys and hide this from girls, do that, because you're going to draw a lot of negative attention from angry females...
Okay and what do I care? This is an anonymous forum. I wouldn't know you if you were my next door neighbor.
Wow, way to be a jerk for no reason. I'm sure you're getting a lot of crap from posting this, but don't take it out on me.
Sorry to break it to you, but all vaginas look the same. Quit pitting races against each other.
They really don't. The anatomy is the same, but the appearance differs.
Yep. Sorry Honey, but experience say otherwise. Especially with respect to maintenance and usage (relating to tightness). Off track as it may be, I'd like to say that you are a VERY sexy girl, so no offense. I find you VERY, VERY attractive. But, our (guys') opinions are formed by what we see, and you are the same. We all are. At least, we should be. It only makes sense. I'll change my opinion when I see evidence to that affect. I'm certainly open to altering my biases, it happens all the time.
True but they are all wet and juicy on the inside. Mmmmmm. Just because they may be a little "gamey" for oral sex doesn't mean those juices aren't great on the inside...
just like penises all look the same right? Give me a break lol
@Crossroads-USMC: not sure what you mean by maintenance (pubes I guess?), but as for tightness, the vagina can be strengthened and tightened with kegels even after childbirth. So that's a really bad way to determine how many partners she's had. Also not sure what my attractiveness has to do with this lmao. I get what you're saying about being influenced by what we see, but I still think it's pretty bad to hold the opinion that girls with darker skin tones have uglier or smellier vaginas than white girls. It's likely an opinion based on what guys see in p*rn - mostly white women with perfect shaved pink vaginas. Guys are so heavily influenced by p*rn it seems. But seeing something doesn't make it a fact. It's still a baseless opinion. Asker, stop trying to deny the racist undertones of the question.
@PiuBelloAmante: All penises have the same general appearance just like all vaginas have the same general appearance. And they all function the same way. It's the same damn organ across all races. The only major visible difference is with skin colour.
I don't deny there is a racial element to it, just not a 'racist' one. Its clearly racial in nature, because RACE is the common bond - the determining factor. If they were all different, but where all... say left-handed, then I'd say, most left-handed girls have nasty vagina, (until I saw enough different to change my opinion). And YES, a women can have WAY different pussies. - If the screw any guy all the time, they're gonna be looser than a chic who only fuck occasionally. The slut will have low hanging 'roast beef curtains', and the conservative chic will have a nice, pretty pussy that no one minds looking at. And by 'maintenance' I mean cleanliness. Washing / shampooing. And of course a waxed girl is WAY more attractive (at least to me) than an unwashed skank with a wild, nasty bush. How you can't see that, is beyond me. Just remember, What we (men) see forms our opinions. Its not pulled out of thin air, or gathered from other guy's stories. We call em like we see em.
Not true. Size is different too. There are definitely differences. I didn't say it was the most important thing about a person... I just said there were differences. Do black guys have the biggest ones on average? Yes. Is this a racist comment? No, it's a fact.
@Crossroads-USMC: Um wow... Anyways with that logic about looseness, a woman who's had sex a thousand times with only one man (like me for example) would be just as loose as a woman who's had a thousand one night stands with different guys. And I don't deny that a waxed/shaved vagina is deemed more attractive, but maybe I don't "see it your way" because I don't keep mine that particular way?
Obviously I know the size varies, I'm not that stupid you know. It just wasn't relevant to what I was trying to say. But anyone with a brain could determine that size also differs without me having to mention it.
I think the Asian pussy is the best. Them noodle skills!
Lmao this is soooo cute!! ^_^ You win the internet today!
Because second's before posting, I fell over @Ihav2fart lol Thank ya kindly hah @BuchitaBuchys
I heard Twi'leks have the dopest pussies of em all..
She looks like she can reach her pussy with her head tails!
@meatballs21 quite possibly.. I never thought about that haha
@RedThread I'm sure Rule 34 has beaten us to it.
Let's line them up all around the world and check...
@ihav2fart, that depends on who would be inspecting
For the most part female parts are anatomically the same around the world. Sorry no golden va-jay-jays. Look for clean.
The person who rated according to races and whether they are light skinned or not is stupid. All races come in light and dark. And there are white skinned people with dark rough looking vagina's too.
No their aren't. Every Irish girl has a pink vagina. Every Aborigine has a dark one.
Hey QA since you're so sure about this why don't you take a look to see what vaginas really look like... Make sure you go through all of the pages and not just the first few. This anonymous user knows what she's talking about.
My votes Latinas.. Lol I’ve been with tons of white girls, blondes, brunettes, only 2 redheads. some were good, some were bad. Some were great!! Then I was introduced to Gabriela, The Brazilian goddess! And that girl rocked my world 3 times that night and once in the morning. It Was incredible.. That girl could work it!! After that it was nothing but Latinas for me. And Now here I am with my smoking hot Puerto Rican girl for the last 14 years and her pussy is pure heroin to me!!
ur disgusting and a creep. learn to have some kind of depth to you.
No, I'm not. Sex is an integral part of the relationship. You might as well get one who has a nice one... but they all tend to be nice as long as they are diseased...
well I'm obviously not the only one who thinks so. ur just messed up. i feel sorry for u.
which ethnicity has the nicest knees? and armpits? and fingers?
White girls with pale skin have the best looking pussys
The nice ones that are not too hairy and with flower shrivelled lips or thin ones.
Well I'm Asian and I had a really nice pussy. She was the Bengal species.
Clearly Irish / Scottish / Dutch. The lighter the better. The better to look, the better the smell. The darker the worse.
See... somebody knows what I'm talking about! That's not to say that they all can't be nice... but there are generalities. For example, Asian girls are wetter on average. Some have more smell, etc. It's not to be racist, it's just fact.
QA are you slow or something? Like litterally I'm not trying to insult you? You may not trying to make this about racist and strictly about options and preferences but this guy just said for peat sake the darker the worse. Attaching smell to it is racist as if anyone that is darker than the ethnicities that he named stinks. The lighter the better was fine but he took it too far when he said not only to look like everyone's else is ugly and that color= smell. Like wtf that doesn't even make since.
Sorry, but he wanted my opinion. From my experiences have lead me to those conclusions. Maybe I have had the bad luck of winding up with poor representatives of each of those races, I am willing to concede that, but until I see something different, I can only go by my experiences. You can understand that, right? If every Hyundai you buy has brake problems, you would say Hyundai's have brake problems. If 1 out of every 1000 have bad brakes, but you have the bad luck of owning 10 Hyundais that just happen to all be those 1 out of 1000, anyone would understand your bias. Maybe its not true, but until you see something contrary to your beliefs, you have to go right on with your assumptions and biases. Make sense?
I would say in my experience that the Irish girls I've been with have had the least taste and therefore the most tolerable to go down on. I would not find it offensive for a girl to say she likes "big black ones." I see it all the time on hookup sites.
I understand what you're saying but you litterally said the better the look the smell the darker the worst, and you only named dee ethnicities. So do you have actual facts that every other race African-American, Korean, Puerto-Rican, Middle Eastern, etc basically at least one girl from every country across the world that what you've said is to be true? Or at least every girl that has more color to her pigment?
@farmerjohn1234 Well even if you don't QA like I said it's been done pleanty of times beofre and just beciae you don't care so what? Pleanty of other guys obviously do or why else would they be on GAG trying to boost their self esteem?
Well obviously, not having STDs would be the first step. I'm not trying to say that ethincity is the only factor, but it definitely does have differences. And I'm not trying to say that the girl attached to it isn't important as well... I was just making an observation... I would not get offended if a girl told me I have an average sized white d***. It's the truth!
Exactly right. I'm not offended when blacks say for the most part, White guys have smaller dicks. If that has been their experience, then I wouldn't expect them to expect something different, until they see enough evidence to entreat them to alter their prejudices. I, myself, have comfortable with my length and girth to not have that particular applicable to me, so I would be the exact person to compare with what I had said. But why? If its true, then it's true; if it's false, then the person saying (or believing it), will eventually correct their opinion - provided their experiences facilitate such a change. If a black girl sleeps with 20 White guys, and each of them have a 4 or 5 inch penis, then am I going to call them racist if they assume I am similarly hung? No. I completely understand that their experience has led them to that as a logical conclusion.
Plus it's a proven fact and has roots in evolution of who evolved in a warm climate versus a cold climate.
Sure. Hotter air - less oxygen parts per million - wider noses to accommodate larger nostrils to accommodate more air intake per breath. Is THAT racist? An accurate observation, just like our experiences with respect to the pussies. You keep seeing the same thing, over and over again, you'd have to be an idiot NOT to connect the dots. Then, is a new set of dots appear, you alter the connecting lines and go with the new picture - until THAT one changes. Basically, call em like you see em. Not saying one is inferior to another... its just a matter of personal preference. I (we) prefer one type over another. That makes us 'racist'? To be honest... it shit like THAT that makes people racist. Claiming the 'victim' label like it's a life raft, and calling everyone racist who has an opinion - THAT make people become racist. A man has experience, he sees a pattern, forms an opinion, and the world points a finger screaming 'Racist!' THAT is an experience that leads a man to form an opinion.
That doesn't make what I said racist I only said it to give the QA an example I don't stand by it though like he said due to evolution it's known to be true. I'm not racist at all. I agree with you everyonenhas a right to have a preference so yes you can say the ethnicities fine. I don't have a problem with that. You can say the lighter the better. Fine I don't have a probe on with that. But you can not connect an appeearence or a race to a smell! That is what is ignorant/racist! This is getting old and annoying I'm not trying to argue I'm just trying to make you see my point. Like whatever you like, but don't insult others while doing it, that is all I ask. Thank you.
Here's the pussy tasting guideline: Asian: a nice spicy cinnamon scent to string pungent odors of heavy curry spices. Most are not known to take care of it well considering they live in a hot humid climate. white: milk and cheese/ham sandwich. Or root beer if not taken care of. black: Kentucky fried chicken.
Well woteva you do, when you go down on a Indian Pussy, make sure you take a glass of water. Thank me later lol
You seem like you have anger issues... you should probably get that checked out.
Clean girls have the best pussy! Odorless=Awesomeness
Dude, the ladies went ape shit on this one! Run!
wow! what a question. this is so ridiculous.

Friday, Jul 15th 2022

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Iggy Azalea gushes about her 'award winning vagina' at GQ awards
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Stars arrive on the red carpet at GQ Men Of The Year Awards
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Iggy Azalea flirts with Timmy Knowles on X Factor Australia
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Published: 13:28 BST, 16 November 2016 | Updated: 15:12 BST, 17 November 2016
She's known for her sizeable derrière and artificially-enhanced chest.
But on Wednesday, Iggy Azalea celebrated a very different physical attribute after snatching the Woman of the Year at the GQ Australia Men of the Year Awards .
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