The National Socialist Warrior

The National Socialist Warrior

By Daniel Zakal
Admire Natures Strength

The National Socialist warrior must have discipline and focus if he is to get anything done. The National Socialist without a sense of discipline and focus will not be able to accomplish what needs to be done in this world. Discipline comes with having ones self do what needs to be done even through we do not want to do it. Whether it is a gym routine or creating and sticking to healthy habits. The National Socialist warrior is disciplined in that he is constant to the point of total reliability. We must discipline our selves. We must do what needs to be done inorder to keep the dream of the 4th reich alive with out skipping a beat. We only surrender to one thing and that is the death of our bodily form. 

The National Socialist warrior is focused. Without focus the National Socialist Warrior can be distracted and lose track and end up on the bumpy path. We must stay focused. All great men whether soldiers, political leaders, or even artists all have on thing in common they have had incredible amounts of focus on what they were trying to achieve. Our greatest example of pure focus is our eternal Führer Adolf Hitler. Every National Socialist should look up to our Führer as the ultimate avatar and strive to parallel his divinity.

The National Socialist warrior does not fear death for he belongs to and knows he is sent by the divine to wage passionate war against evil. The National Socialist warrior protects their folk from their great fears. Evil, and those of the parasite blood tremble at the sight of the National Socialists very existence. For we are the liberator for our people and protectors of our earth. Despite the racial differences of the peoples on this planet we are to destroy demonic, evil minded, and parasitic forces with emotionally detached destructive warfare. The National Socialist knows no fear for there is nothing to fear. He knows he is with the divine for he follows Natural Law and its eternal truths. He is at all times surrounded by the love of the divine and understands that fear is an illusion by the material world. 

The National Socialism knows no such thing as fear and neither does its warriors. National Socialists and especially the warriors of National Socialism are honest and authentic. We live a life of honesty, goodness, and shine our light onto others unyielded by the dishonorable. The National Socialist does everything with integrity. This is called honor we are honorable. Everything the National Socialist says and thinks is thought through this principle. We live in truth; when we give a vow or an oath we keep it till our deaths. We yield the truth and carry the burdens of this truth willingly and fight against the liars and the wicked. The evil parasites tremble at the sight of us because we have no fear and we are happy to be in this struggle against the evil brought upon this world by the Jews. Every action is done in a honest and present manner. Be honest and present with others for we are Socialists. Our folk is the priority. We present our selves what and who we are honestly and we do it without fear.

The National Socialist warrior and the Führer's are of the nobility and the true aristocracy. Noble meaning we seek excellence in everything we do. We must take care of ourselves and excel at everything as much as possible individually. The National Socialist must push themselves for excellence if we are to win this war. This means having to make sacrifices to obtain the obtainable goal of creating a new homeland for the 4th Reich. We must excel at everything we put our minds to, for our people are counting on us to outdo our enemies. The National Socialist understands that being excellent always defines the life or death of his people. A motto the NS says to one’s self and as a community

"In everything we do, we seek excellence".

We do not accept excuses or look for excuses for our failure to achieve our goals. We do not set goals for others that we ourselves have not yet achieved. We must carry out goals and projects given out to us by either a higher power or the Fuhrer. The NS says to oneself:

"I have a goal, let me do everything in my human abilities to achieve X not half of it nor 3/4 of the way. I will achieve X no matter who stands in my way. No excuses! I must transcend my failures and faults!"

Today what is a National Socialist warrior. Today an National Socialist warrior is an outside. A crusader against the modern world. One who sees the faults of this world and will tirelessly fight against the evil until there is true Natural Law and Order on the earth. They know and see most people in society do what people are told so that they do not make waves or changes to their material world. The National Socialist warrior is the counter current who go against the material worlds stream. The National Socialist warrior knows there is a higher divine power and knows it takes courage to force the necessary changes that this world needs. No one can defeat the National Socialist warrior his truths will stand the tests of time. The National Socialist warrior must work and achieve goals that are beneficial to the racial community. We must be excellent, disciplined, honorable, focused, and have no fear! We stand against the weak willed! The parasites fear the unstoppable force of the great white!

Writings for current work: National Socialism Our Struggle Volume 1 Edition 3 by Daniel Zakal 02/26/2021.

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