The Mysteries of Bayesian: Lynch, Darktrace and Those Links to Mossad and Jeffrey Epstein

The Mysteries of Bayesian: Lynch, Darktrace and Those Links to Mossad and Jeffrey Epstein

Anon with a mouse - translation from Italian

by Cesare Sacchetti

Mike Lynch - Darktrace - Jeffrey Epstein

Deep-sea rescuers have finally found 5 of the 6 missing bodies of the Bayesian.

Under the dark waters of the Porticello harbor, where the imposing 56-meter sailing yacht sank, were the bodies of Mike Lynch, his lawyer Chris Moneglia, who had assisted him in the court case of his IT group Autonomy, accused of fraud in the United States, Jonathan Bloomer, president of Morgan Stanley International, and his wife, Judy Bloomer.

Only Lynch's 18-year-old daughter is missing and will probably be found today by rescuers who suspended the search yesterday

Even today, the media have not been able to offer a rational explanation for what happened on the night of August 19, when this boat built and designed to withstand adverse weather conditions far more hostile than those that would have been experienced in Porticello on the night in question, sank in the space of a minute.

Our readers who lived in that area wrote to inform us that, not surprisingly, nothing of what the mainstream media has written corresponds to the truth.

Neither a tornado nor a whirlwind hit the Sicilian town where life the day after the sinking of the Bayesian was proceeding normally, without a hitch, also because if there had really been a tornado in Ponticello today we would have to count the damage that instead there was not.

Even in the remote and inconsistent hypothesis of a very strong turbulence that did not occur, this would never have been able to sink the Perini group boat that is able to survive the violent storms of the oceans.

The mainstream media was caught completely unprepared. They had prepared their cover story about the whirlwind that sank the Bayesian, but then, little by little, this version, to use maritime jargon, went crashing against the rocks.

They started by saying that the mast of the boat had broken, as reported by witnesses who seemed to have been prepared in advance, and then they said that the boat is intact, and in a moment we will understand better why.

We do not know whether our article, which had a very high level of exposure in Italy and internationally, contributed to the media backtracking on the story of the whirlwind, also in light of the fact that this convenient version had been used for the summit of spies on Lake Maggiore, but certainly the narrative that the media apparatus wanted to follow fell under the blows of logical observations.

The Bayesian could not and cannot sink due to even a phantom turbulence, and so the newspapers veered towards new orders.

The fault is no longer of the whirlwind and climate change as comically stated by a geologist who is very popular with the establishment, Mario Tozzi, but of the alleged inability of the crew who left the hatches open and allowed the Bayesian to take on water.

This also helps us understand why they are now saying that the boat is perfectly intact, since the convenient culprit of this story has already been decided, and it is the crew of stragglers who sailed the Bayesian, as the media are trying to make us believe.

The media are now following in Fantozzi's footsteps, and are very close to making us believe that the captain, the New Zealander James Cutfield, who boasts years of experience sailing important boats is not very different from a character from Paolo Villaggio who, when questioned about maritime fundamentals and what the spinnaker pole is, starts dancing the famous Argentine dance.

We have reached these levels now, that is, those who want us to believe that the richest men on the planet rely on some rookie experts who forget to batten down the hatches and sink a boat that costs 14 million dollars, a circumstance, among other things, not even possible because the yacht sank in the space of just one minute.

In one minute, there is no time to do anything. There is not even time to evacuate the passengers. The men and women who died in the cabin were done for at the very moment in which the event that caused the sudden and very rapid sinking occurred.

Only a devastating event can cause such a large vessel to sink in such a short space of time, and it is not something that can be attributed to natural circumstances.

Our sources close to the intelligence circles of various Eastern European countries have offered us an explanation that certainly seems much more logical and linear than that of the hatches carelessly left open by a supposedly forgetful crew, paid handsomely by their billionaire employers to behave instead like a band of amateurs at large.

What sank the Bayesian?

The Bayesian appears to have been attacked by a rather sophisticated weapon, one probably not unlike what is called Quicksink technology in the United States, which involves launching an aerial bomb at the target that sinks in a very short time, as can be seen in this video

Once the ship is hit by this bomb, it sinks in a very short time and those on board have practically no time to do anything, so devastating is the attack it has suffered.

Others have hypothesized that the attack was launched by a directed energy weapon that involves the use of a powerful laser that can sink the ship in this case too in an equally short time.

Once the ship is hit by this bomb, it sinks in a very short time and those on board have practically no time to do anything, so devastating is the attack it has suffered.

Others have hypothesized that the attack was launched by a directed energy weapon that involves the use of a powerful laser that can sink the ship in this case too in an equally short time.

These are technologies that are available to only a few countries, the United States and Russia first and foremost, and therefore, if this version of events is true, it greatly narrows the field of possible actors who have implemented an operation that has been studied in great detail.

Our sources seem to lean more towards an intervention by the Russians than by the Americans, since on this occasion too, not very differently from what happened on Lake Maggiore, a new event was being prepared aimed at destabilizing the countries that have come closest to Russia, in this case Erdogan's Turkey, which had already been hit by a devastating earthquake a few days after its Interior Minister had made a harsh accusation against the American deep state, accused of interfering with the elections of the country, once close to the Anglosphere.

Those who launched this attack studied everything carefully. They obviously knew who was on board that boat and they knew exactly where the people they wanted to attack were, who had no chance of surviving, since they were indoors in their luxurious cabins, unlike the crew who managed to save themselves almost entirely.

It was an attack against the most prominent men in the City of London, and if we look carefully at the curriculum of these people we can better understand the environments that suffered a very hard blow last August 19.

We have seen previously in fact how one of the passengers on the boat, Mike Lynch, was not an ordinary man but was considered in the British establishment to be the English version of the Microsoft magnate and producer of lethal vaccines, like Bill Gates.

Mike Lynch, Darktrace and Israel

Lynch, in addition to being involved in a fraud case regarding the sale of his company, Autonomy, to Hewlett Packard, was also closely integrated into the world of British and Israeli intelligence.

The British entrepreneur was in fact the founder of a company such as Darktrace that has very close ties with MI5, since as previously mentioned, in its board of directors there is a former director of MI5, Lord Evans of Weardale, and another CIA veteran, like Alan Wade.

However, Darktrace was not born from pure mathematical and computer science research as the founders of the company would have us believe.

An interesting reconstruction offered by the Unlimited Hangout website helps us better understand the origins of this company that date back to 2012, when a former MI5 agent, Dave Palmer, began to think about developing a technology that would allow agents of the services to communicate securely, and for this he turned to two Cambridge mathematicians who assisted him in the enterprise.

The basic idea was to use artificial intelligence to allow the machine to manage cyber security to the point that this machine then develops a sort of self-awareness, capable of making it perfectly autonomous in terms of decision-making, so much so as to separate it from the control of its human creator, in a manner not very dissimilar to what is seen in a famous film starring Johnny Depp, Transcendence.

In addition to the disturbing security repercussions of the entire system that escapes human control, there is also the moral and ethical question of reducing man to a sort of puppet of the machines, in what turns out to be a pure and crazy exaltation of the transhumanism desired by the Davos club.

These serious risks have not stopped Darktrace's run, even when some journalists began to question the company's CEO, Poppy Gustafsson, who, when asked if this company was nothing more than a cover for the services' activities, awkwardly tried to make the contribution of intelligence agencies to Darktrace's activities seem irrelevant and occasional.

Not only are there clear links to the CIA and MI5 in Darktrace, but there are also equally clear connections to Israel and the Mossad.

Its board of directors includes a character like Amber Rudd, former Home Secretary in Theresa May's government, and part of Teneo's advisory group, in which we find a character like Doug Band, friend of the infamous billionaire pedophile and Mossad agent, Jeffrey Epstein.

Mossad's Blackmail and Spy Network

Epstein is not just a name known for his pedophile network. Epstein is the direct result of an intelligence operation by the Israeli services that from the very beginning aimed to control all the powerful people who matter in New York's and American high society in general, to put underage girls or boys at their disposal, and to immortalize them during their sexual acts in order to then blackmail these people and force them to do the interests of the Jewish state.

If you look at Jeffrey Epstein's appointment book, you get an idea of ​​how important the names he frequented were, among which were Ariane de Rothschild, wife of Benjamin, a member of the well-known banking family of Jewish origin, Kathryn Ruemmler, a member of the Obama administration, the aforementioned Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, the linguist Noam Chomsky, Woody Allen and other well-known figures from the world of entertainment, politics and high finance.

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell received at the White House by former President Clinton

Darktrace was close to Epstein's world not only because of the presence of Amber Rudd, but also because of Alan Wade, mentioned above.

Wade, in addition to having spent a lifetime in the CIA, founded the company Chiliad together with Christine Maxwell, sister of the more infamous Ghislaine, Epstein's associate in the management of child trafficking managed on behalf of the Israeli secret services.

Chiliad presents itself, or rather presented itself since it is now defunct, as a leading company in data management and was used in the national security systems of the American government.

This appears to be an element of extreme interest, since Christine, in addition to having founded this company with Wade, also had the task of promoting the distribution of another well-known software developed by the NSA, namely PROMIS.

PROMIS had already met with some success in the early 80s for its effectiveness in allowing to trace the sources of dirty money laundering, until a very famous Israeli spy like Rafi Eitan, worked with the assistance of the Israeli services, to put a backdoor, a sort of computer service door, in the program in such a way as to be able to trace all the activities in which friends and enemies of the Jewish state were engaged.

Robert Maxwell, publisher and father of Ghislaine and Christine, was entrusted with the task of promoting the distribution of this software, always on behalf of the state of Israel, until Robert died in mysterious circumstances and was found dead in 1991 in the waters of the Canary Islands, outside his yacht, which as you can see seems to be a privileged place in these stories of Israeli spies that have lasted for many years.

Robert Maxwell, Mossad spy, and father of Ghislaine and Christine

Robert apparently got into a very dangerous game and began blackmailing the Mossad in exchange for payment of his huge debts, a choice that would have cost him his life.

Christine Maxwell inherited, so to speak, her father's role in the distribution of technology that allows Israel to monitor other countries and track their moves.

These are the environments from which the people who were on board the Bayesian come.

They are men with close ties to high finance, to the BlackRock investment fund that had, coincidentally, recently purchased Darktrace, and to the state of Israel.

Just as it seems difficult to believe that the death of Stephen Chamberlain, co-defendant for fraud with Lynch, and also a member of Darktrace, can be dismissed as an incredible coincidence, also because Chamberlain was hit by a car, two days before the Bayesian sank on the coast of Palermo.

This time, in our opinion, we do not seem to have witnessed a sort of gang war that is leading, for example, here in Italy to a series of strange suicides of well-known people after, coincidentally, a ferocious internal war broke out in the Italian Freemasonry, torn apart over the issue of the latest elections for the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy.

This time a really heavy and hard blow has been dealt against that world of spies of the Anglosphere and of Israel and against the most famous men of the City of London, in which the law of the British monarchy does not apply but that of the Rothschild family.

In Porticello those who wanted to send a message to these environments succeeded very well because they demonstrated that they knew in advance the moves of their adversaries, and that they knew what they did, where they did it and how they did it.

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