The Muslim Brotherhood & Societies - A Crumbling Generation

The Muslim Brotherhood & Societies - A Crumbling Generation

The Mediterranean Man
Muslim Brotherhood member in Rabaa Square, August 2013.

I used a lot of inspiration and resources that it would take a very long time to list them here, keep in mind that this is my opinion, based off of my own observations and information that I am aware of.

Telegram Channel : @themediterraneanman

The current generation of Muslim Brotherhood members - and perhaps this observation can be extended to other Islamist political parties - are considerably of a degraded, worse-off quality compared to the previous generations and their ancestors, and if they keep heading in this way, almost all political Islamist parties will be extinct by the end of this century without severe and drastic changes.

This article will detail the era starting from the 2000s - where political Islam peaked in Egypt, Egypt was effectively one of the strongest, if not the strongest bastions of political Islam in the Arab world (in any meaningful capacity) after the failures that were endured in Algeria (GIA and FIS), Tunisia (Ennahda Party being disintegrated), Libya (where Islamists, although present in the fighting, where shadowed by the tribal and inter-government fighting that was taking place), and elsewhere.

The Muslim Brotherhoods' power peaked from 2011 to 2012, but their failure was starting to be set in stone even before 2013.

They were extremely close to enacting their version of Islam, Sharia, and Caliphate, and therefore did not work in any meaningful method to integrate other facets of society or the Egyptian people, as a matter of fact between these two years, fighting between the Islamists and other political or religious facets of society were commonplace, it did not escalate to blood (yet), and media campaigns, denigrating people using religion, etc, were instead used.

This resulted in the Muslim Brotherhood being isolated, or rather losing the support of a very large segment of society, the Salafists also lost the same lack of support outside of their popular base, however the Salafists learned from their mistakes, more on that later.

But nonetheless, the Muslim Brotherhood was very successful in infiltrating the state and its apparatuses due to their social programs and aid, and the political clout that they have been slowly cultivating in Egypt ever since they were released from the prisons during the 1970s, their political clout peaked in Mubarak - but they turned on him once it became clear they could very well seize power.

The Muslim Brotherhood also did not try to rehabilitate their image to the average Egyptian, the educated classes were wary of the fact that all of their leaders and icons of strongmen spent decades in prisons, and did not repent from their ideology the same way the Salafists did the late 90s and early 2000s after the terror wave of attacks that occurred in the 90s.

Also, due to the cause of the Muslim Brotherhood, or perhaps by their very nature, it started to affect the individual in the organization to such a massive extent, in the same way that people were indoctrinated into fascism in Italy or Germany, or Communism in the USSR and Maoist China, and not in a very healthy way.

The failure of trying to integrate, negotiate, and deal with other sides of the aisles by the Muslim Brotherhood led to the formation of a unique personality to the individual Brotherhood member, instead of being concerned by national issues, issues that relate to society, or any characteristic, the concern of the individual Brotherhood member was only in three things, politics, wars, and conflicts, no in-between and no other topic.

So what occupied the individual Brotherhood member is not his immediate issues or surrounding environment, instead, it was the massacres in Burma, Boycotting France, India, praising the AKP party in Turkey, and Kashmir, and of course, attaining power, there is nothing wrong with these causes per se - but when they make up your personality, and your entire political and civil thought, that would lead to a massive alienation by the majority of the people you are supposed to lead.

That was the mentality of a majority, if not all, Muslim Brotherhood members, and was the mentality of the Salafists, until the Salafists tuned it down and instead focused on religious issues in the Egyptian community, regarding education and other religious institutions, like the ministry of Endowments.

This leads to the fact that the current generation of the Muslim Brotherhood is destroyed psychologically, mentally, and morally, their refusal to partake in any meaningful national dialogue or effort led them to be a social pariah and therefore make a better Egypt, which has led them to have no attributes besides being a loud pariah, insults, being gleeful in any national crisis in Egypt (which further alienates the majority, may it be a terror attack or an industrial accident), and their open intentions to not make amends or call for an effective national dialogue, but to take revenge by any and all means.

This is not actually good news if they are left uncontained - Whenever a mass movement fails, they despair, and the falling into desperation will lead to members being very dangerous and violent which will lead to an explosion, figuratively and literally.

 The higher the level of hope, the greater the shock when the effort fails, and when you are shocked - you become very angry, emotional, and you proceed to lose control and any hope in the future.

Ergo - look at school shootings, rampage attacks, and the likes in the West when the individual Western man has lost hope in his environment, for an example of an individual lashing out.

The current generation of political Islam in Egypt at least self-eroding, it is arrogant, isolated, and the visible manifestations of gleefulness or anger towards national tragedies does not lend any sympathy from the common Egyptian to their cause.

Their main rule that they broke is that leaders attempt to gain society and then reform it to how they see fit, not clash with it, that is how the radical left and right managed to attain power in Europe and elsewhere.

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