The "Mother Teresa of Kenya" - Auma Obama, sister of the ex-president

The "Mother Teresa of Kenya" - Auma Obama, sister of the ex-president


Don't worry, the headline was deliberately chosen that way, even though I have to admit that when it flowed from my fingers like that, I got a fright myself: how naturally people still use old familiar phrases without being aware of their current meaning. 

All those who have gone a little deeper down the rabbit hole know what I am trying to hint at without having to address it.

I have never spent as much time researching any other article as I did this one. After all, I don't want to unfairly pillory anyone. 

However, after more than a month of research, the evidence, in my view, clearly suggests that there is something more than violently wrong with this story. I think (if not already underway anyway) this more than dubious project in Kenya should be illuminated once by our "White Hat's".

So follow me down the rabbit hole and make up your own mind how "holy" or "hypocritical" the "Mother Teresa of Kenya" is!

Dr. Auma Obama (* 1960 in Nairobi) is a Kenyan Germanist, sociologist, journalist and author. She is the older half-sister of former U.S. President Barack Obama. (Unless his ancestry is completely bogus).

Of course, this alone was not the reason for my research - one can rarely do anything for one's relatives (in the last section, however, you will learn about abysmal family ties). Nevertheless, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once wrote not without reason: 

"Tell me who you associate with, and I will tell you who you are; if I know what you associate with, I will know what you can become."

Mrs. Obama is a native Kenyan, but lives also and probably mainly in Germany and is very active in high society there and better known as founder and CEO of her NGO "Sauti Kuu Foundation" in Western Kenya, the place where the Obama clan is based. 

Look at the children's faces....! I know Kenyan children very well from filming there....

Sauti Kuu translates as "Strong Voices" and, according to a statement on its homepage, is committed to helping disadvantaged children and young people in Kenya (in other words, almost all children in the East African country who do not belong to the vanishingly small upper class). 

Her statement: "It is up to each individual to lead and improve his or her own life. Other people can only support you in this effort" says the "Mother Teresa of Kenya," well aware that every second Kenyan child has to earn his or her own living, for example in quarries or as underage sex slaves on the dream beaches between Mombasa and Malindi all the way to Lamu. 

So Obama thinks it's "the job" or "the duty" of every child, every young person " improve their own lives..." - it would only need some support.... (is this "Kenyan woman" suffering from a loss of reality?)

And especially in the current "pandemic situation" Obama (actively supported by her brother, whose relevant criminal charges should be known ) "quite selflessly" and started a charity action for transparent "Corona masks": Made in Germany - SHARE FOR KIDS - buy 1 mask for yourself and donate a mask! ( PS: Didn't her brother Barack even tell her that Corona is a criminal hoax?!)

"My goal is that every child and young person and every teacher in Kenya, especially in the rural area, will receive such a mask. With the mask, they will not only be protected from the virus. The teachers will also be able to see their facial expressions, facial expressions that are important for learning."

Zitat: Auma Obama

A country where the suicide rate among teenagers exploded last year, where underage girls and young women are "genitally mutilated" to this day, where child (sex) labor is "normality", underage boys have to work in quarries like slaves, so the most urgent concern of "Mother Teresa Kenya" is recognizable facial expressions through transparent masks?

But that is possibly only a "question of the good or even bad taste"? Or just yet criminal energy!

The "naivety", which seems to be Mrs. Obama's own, seems already extremely strange, if one considers in which circles the worldly-wise doctor of German language and literature, journalist, former employee of the dubious NGO "CARE international" in UK and also not least half-sister of the American ex-president and accused high traitor and sex offender Barack Obama - has been moving for decades.

But let's stay a little longer with the "philanthropist" Auma Obama (did you know that she shares this "title" with, among others, George Soros, Bill Gates, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers and all the other big felons of this world?), who even teaches her protégés to play golf in the savannah of Kenya. 

I guess this is meant, that the little black negroes .... (oh sorry politically incorrect), can then say thank you to their generous "white" donors in Germany with a good tee shot. 

Mrs. Obama lets golfen regularly prominent ones and heavy rich ones in Germany for the "good purpose" - there come loosely times so 50.000 / 60.000 € together.
But also this is still a "question of the good or even bad taste".

Quite besides: Soon (starting from 9. March, if it comes so far at all still) Obama dances also still (for the good purpose?) with the largest German private television station!

Auma Obama apparently has skill (or advocacy?) in lucrating donations, as in the RTL television telethon 2016. This was the object (design from the CGI department) for which viewers were allowed to give money:

And this is how it looks in the somewhat stripped down reality just before completion 3 months ago: 

The "Who's Who" of donors and partners is "impressive" anyway, even a federal ministry is included, albeit shown very small:

Basically, the homepage and the very elaborate marketing of the Foundation convey a wonderfully ideal, colorful world of happy and cared-for children. Only the belief in it is missing to me. I have traveled through Kenya for extended periods of time for many years - I have a bit of a feel for what is going on there. 

Life in Kenya is mercilessly hard - of course only for the great mass of the underprivileged. Worst corruption and politically controlled crime are everyday life!

A look at Google's Streetview shows the Foundation's premises like this:

But let's get to the main point: One of the main tasks of the Kenyan foundation (which, by the way, also has offshoots in Germany - for German children in Cologne?!?!) is personality development (original text): 

"Through personality training, educational workshops, sports and creative activities such as dance, music and theater, Sauti Kuu promotes the development of personal and social communication and leadership skills, strengthens young people's self-confidence and self-esteem, and helps them build motivation and perseverance.

Reminder: This Sauti Kuu - object is located in Kenya, deep in the west, near Lake Victoria.... and all around only savannah | child slave labor | child prostitution | genital mutilation | POVERTY.

I got a huge fright when I read that Auma Obama is a council member of the "World Future Council" - I immediately remembered this sub-organization of the World Economic Forum by Schwab / Great Reset. But no, I had made a mistake, or rather had been deceived. Schwab's organization is called "Global Future Council..."

Still, it seemed strange to me - such an extreme similarity of names for organizations that represent similar things in terms of content...

And then upon further research, I came across a commentary by the "chief economist" of the World Future Council (where Obama is a council member) about the World Economic Forum/ Great Reset by Klaus Schwab in Davos: 

"After the global banking crisis...the World Economic Forum concludes in its latest global risk analysis (Global Risks Report 2018) that climate change impacts pose very similar systemic threats to the world." 
So, in conclusion, the chief economist is now proposing a "climate bailout."

Two global "Future Councils" with almost the same name and in this respect identical agenda?! Climate Bailout = Great Reset (first Corona Lockdowns, then Climate Lockdowns). Any questions?

And from here on the journey down the rabbit hole started to become emotionally difficult for me to bear, so from now on only stitch point circumstantial evidence.

-> Giant transmission tower brings high-speed mobile internet (5G?) to Obama's Sauti Kuu Foundation 

Remember: Savannne | POVERTY | hunger | drought disaster | child slave labor | genital mutilation | child sex slaves etc.... such children need highspeed internet as a priority????)

-> Child trafficker Oprah Winfrey accompanies Barak Obama to Kenya and to the "Sauti Kuu Foundation" of his half-sister!

However, Winfrey canceled at the last minute, preferring to fly directly to South Africa for one of her "children's projects. She may have been driven away by the headwind she openly faced from the Kenyans:

-> Samson Obama - registered sex offender in UK! One of Auma Obama's brothers is denied entry to the UK for sexually assaulting a minor!
Samson Obama - one of the president's 11 half-brothers and sisters - was reportedly living illegally in Britain when he was arrested in Berkshire last November. A group of girls, one aged 13, told police a man approached them and followed them to a cafe a mile from Samson Obama's mother's home in Bracknell.
Obama, 41, was questioned for several hours by Thames Valley Police, who took his fingerprints and a DNA sample. He allegedly told detectives he was Henry Aloo, a genuine asylum seeker, but gave his own mother Kezia's address. Obama denied any sexual assault, but reportedly received an official warning for a public order offense accepted. A caution is an admission of a crime. Police also reportedly discovered that Obama had been living illegally in Britain for seven years.

-> Malik Obama under terror suspicion! Another brother of Auma Obama is counted like his famous brother Barack Obama (unofficially) to the Muslim Brotherhood! Malik is because of it target of terror investigations of the Egyptian government!

-> Malik Obama publicly presents a "real" birth certificate of his half-brother Barack and is berated by his sister Auma (philanthropist, "child protector") on Twitter!

-> 56 year old board member of Sauti Kuu Foundation Germany dies unexpectedly of anaphylactic shock (he was one of the biggest software gurus in Germany)!

-> Foundation board member Willi Lemke (a soccer legend), UN sports ambassador & KGB double agent (UN, next to WHO one of the worst "organizations" ever)

-> Foundation board member Ida Beerhalter also sits in the G20 Foundation and the "Stiftung Charité" - where also Prof. (?) Drosten acts (the Fauci of Germany)!

-> And the last board member is a big shot at Airbus.


As they say so aptly in Austria, "The presumption of innocence applies......"

PS: Just now I received this message: 

According to a 2019 report by the National Crime and Research Center, Kenya was ranked 17th out of 19 on the list of countries where child abductions are widespread.

In Kenya, nearly 30 cases of missing children are reported every day. That's nearly 11000 missing children per year - and that's just the official number.

Report Page