The Mother Of All Seductions

The Mother Of All Seductions


The Mother Of All Seductions


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October 12, 2018
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I am here to rave about this eye shadow palette. If you’ve spoken to me about makeup recently, you will know that I am totally over the moon for this eye shadow palette. I even left work to go get it during my lunch break, ran through the mall, and somehow got back in an hour.
I have had my eyes on this sucker for months, it was a highly anticipated release for me from Pat McGrath Labs. Yes, it is a hefty price tag for this palette ($125). Pat McGrath is not cheap, but she creates quality products unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I did have a gift card to cover the bulk of this purchase, but if I am being 100% honest, I would pay for this palette whether I had a gift card or not.
It is composed of 10 shades. There are 3 mattes, and various shimmer/glitter/metallic shades.
These mattes are too dark to be transitional shades for me personally. For a darker skin tone, they would be perfect. I usually have to use a lighter shade of my own, prior to using the mattes in this palette. Regardless, they are buildable and creamy. Great to use after your transitional shade, if you have a lighter skin tone. The other shades... all I can say is O.M.G. They are fantastic. I am a glitter fanatic . I would describe these shades as ethereal , mature glitters. They are unreal . The shifts of color are incredible. Little to no fall out. I simply use my finger to apply these shades. No glitter glue needed. The payoff is amazing, and HELLO inner corner highlight!
Pictures do not do these shades justice!
Pat’s description: “Succumb to the splendour of ten extravagantly extraterrestrial shades, saturated with pure colour and diamond sparkle intensity – ranging from ravishingly radiant rose gold, incendiary crimson and molten metallic bronzes to mesmerising mattes – presented in a luxurious couture palette.”
The shades, as Sephora (and myself) describe them:
Skinshow Divine Glow - golden champagne (your classic highlight shade, great for under the brow) Gilty Pleasure - silky bronzed taupe (glittery, medium taupe) Entrapment - tawny terracotta matte (the lighter of the mattes) Rose Gold 005 - gleaming rose gold - (glittery, my favorite shade) VR Fire Opal - color shifting chartreuse (glittery, gold shade, w/ green/teal shift) Astral Luna Gold - glistening white gold (glittery, white shade, w/ yellow shift) Blitz Flame - molten metallic crimson (metallic, gorgeous red for the fall) Bronze Blaze - glittering golden bronze (glittery) Disobedient - classic matte mahogany (the darker brown of the mattes) Xtreme Aubergine -blackened matte violet (deep purple)
On a final note, go pick up this palette . I promise that you won’t regret it. It’s a great fall palette and will carry you all year round adding glitz to any look!
Leave a comment below if you have this palette, or if you hope to get it!
Looks like great pigmentation! Great review! -Robyn
This is great! I love it and I love the blog! I am already thinking I should go get it, especially for the wedding!
Thank you so much!! You totally should. Let me know if you end up getting it! Lacey
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Seduction is a subtle art. Sending the signals to a woman without a full-frontal approach takes finesse. Women don’t like it when you go straight for them. It’s overwhelming. So you have to be more powerfully subtle. Here’s how to make seductive eye contact.
Here’s a potent seduction technique you can use the next time you want to get a girl you like, your girlfriend, or your wife to want to have sex with you. 
Check Out Seduction Trilogy ⇐ The Raindrop Seduction Method 
Have you mastered the “I think I might bang you” look? 
Or do you usually rely on the “deer in headlights” look? 
Here’s a simple way to learn the PROPER “I think I might bang you” look… 
Here are a few ideas that generally work for a lot of guys I’ve worked (and played with) in the past: 
Then explain to her what you’re working on and actually practice on her. Make sure she is giving you steady feedback until you both feel like you’ve got the look down pat. 
If you want more seduction tips and techniques, check out the mother-of-all seduction method from our very own Dr. Patti. 
Check Out Seduction Trilogy ⇐ The Raindrop Seduction Method
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When you gaze out across the landscape of the visible church through an earthly, superficial lens, you’ve got to scratch your head and wonder, “Has evangelicalism lost its ever-lovin’ mind?”.
And the answer is to take off those inch-deep dollar store glasses, fire up the electron microscope of Scripture, look long and deep into God’s Word, and reply to yourself, “Of course it has, silly rabbit. What did you expect?”. The Bible is perfectly clear about these things and why they happen.
Exhibit A: The trend in recent years to invite a woman to preach the Sunday morning sermon in church, to the whole congregation (including men) just because it’s Mother’s Day. Not a brief personal testimony , the sermon. This isn’t anything brand new. Hope Adams (though I’m certain she wasn’t the first in this trend) did it at Ed Young, Jr.’s Fellowship Church in 2014. Lisa Harper did it at in 2015. Christine Caine did it at Willow Creek in 2016. Lisa Bevere did it at CRC Cape Town in 2017, and a host of other famous and unfamous women at famous and unfamous churches have been doing it for years, even at churches that normally obey Scripture and don’t let women preach .
This year, Beth Moore has caused quite the stir by hiding in plain sight the fact that she will be preaching the sermon “ doing Mother’s Day ” this coming Sunday, presumably at the Tomball, Texas, campus of the church she attends (founded and pastored by her son-in-law Curtis Jones 1 ) Bayou City Fellowship:
I say “hiding in plain sight” because she has given enough of an impression here that she is preaching the sermon to test the waters and see what the reaction will be, but has worded her tweet vaguely enough that if she meets too much resistance she can still decide to back out of preaching, give a brief word of biblically appropriate Mother’s Day greeting or encouragement to the ladies at another point during the service, and come back and claim with wide-eyed innocence that that’s what she meant all along by saying she was “doing” Mother’s Day. (Someone asked Beth point blank, in a subsequent tweet if Beth’s tweet meant that she would be preaching the Sunday service and Beth did not answer her. If she’s not, why not just say so? And if she is and isn’t ashamed of it, why not just say so?)
I say “presumably” at BCF-Tomball because, even though she publicizes specific details about time and place with other speaking engagements, she has not mentioned (at least not anywhere I can find as of the time I’m writing this) the specific church she’s preaching at on Sunday, and the church hasn’t mentioned on their website that she’ll be the guest preacher. Additionally, unlike other speaking engagements Beth does, this speaking engagement is not listed on the calendar of events at her website and she hasn’t mentioned it (other than the tweet above) on social media. With all this “open secrecy” I will be surprised if the video or audio of her sermon is posted on YouTube and/or the church website.
Why all this cloak and dagger about the highest profile woman in the Southern Baptist Convention 2 , possibly in the entirety of evangelicalism, preaching the Mother’s Day sermon?
Because she knows it’s unbiblical. Because we know it’s unbiblical. And it doesn’t take an electron microscope to see it. It’s right there, in black and white, jumping off the pages of Scripture:
I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. 1 Timothy 2:12
It couldn’t be more clear. And for pastors who ought to know better to either fall prey to or intentionally perpetuate the serpentine seduction of “ Did God really say you can’t preach?”, using Mother’s Day as an excuse to induce a woman to sin by having her deliver the sermon is a slap in the face – to God, to the church, and to women.
Using Mother’s Day as an excuse to induce a woman to sin by having her deliver the sermon is a slap in the face – to God, to the church, and to women.
What do his actions say to God? “I don’t like Your way and I won’t submit to it. I don’t trust that Your way is right regardless of what the world says. I’ll do what’s right in my own eyes .” It’s the lesson his church learns from his actions as well.
But why is inviting a woman to preach an affront to Christian women? Take a stroll down to verse 15 of 1 Timothy 2:
Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.
Not only does the pastor who invites a woman to preach adulterate the role God has set aside specifically for men, he also denigrates one of the good and holy roles God has specifically and intentionally set aside for women: the role of literal, and spiritual , mother.
Eve shattered God’s perfect, unique design for women by allowing herself to be seduced into rebellion. But are we daughters of Eve forever doomed to bear the shame and guilt of her sin, never to have a role in building the Kingdom? Pariahs, to be shunned and shut out of God’s plan? No, praise God! Through the cross, the good works Christ has ordained for Christian women to do – including mothering our own children and being spiritual mothers to our daughters in the faith – redeem the prestige of women . Mothering, in every sense in which God intended it, raises the role of women back to its rightful place in God’s plan.
And we don’t need men – especially men who are supposed to be rightly leading God’s people – to come along and entice us to mess that all up again.
But that’s exactly what’s happening.
When a pastor invites a woman to sin by taking over the pulpit, he drags her and the women of his church right back to post-Fall Eden. He trashes the rank and repute of our God-given high and holy role of mother and implicitly says Being a woman isn’t good enough. You have to steal the role of men to be valued and esteemed. 
When a pastor invites a woman to sin by taking over the pulpit, he implicitly says, “Being a woman isn’t good enough. You have to steal the role of men to be valued and esteemed.”
We don’t need to be second rate imitations of men in order to “count”. We need to be first rate, full throttle, take it to the limit women of God. God loves us and values us so much more than to give men a special and amazing role and leave us without an equally special and amazing, yet totally distinct, role. The God who spoke the universe into existence and planned out an unparalleled purpose for every single plant, animal, bacterium, and every other atom of the cosmos, did not leave the queen of His creation roleless. He did not bring us into being only to toddle along after the Hairy Ones trying to copy their every move. How unloving of God, and devaluing to women, would that be? Why would you want to act like a man when God blessed you with the gift of being a woman?
If, by God’s good Providence, you’ve “stumbled across” this article and you’re a woman who has been invited to preach, I plead with you: don’t buy the lie . Say no. Your Savior has a whole treasure chest of good works for you to do as a woman. You are worth infinitely more to Him as the woman He created you to be than you are to the world, or a worldly church, as a cheap knock-off of a man.
Let us be the mothers our own children need, raising up a godly seed unto the Lord. Let us be the spiritual mothers longed for by younger women in the faith, daughters orphaned by Christian women who have abandoned them to take on the role of men. The practice of denigrating women, devaluing our God-given role, disobeying God, and darkening the understanding of the church by inviting women to sinfully take the pulpit must stop in the house of God and be replaced by strong godly women, unafraid and unashamed to flourish in the precious role our Lord has blessed us with.
1 Curtis Jones (Beth Moore’s son-in-law) resigned his pastorate at BCF in July 2020.
The trend of inviting women to preach needs to stop. Especially on Mother's Day.
Husbands and pastors often reassure a woman that it's OK for her to teach or lead men because she'll be doing so "under his authority."
7 Ways to Honor Mothers During Your Mother's Day Worship Service
Wow! Amazing. These days, it’s difficult to find women who are confident enough to stand in her role as a woman instead of competing with the man. Gender wars are growing everyday, and it always breaks my heart to see it in full throttle.
This post gives me hope that one day, women will come to know and understand that our role is not inferior. It compliments the man’s.
Amen! Absolutely awesome! So appropriate for these times. Thanks for sharing
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