The Most Important Time for Humanity

The Most Important Time for Humanity

Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Adil ar-Rabbani

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

May Allāh ﷻ make us from those who know the value of these days. We are reaching the end of the holy month of Rajab. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla said, “It is My month” about this month. In it, there are two [holy nights]. And every Friday is a holy day just like them.

There are certain nights which are valued very much in the Presence of Allāh ﷻ. And the days are Fridays. They are every week, Shukr to Allāh ﷻ. He ﷻ made us from those who know today’s value inshā’Allāh, because the honour of the day of Friday is to go to Jum’ah prayer at the time of Jum’ah. There is a command. And this command, it is a great loss to those who can but don’t carry it out. Let aside the sin, it is a loss. It is not a gain but a loss for them.

People who leave this holy time for Dunyā and deal with useless things are like people who deal with garbage by leaving jewels and gold.

Therefore, in this holy month there is Laylatul ‘Isrā' wal-Miʿrāj, when our Holy Prophet ﷺ ascended to the presence of Allāh ﷻ and reached the highest level. No one has ever reached that level from people.

Our Holy Prophet ﷺ reached it on this night, and it is a holy night. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla gave presents both to our Holy Prophet ﷺ and to his Ummah on that night.

Actually, it is a big duty for Muslims to honour that night. People of the present time who are Muslim but don’t have Imān, don’t accept this. They don’t even think about it. They are not aware of it. Many of them are educated, they know Qur’ān and Hadīth but don’t know the value of these things. There are many people like this.

If they do so knowingly, they disgrace themselves. If they do so unknowingly because they are not accustomed to it, they are still in loss. People go to the other corner of the world to earn profit, benefit and interest. But when it comes to ākhirah, they are lazy. They don’t care about it.

These nights are the times we should pay attention to, because we are living not only to eat, drink and have fun. There are creatures who only eat and drink. Their duties are different. But mankind should not be like them. Allāh ﷻ has given them a duty according to them. Eventually, it is given as a benefit to people.

Mankind was created not only to eat and drink but to perform worship in this world.

Worship is the most important thing. Who doesn’t know about it says that his life is all about eating, drinking and having fun. That is not life. The real life is this life; to be busy with worship and to get the most benefit from it. What we mean by worship is everything. Not only praying and fasting, but also giving advice and helping others, doing good deeds are also worship. They are not useless. They are worship. They are the heart of worship.

Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Rahim,

لَن تَنَالُوا الْبِرَّ حَتَّىٰ تُنفِقُوا مِمَّا تُحِبُّونَ

‘Lan tanālū l-birra hattá tunfiqū mimmā tuhibbūn’, ‘Never will you attain the good [reward] until you spend [in the way of Allah ] from that which you love.’ (Qur’ān 03:92).

You cannot attain goodness until you spend and help others. That is worship as well.

Therefore, people should be busy with these things every minute. Some people think, “We are eating and drinking. We eat, drink and sit. We will eat and drink today.”

Some people eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some have breakfast and dinner. Some eat once a day since they’re on a diet. And the same repeats on the second and third day. People who think so have forgotten about their ākhirah.

We eat. We eat with BismiLlāh and make Shukr to Allāh ﷻ. Then we eat again and make Shukr to Allāh ﷻ again. And we make Du‘ā’ so that it gives strength to our bodies and so that we have Imān. We pray. We make our Waẓīfah/Duty. And then it is same the next day. It is so.

Allāh ﷻ created people in order to do this. They can do whatever they want then. But when you do this, you have to make Shukr. Don’t think that you are doing the same thing.

This is life. It will go on like this. But you have to keep it with Taqwā and worship. Otherwise, you will live for nothing. Four-legged animals are better than you then, because they won’t be questioned in ākhirah, but you will be.

May Allāh ﷻ let everyone live like He ﷻ wants it. May we be as Allāh ﷻ loves and as our Holy Prophet ﷺ wants inshā’Allāh.

Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.

Sohbah by Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Adil Ar-Rabbani (q)

25th February 2022| 24th Rejab 1443

Lefke Dergah, Cyprus

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