The Most Common Renault Trafic Key Fob Debate Actually Isn't As Black And White As You Think

The Most Common Renault Trafic Key Fob Debate Actually Isn't As Black And White As You Think

The Story of the Renault Card Key

The inventions that have transformed the way we use cars and other vehicles, none has made as a huge difference to the lives of drivers as the hands-free card. Pascaline, Head of Cross-Cutting Products at Renault Group Products talks us through the history of this little device.

The origins of the card

The hands-free card from Renault is an international hit. It's now an essential element of the daily lives of car owners. It was first designed over twenty years ago and is now one of the most innovative innovations of the company. Pascaline is the head of Cross-Cutting Products in the Products division will take you on a journey of discovery in order to find out the background of this handy tool.

It was in 2001 that the Laguna II, a saloon that aimed at capturing the essence of 'lifestyle' driving, entered production. It was a time of tremendous innovation and numerous new technology attributes that helped customers enjoy their vehicle to the maximum.

However, the people who occupied these cars were still required to use their keys to open and close their doors. Renault engineers realized that this was a huge problem for many.

In the end, they decided to include a contactless keycard in their vehicles and create an application that allows drivers to unlock and start their vehicles by simply waving hands. The result is the key card, which is now present on a majority of Renault vehicles. The car will open automatically when the card is placed near the ignition barrel, or even the centre console. This is a genuine Renault remote control card (without blade). It is clam-packed in a sealed package and is ready to be programmed using Abrites Diagnostics for Renault/ Dacia Software with the ProTAG Programmer.

The design

A Renault key card, or even a car remote key can be a great comfort in our day-to-day lives. Unfortunately, these devices are prone to malfunction due to wear and tear or being dropped. When this occurs, it can be very frustrating. There are several ways you can repair your Renault keycard. Contacting the dealership is one alternative. However, this may take a long time, and it could also be expensive. A professional locksmith is an alternative option.

SR Key Solutions is fully equipped to make and programme Renault keys and cards. We can offer an upgrade to your existing key at a significantly lower cost than the price a dealer would charge. We can also complete the process faster than dealers.

This product is compatible with Renault Laguna II, Espace 4 and Vel Satis keycards (keyless entry system). It will protect your keycard while providing a stylish design. It comes in two different colors and can be customized with your VIN or logo. It can be used in conjunction with a normal keychain or placed inside the key case. This is an authentic Renault item and can only be used on the vehicle for the model for which it was ordered. Please provide your VIN to ensure that the correct key is delivered.

renault car keys are equipped with transponder chips inside. They also have a low frequency communication feature which allows the card to communicate with your car. These chips are prone to cracking from general use and it can be expensive to repair them or replaced at a dealership. We can repair or replace your Renault key card for just a fraction of the retail cost.

The hands-free card first appeared in 2001, in the Laguna II saloon. This car was designed to be the car that would be the most desirable of the 21st century. However, despite an in-depth design brief based on more than 6,000 customer interviews looking at their lifestyles, habits and expectations, Renault ran out of time to create prototypes and test all possible use-cases.

Bernard Dumondel was the product lead on Laguna II at the time. He utilized his hotel room key to unlock the car. He thought that keys for cars could be made with the same magnetic strip used for the key.

In the years that followed, the card was hailed as an innovative innovation and is now available in two out of three Renault vehicles. While smartphones seem to be on the verge of replacing it, Renault has chosen to harness these new capabilities without leaving the hands-free cards by the wayside.

The keyless entry system

The hands-free card from Renault was an innovation in technology when it first came out 20 years ago. Its exterior remains identical, but the technology inside has seen a few upgrades to make it more user-friendly and harder to hack.

First of all, it cannot be used to unlock the doors or start the engine from outside the vehicle unless it is activated by the driver. This is because radio antennae "around the car" are designed to determine whether the key is inside or outside. The key can still turn on the ignition from a distance, however, it won't unlock the doors. This is to ensure your safety.

The second is that the wireless remote control transmissions of the system employ a rolling-code. This reduces the likelihood of someone stealing an informational message and retransmitting it in order to gain access, but does not eliminate it. [1]

If your Megane's key fob suddenly stops working - particularly after you've dropped it on the floor - it could be a sign the receiver module has developed a fault. If this is the case it is necessary to replace your key fob using an original Renault replacement. To find out more, click the 'Key Programming Information tab above. Customers in the motor or locksmith trades can sign up for a trade account and receive preferential pricing.

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