The Milf Experience

The Milf Experience


The Milf Experience

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Preview — The MILF Experience
by T.L. Douglas

When Danny is caught masturbating in the bathroom of his best friends house, by his best friends Mom, he didn't know what to expect next. A police call? or maybe to be beaten with a stick? Anything but what actually happened. Aurora was a kind woman, very clean, very soft and certainly not kinky, or so Danny thought...
When Danny is caught masturbating in the bathroom of his best friends house, by his best friends Mom, he didn't know what to expect next. A police call? or maybe to be beaten with a stick? Anything but what actually happened. Aurora was a kind woman, very clean, very soft and certainly not kinky, or so Danny thought...

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26-year-old gets involved with an older woman.
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At twenty six, I had worked in the maintenance department of the office building for something like eight years. It was a go nowhere kind of job, but no one really bothered me, and I was more or less my own boss. The tenants of the building ranged from travel agents, to wholesalers, and even one attorney. None of which were very interesting people as far as I was concerned.
About a month ago, a woman who was an interior decorator moved in and set up shop. She was as unlike the rest of the tenants as night is from day. I had no idea of her real age, but I figured that she was somewhere in the age neighborhood of my mother! Short, well styled, absolutely silver hair framed a still attractive face with piercing blue eyes, and a smile that was totally dazzling. The real thing about her was her build. Well dressed in a conservative manner, she still had the body of a twenty year old which surprised the hell out of me. Curvy, full breasted, with legs that from what I could see which wasn't much, seemed to be truly incredible.
I hadn't run into Mrs. Nance very often, and then, it was only a nod and a 'hello', so it sort of surprised me that one day, there was a message on my machine to come by her office. Of course, I hurried right up. After knocking on the door, I entered as she said, "Come in?"
Seeing her standing behind a work table dressed in a form fitting beige blouse and a snug fitting charcoal gray skirt, I said "Hi Mrs. Nance...what can I help you with?"
"There seems to be a light burned out up here..." she said with a smile, pointing upwards to a light fixture. "Think you could change that bulb for me?"
"Sure thing! No problem at all." I said, then added, "Let me run down to the shop and get you a new one. I'll be right back."
On the way back from the shop, a new fluorescent bulb clutched in my hand, I thought that this was really some kind of woman! Even at her age, she was far and away the best looking woman in the building, not to mention the sexiest! "Woman could make a fuckin' rock sweat!" I said softly as I walked up the hallway towards her office.
Knocking, I went ahead and entered, seeing her still behind the work table. I saw a stool over to one side, and indicating it, asked, "Mind if I use this?"
"Help yourself Jeff...just be careful and don't fall." She said, flashing me that dazzling smile once again which caused a certain rise in my blood pressure.
As I drug it over into position, I took another good long look at her, and noticed that she wasn't wearing any kind of wedding ring or anything like that. Unwillingly, I turned my attention back to changing the light, and climbed up on the stool.
Quickly, I had the cover off the light fixture, and was in the process of fitting the new bulb into place when I got a little off balance and stumbled a bit. Almost instantly, Mrs. Nance was beside me, her hands on my thigh steadying me. Just the touch of her hands had a very erotic effect on me, and I could feel my cock beginning to swell in my tight jeans, and hoped she wouldn't notice.
Her hands felt incredibly good on my leg, even through my jeans! Warm and soft. I looked down at her, and saw a strange sort of look on her face, but didn't attribute it to anything until she started to rub her hands gently up and down my leg! That most certainly had an effect on me! She continued as I fumbled with the light tube until her hands were stopping no more than two inches below where my cock was pressing down the leg of my jeans! I was nearly going nuts as she kept this up, but finally, I managed to get the light in place, and step down off the stool. "There you go Mrs. Nance. That should do it for you."
"Thank you Jeff. I appreciate that a lot." She said, smiling again.
"No problem. If you have any other problems, just let me know." I answered her with a smile of my own.
I headed on back to the shop, all the time wondering if what had just happened, really happened, and if it meant what I thought it did! I just didn't know. Could have been perfectly innocent, but then on the other hand...
Several hours later, I was working at my workbench when the phone rang. I picked it up, and lo and behold, it was Mrs. Nance!
"Jeff... Jean Nance." Came her smooth sexy voice through the receiver, the sound of it leaving me just a little bit weak in the knees. "I was wondering if you could help me out a little this evening?"
"Yes. I've got a few things around my condo that need a little manly attention, and I was wondering if I might talk you into coming over this evening." She stated in that sultry voice.
Now knowing that I didn't have a damn thing planned for this evening other than watching television with a six pack of beer, it didn't take me too long at all to agree! She gave me the address, and said, "Wonderful Jeff. I'll see you around seven then."
I lamely muttered something, and hung up the phone, standing there with my hand on it for several minutes, pinching myself occasionally to see if I were dreaming.
I'd cleaned up at my apartment, and put on fresh clothes. Right at seven o'clock, I rang her doorbell, and stood there waiting. I didn't have very long to wait at all! The door swung open, and there she stood! Vastly different from what I'd seen earlier in the day, but even more attractive! Mrs. Nance wore a white button front, very fitted blouse, this one worn unbuttoned to just below her jutting breasts! Through the gaping material, I could see no sign of a bra, and the thrust of her nipples against the material told me that I really wasn't seeing things!
I couldn't stop my eyes from running over her form which brought the second shock of the evening, her skirt! This wasn't like the one she'd worn to work at all. In fact, I wondered if such a short little thing could even be called a skirt! The black, tight skirt ended just a couple inches below where I guessed her pussy to be, and exposed a fantastic amount of incredible legs! She worn high heels, and sheer4 dark stockings that went up under her skirt, but nevertheless showed off her full calves, and incredibly muscular, tapering thighs! My mouth instantly started to water, and once again, I could feel the tightness growing in my crotch! There was just no way I could deny what was going on here, and it was really hard to keep a smile off my face.
"Come on in Jeff! Make yourself at home." Mrs. Nance said, once again flashing that brilliant dazzling smile at me. I could feel myself melting.
I hefted my toolbox, and stepped through the open door way, detecting a whiff of some perfume as I passed close to her. "What kinds of jobs do you have for me this evening Mrs. Nance?" I asked, stopping in the living room of the condo.
"Oh please Jeff, call me Jean. The 'Mrs. Nance' isn't at all necessary." She said, brushing past me. "Come on back in the kitchen. Most of what needs to be done is there."
I followed her into the kitchen, unable to take my eyes off her muscular ass as she walked in front of me. Once there, she pointed out a couple small things, and one problem under the sink. Her disposal wasn't working quite right.
I lay down on my back and scooted up under the sink, seeing what the problem was right off. I grabbed a couple of tools from my box, and was in the process of solving that problem when I heard her ask, "Would you like some coffee Jeff? Or a drink maybe?"
I glanced out from under the sink, then stopping, just plain stared! She was sort of squatting down to talk to me, her legs a little apart giving me an unobstructed view up under her skirt! The thing that really blew me away was that she was wearing thigh top stockings, without any panties! I had a clear view of her sweetly shaven cunt, and I knew that there was no way this could be an 'accident'!
It was plane as day that she knew damn well what a view she was giving me, and she made no effort to either shift her position, or to close her legs! She just stayed right there, putting herself totally on display for me!
It was a bitch fixing the disposal by feel, but I wasn't about to avert my eyes! Hell, I couldn't! I'd read about things like this in Penthouse, but I never in a million years thought that anything like this would ever happen to me ! Especially with a woman like her!
The more I looked, the more I wanted to look! I'm just human, and there was no way in the world I could keep my cock from getting rock hard in the tightness of my jeans which was completely obvious to her!
"There seems to be a bit of a problem here." She said smoothly, her silky voice rolling over me like warm water.
"Problem?" I asked from under the sink.
"Yeah, this." She said, openly laying her hand on my bulging hard cock! "This looks like a job for me."
Her fingers caressed the length of my shaft through my jeans, her touch sending little shivers of excitement shooting through me from head to toe. She grasped it, squeezing lightly, but firmly enough for me to feel clear down to my insteps.
I gave up all pretense of doing anything else under the sink.
Smiling, a knowing look in her eyes, she said, "There's another problem up in the bedroom that needs some taking care of Jeff."
I got to my feet, and she reached out and took my hand, leading me through the condo and up the stairs to the second floor. The view of her shapely legs and ass right in front of me kept me on the verge of blowing my top, and as she led me into the softly lit bedroom, she turned into my arms, pressing herself against me as her open lips sought out mine.
Her tongue worked its way between my lips as my arms came up around her. I could feel the warmth of her flesh through the thinness of her blouse, and feel the heaviness of her breasts pressing into me through my tee shirt. My prick was about to burst in my jeans! I don't think I'd ever been so turned on in my life!
Her lips were soft yet demanding as she worked her mouth on mine, her tongue dancing in my mouth. Her arms tightened around my neck, her fingernails playing lightly in the short hair at the back of my neck, her midsection grinding into my loins. Her hands tugged at my tee shirt, drawing it up and off. Once again, her mouth came down on mine, this time, the heat of her breasts was amazing as she pressed them against me! I let my hands roam up and down the smooth, firm curves of her back, just to the outward swell of her hips. Even now, I was afraid to go too fast and maybe scare her off!
Jean stepped back, and before I could even think about it, she'd opened her blouse and slipped it off her shoulders, and had unzipped her skirt and let it fall around her ankles! Nude except for her long sheer stockings and high heels, she moved back against me once again. As our mouths worked together, I let my hands trail down her back and over her hips until I was holding one smooth firm globe of her asscheeks in my hands. As I pressed her even closer, kneading her flesh, I could hear her moan softly into my mouth in response.
Her fingers found my belt and opened it, then she unzipped my jeans and spread the material apart. She pushed the material down over my hips, then quickly dropped to her knees in front of me, pulling them, and my shoes, off over my feet. Looking up at me, a smile on her face, she hooked her fingers into the waistband of my jockey's and pulled them down too! My hard cock sprang up right in front of her face, bringing another smile to her lips as she wrapped her fingers around my shaft!
"Oh God." I moaned, trying to maintain some sort of control over the situation. "This is too much!"
Jean leaned forward a bit and kissed the rounded knob of my prick, her open lips taking a little suck at the same time. It felt like someone had plugged me in to a wall socket!
Quickly, she stood, and walking backwards, pulled me with her to the bed. We fell across the covers in a tangle of arms, legs, and searching mouths. I don't remember just how, but I would up between her legs, and instantly, my cock found its way between the puffy lips of her cunt, and in one long plunge, eased its way to the hilt in her incredibly tight pussy! I couldn't believe it. She had the cunt of a twenty year old! Tight, wet, extremely hot and juicy, her pussy clutched at me like the proverbial warm, wet glove!
Already feeling the need to cum badly, I nevertheless began moving. Back and forth, I stroked my cock into her. Each stroke feeling like a tight ring was around my shaft! I tried to concentrate on kissing her, sucking on her tongue, anything to keep my mind off what was going on below. It was no use. Already, I could feel the hot cum entering the base of my shaft, threatening to explode long before I was wanting it to! I groaned and said, "Oh shit...not now!"
"Its okay baby. Let it come. Give it to me. There's plenty of time." Jean whispered, running her tongue into my ear at the same time.
Her nyloned legs came up around me, clutching me to her as she arched her body up to meet mine. Every stroke I took was returned by the lovely silver haired woman beneath me as I sought to control myself.
It was no use. I could literally feel myself pass that point of no return, and I pounded against her, unable to do anything else as I sought my own release! I quickly hooked my arms beneath her knees and lifted her legs, driving them back against her, pounding my cock even deeper into her willing cunt! Jean twisted and lunged beneath me as she sought to thrust herself up to meet my invading cock. My balls slapped against her lower ass cheeks; I raised myself on my arms, looking down at her face which was screwed up in passion. Just as I totally lost it, my hot sperm exploding from the piss slit in the head of my cock, Jean exploded with her own powerful orgasm! I could feel her body convulse beneath me, her pussy spasmed, tightened and releasing rhythmically as she milked me unashamedly of my juices! Again and again, I exploded within the clutching confines of her eager pussy, drenching it with my jism. Feelings the like of which I'd seldom experienced roared through me; bright lights flashing in my brain as I empties myself into her.
Jean's mouth was wide open as she was caught up in her own orgasm. I found myself hoping that her's was as good as mine although I had no real way of knowing. From the look on her face, it seemed like it was. Her body was thrashing and plunging under me, her nails digging into the flesh of my arms as she was overwhelmed with passion. Like animals, we strove and shoved against each other, each seeking, and finding, our own pleasure time and again!
Finally, we both lay still, breathing heavily from the exertions, holding on to each other. Finally, I eased myself off of her and collapsed onto the bed beside her. My mind was still awhirl with the wonder of this encounter. I honestly didn't know where to go next with all this.
Jean snuggled against me, her arm over my stomach, one lovely leg thrown over mine, stroking her nylon covered thigh along my skin. Holding her close, my fingers trailing over her satiny flesh, I said, "You are something else."
"So are you. So are you." She said, not lifting her head to speak. "I knew that when I saw you the other day."
"So, you've been planning this then?" I asked, smoothing my hand over the curve of her back.
"Well of course!" she said with a little laugh. "Ever since I saw you in the parking lot. I knew I wanted you then."
"I'm glad this happened then. I really am." I said, still wondering a little if this could possibly be a dream. A very wet dream.
Jean kissed my chest, then let her tongue run out over one of my nipples, nipping it with her white teeth just a little which sent further little shooting spasms roaring through me.
Slowly, she began kissing lower and lower. She dipped her tongue into my navel, twirling it around a moment before moving even lower! Again, I could feel my cock stiffening, wondering if she were really going to suck me off!
Little by litter, Jean moved downwards until she was moving her kissing lips through the upper fringes of my pubic hair. I grabbed a pillow and stuffed it under my head, knowing I wanted to watch this. I never got tired of seeing a woman with her lips wrapped tightly around my cock, her cheeks bloating as she sucked it deep.
I let my legs drift apart in silent invitation as the lovely older woman slowly worked her way down one side of my pubic mound, then down around my balls! She was clearly taking her own sweet time with this which had always been a fantasy for me. So many girls my age, while they would suck a guy's cock, made it quite clear that they were doing the guy a "favor". Not Jean. Clearly, she enjoyed what she was doing!
I reached my hand down, slipping it under her and cupping one of her large firm breasts. I could feel the nipple stiffen against my warm palm as I slowly massaged it, marveling at the fullness of her. Lightly, I pinched her nipple, hearing her moan with delight as she pres
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