The Midnight Apothecary Pt. 05

The Midnight Apothecary Pt. 05

The Midnight Apothecary #5

I want to learn everything there is to know about the practices performed here. Rolduin could scarcely believe he said that. But Nissa was already leading him away by the hand. She was a tall woman, only about four inches shorter than he was, and he was six foot two. So many thoughts raced through Rolduin's head. Mostly, he was taking in Nissa's presence.

He didn't have a lot of sexual experience, and certainly not with a person like Nissa. She seemed somehow exotic. Maybe it was the shaved head, or maybe it was her impossibly lean frame paired with her height. The whole aesthetic gave her a sense of otherworldliness. As she walked, her body flowed with long, lean muscles that were clearly visible when she moved.

He caught himself wondering how she maintained those muscles and was curious about what she did outside of here. It occurred to him that everyone at The Midnight Apothecary had lives outside this building. They were regular people from the village of Salthill. Looking around, he wanted to know each of their stories, and he wondered if any would be willing to share that with him. They had no reason to trust him yet.

He turned his eyes back to Nissa. Something about her exuded such a strong, feminine presence, despite her bald head, visible muscles, and miniscule curves. He couldn't figure out what particular features it was. It was almost like her essence just poured forth a delicate, wispy femininity. When she turned back to smile at him, he saw it in her eyes. They were bright blue and shining with energy from within. She also had small, cute ears and though there didn't appear to be an ounce of fat on her body, her face was soft and round. Again he was struck with the feeling that she didn't belong on this planet.

Nissa led him to a far corner of the room with an empty space. His eyes trailed down the thin, bare arm reaching behind her to hold his hand, and they stopped at the long, delicate fingers lightly gripping his own. So pretty. He'd never seen a woman like her before.

Nissa had her own blanket laid out. It was cream colored. She stepped onto the blanket and turned to face him. Seeing her face full-on in the candlelight, he noticed that her lips were plump and rosy. It was like everything voluptuous about her went into her face to command your attention there.

She looked down at his boots. "Most of us take our shoes off here. Cara doesn't really like people tracking dirt in, especially since we tend to go barefoot and barebacked in this space."

"Oh. I apologize."

Nissa smiled warmly. "Cara must have forgotten about it in the chaos tonight."

"Cara? Is that Chaperone Cantrell's name?"


"I guess introducing herself to me fully was an oversight, as well."

"I don't think she quite trusts you yet. You may be safer calling her by her surname for a while."

"Do you trust me?"

Nissa looked directly into Rolduin's eyes. He tried to maintain eye contact with her, but it was making him feel nervous, and he looked down at the ground. When he raised his eyes again, she lifted one corner of her mouth into a cute smirk.

"Yes, I trust you for the most part. Go ahead and take your boots off, and let's get comfortable together."

He could already hear that people near him were getting quite comfortable with one another, but he tried to keep his attention focused on Nissa. While he bent down and removed the boots, she folded herself gracefully into a seated position on the blanket. Her legs were so long and smooth. His eyes followed them all the way up, until he caught sight again of that little wisp of hair peeking out from her hip scarf, and then he blushed and turned his eyes back to his boots. He placed them on the rushes next to the blanket.

Rolduin laughed nervously. "So, uh..."

Nissa gave him a warm smile. "Let's not rush. Let's get to know one another."

She reached out and took his hands. Her fingers felt cool and delicate. Talking was good. He could handle that, and he eagerly latched onto the idea of conversation because thinking about anything else she might want to show him would be too much for him to process right now. He was already sitting with a practically naked woman who he had just met.

"Yeah, tell me about yourself. All I know is your name."

"I'm a monk."

Rolduin's eyes bugged out of his head. "You're a monk? Don't you all usually take a vow of celibacy?"

Nissa shrugged. "Kind of."

"How can you kind of make a vow? Isn't that a thing you either do or don't?"

"Many vows are taken in the spirit of an idea rather than as the literal idea. For instance, many orders take a vow to live in the spirit of poverty. They're not actually poor; they simply choose not to overindulge in worldly luxuries like large homes, expensive foods, and lavish clothing. But they are not impoverished in the way the truly poor are; they have everything they need."

Rolduin was intrigued by this line of thinking. "So then, how does one live in the spirit of celibacy without being celibate? I can't even imagine that being possible."

Nissa grinned. "Then your imagination needs a bit of exercise. The way I see it, the need for celibacy in a monastery arises because marriage takes a lot of attention and focus—attention and focus that would take energy away from the work of monastic life. I, however, have no intention of getting married. Additionally, promiscuous sex introduces behavior that can become addictive and again, take energy away from our work. But, what is the work of a monk? We seek to study, gain knowledge, and understand the nature of life and the universe, yes? Because of that, I find my studies in human sexuality absolutely essential to my work as a monk. My sisters and brothers may not agree with me, but I think sexuality holds an important key to understanding life and the universe. To that end, it is my quest to discover ultimate sexual pleasure. I do this for my own enlightenment and that of others. I must simply remember to seek balance in my studies and not let this path overshadow the rest of my life."

"That sounds like a fancy excuse that's shorthand for I really enjoy sex and don't want to give it up."

Nissa laughed. "Think what you will. I do seek enlightenment through ultimate sexual pleasure, though."

Rolduin was silent for a moment and thought about this concept. He was pretty new to sex himself, and he didn't know if it held any keys to understanding the nature of the universe, or even humanity. He'd certainly never heard of anyone making sex an area of serious study.

"What started you on this particular path of study?"

"Oh, that is a bit of a story. How about you take off the overcloak and shirt and allow me to give you a shoulder massage while I tell the tale?"

"I don't want to impose on your kindness."

"I assure you it's not an imposition at all, Rolduin. I would very much like to help you relax. Helping people is a big part of what I do, after all. It makes me feel better to know I've made someone else feel good."

He shrugged. That seemed reasonable. If she received pleasure through generosity, he would not withhold that pleasure from her. "Okay then. I must admit a shoulder rub sounds quite nice after the kind of night this has been."

He pulled off the leather cloak, folded it, and laid it next to his boots. Then he did the same with his tunic. He felt immediate relief. It had been all too warm in this back room with his cloak still on. He could feel sweat on his chest and back.

The sweat made him a bit self-conscious as Nissa placed her delicate hands on his shoulders and started kneading the tight muscles underneath. Soon enough, though, he forgot all about the sweat. Her fingers felt like magic, intuitively finding all the knots and working them in a steady, gentle manner that caused him to relax all over. He could hear her light breathing in his ear, and he found himself instinctively following the pattern of her breath, slowing his own breathing and sinking into the massage.

Her hands traveled down over his chest, and there, too, she worked out the tightness that had formed both from his practice at swords and the recent tension of his close escape. Involuntarily, he let out a moan. The sweat had all evaporated, and Nissa's hands could no longer slide smoothly across his skin. She spit on her hands and spread it across his chest. It startled him and struck him as somewhat gross, but then her fingers were trailing smoothly over his muscles again, and he thought perhaps this was the most intimate thing he'd ever done with another person.

Nissa settled in behind him, sitting on her butt and spreading her legs out on either side of his hips. She scooted up close to him, and he could feel her chest and torso pressing against his back. Her skin felt cool against his. Her hands trailed down lower, caressing the hair on his abdomen.

All Rolduin could think is, There is a naked woman pressing her body up against my bare skin, in a room full of people.

His cock woke up at the thought, though he had no idea why the thought of having others around excited him so much. He cleared his throat, nervous that Nissa would notice his erection while she was trying to be nice to him. She did notice it—because her hands had trailed all the way down his abdomen to the crotch of his pants on her own.

"Mmmm. I like you, too, Rolduin." Nissa pressed her long, thin fingers against his cock, massaging it much the way she had his shoulders and chest. This massage had a much different sensation, and Rolduin squirmed, feeling uncomfortable in the room full of people but not wanting Nissa to stop touching him. He could feel a droplet of precum rubbing between the head of his cock and his pants, and he stole a glance around. He made eye contact with a woman sitting several feet away from them and froze, but she grinned at him, and he laughed nervously.

"What is it?" Nissa asked.

"People are watching."

Nissa stood up and came around in front of him. She kneeled down to look in his eyes. "Don't pay any attention to them. Only pay attention to me—just you and me and the sensations of this moment."


Nissa smiled. "Good."

Then Nissa sat down right on his lap, wrapping her long legs around his back.

"Uhh..." He started to look around again, and Nissa put a hand gently but firmly against his cheek.

"Only pay attention to you and me." She leaned forward, pressing her soft, full lips against his. Her lips were one of the few parts of her body that were curvaceous, and they felt amazing. Feeling her mouth against him made Rolduin think again of her spreading her saliva over his skin, only this time, the thought of it excited him. Right now he felt like anything that had to do with her mouth or anything from her mouth touching him would be a gift.

As Nissa kissed him, she pushed her hips forward and grinded against him. He was intensely aware that aside from his own pants, the only thing between their two bodies was her tiny blue hip scarf. Although it didn't seem as if it could, his cock grew even larger and stiffer, like it was fighting its way toward her.

Rolduin moaned again, the sound muffled this time by Nissa's lips on his. He felt his hips push forward instinctively toward hers, matching her rocking, grinding motion.

Nissa pulled her mouth away from his. "Stop."

Rolduin blushed, ashamed. "I'm sorry."

Nissa's angelic face smiled at him. "Don't be sorry. I just need you to stop moving for a minute."

And then her hands were at his pants, unfastening them and reaching inside. She put her soft, delicate fingers around his thick cock and pulled it out, exposed. Rolduin fought the urge to look around at who was watching. Instead, he kept his eyes trained on Nissa's. The only sound registering in his ears was the sound of his own breathing and the blood rushing in his head.

Then, Nissa raised up her hips, positioned his cock towards her, and touched the head to the plush lips of her pussy. Rolduin's breathing quickened, and he looked down to see his cock disappearing under the flimsy blue scarf. He felt warmth and wetness and the gentle hug of the inside of her surrounding his erection. His eyes rolled back in his head momentarily.

When he looked at Nissa again, he saw the lean, delicate features of her torso and the two toasted chestnut nipples poking proudly from her chest. Her nipples were large, soft nubs that contrasted with the rest of her features, much like her lips. He wanted to put his mouth on those soft places, too, but he couldn't in this position. Whatever shyness he had felt before was not on his mind now, and instead he placed a hand on one small breast.

Nissa sunk down into his lap, taking his cock all the way inside her. Rolduin grunted at the sensation as he simultaneously felt his cock being completely encompassed and Nissa's lower lips pressing against him where their bodies met. She raised her hips, sliding the velvety inside of her over his shaft, and then rocked down against him. She kept her body separated from his, holding her long arms out on his shoulders, and this allowed him to fully watch her. She moved lithely, her body like a snake, or like a dancer moving to an exotic rhythm, rising and falling in waves.

His hand trailed down her long torso, down onto her belly. He held his hand there, lightly, and he could feel his own cock moving inside her abdomen, sliding in and out. Feeling his cock fill her like that, so deep inside her, was exhilarating. Rolduin looked up into Nissa's beautiful blue eyes and let out a shuddering breath. He wanted her to speed up her thrusts, but she continued at the same wavelike rhythm, prolonging his pleasure. His panting sped up. She bit her lip and gripped him tighter on the shoulders, and then she leaned forward and moved hard against him, moaning in his ear and shaking, but continuing to grind herself against him.

The sound of her pleasure so close to his ear pushed Rolduin over the edge, and he exploded inside her, his cock throbbing and releasing burst after burst of hot liquid, and when he thought he'd entirely spent his load, she pumped herself against him again, and he felt another small squirt of cum exit his shaft. He had never had an orgasm that lasted this long, and he didn't ever want to take his cock out of Nissa's heavenly body.

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