The Meaning of Life - A Manifesto

The Meaning of Life - A Manifesto

Then you will begin to assess the way you have lived your life and the things you have valued, given priority to or made important and whether or not you have been living your life.Even when we're not sure of our purpose or how to find it, we can believe by default that our talents and gifts are a part of that purpose. Because we all are who and what we are, our purposes may be a little different but that's okay. We weren't all made to think, act, and be the same. is important because many of us today, are unable to be happy or find any fulfillment in life because we have fallen victim to the "cookie cutter" syndrome.

Instead of listening to our hearts and our intuition, we would prefer to fit ourselves to the cookie cutter of someone else's design. We would still do that even to our own detriment. Corporations are full of these individuals. Not that I am saying anything is wrong with working in corporate environments or you can't be happy doing so. It's just that, for many of us these pursuits lack substance.I can speak personally and say that living a life of purpose leads to inner peace, happiness, and fulfillment. The path may be rough and bumpy, but connecting to your true purpose can be one of the most worthy pursuits you engage in.

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