The Market

The Market

I spied my lover at the supermarket with his wife.

I saw him before he saw me and I took a moment to observe her. Short with long blonde hair and pretty, cheerful face.

By comparison, I was taller with wild, dark hair and my face was often set in resting bitch face.

He appeared sad beside her.

I caught his eye. His expression was first recognition, then shock and finally desire in a few moments registering all of these emotions as we held each other's gaze.

I passed him and looked away with a half-smile before anyone noticed.

Perhaps I should have felt guilt, jealousy, embarrassment, but instead my body tingled with desire and I thought "I wonder if he remembers taking this dress off me?"

My phone pinged with the tone I had reserved especially for his private messages.

Him: Did I see a little smile there?

Me: You did. Follow me if you dare.

I started my groceries in the fresh fruit and vegetable section as usual and glanced over to see him and his wife there too. He pushed the trolley for her.

I picked up two limes and rolled them in my palm as I licked my lips. Remembering as I did just days ago when I licked his balls in his bed while laying on his wife's pillow. I wondered if she smelled me there afterwards. I would notice, did she?

I had taken his pillow and rubbed it between my legs deliberately that day as he watched me. Then he could smell my scent there as he lay thinking of me at night.

I did not need the limes, but I put them in a bag and continued on. Looking around the fruit for inspiration, I spotted some half-cut melon wrapped in plastic. I smiled as I recalled the way he loved to lick and finger me. One finger in my mouth one in my pussy in and out with the same rhythm while he licked my clit. How did he make his fingers so sexy?

These thoughts were making me so horny for him.

Placing the melon in my hand, I pushed my finger slowly and deeply through the plastic into its soft seeds and out again, then raised it to my nose as if to check its freshness. If he was watching, I knew what he would be thinking.

Moving onto zucchini, I selected one his size, wrapped my finger and thumb around it and slid my hand up its length as though to brush off the dirt. Was anyone watching me? Was he? Was she perhaps? Four zucchini later, I moved on before I was noticed.

I headed to the dry goods, selecting things I actually needed, until I caught his eye again as he entered the aisle I had just left. I threw him another discreet half smile as I made my way to the next aisle from them. I paced myself so that we drew level and could see each other through the wire shelves separating us.

I cast my eyes downwards, indicating he should follow me as I squatted to look at the goods on the very lowest shelves, my knees parted to give him a full view up my skirt of my tight lace panties.

I cast my eyes downwards again to indicate where he should be looking. His eyes widened as he stared at my wet snatch. I couldn't wait to fuck him again after this.

I stood and made my way to the frozen goods aisle, slowly browsing and wandering up and down until they finally made their way to there. I saw them in my peripheral vision, not daring to make eye contact again for fear of being given away.

I bent over at my hips deep into the floor freezer to select some peas. I know how much he likes this position. Driving himself deep into me as he pulls me back onto him with my wild hair in his fist. Forcing me to watch us in the mirror.

I gasped as I felt the cold wires of a trolley bump me between my thighs and stood up abruptly. He pulled it away and quickly apologized as they passed. We looked at each other, but I said nothing as I moved on in the opposite direction as though nothing had just happened.

As I left the market on the way to my car, my phone pinged again.

Him: That was sexy as fuck! I am so hard right now.

Me: I can't wait to rub my wet pussy all over you. Make time for me.

Him: I am booking the hotel today. Can you make it at 3pm?

I waited until I drove home to reply, knowing the anticipation of my answer would make him squirm. Will I or won't I? What excuse can I make to escape the house for a few hours today? I would think of something.

This session was going to be so good. I could hardly wait.

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