The Long Ride Pt. 04

The Long Ride Pt. 04

"I guess if you're dead set on this then we must visit the church, I'm assuming you're wanting a Catholic wedding?" Elena asked, looking sternly at her daughter.

"Of course," Itzel nodded, squeezing Callum's hand. "I know you and your parents aren't Catholic Cal, but this means a lot to me," she said, looking over to him.

"I thought we would have it in Deadwood?" Callum inquired, with a pointed look.

"I haven't been going to the Perish in Deadwood long enough to warrant being married in the church there," Itzel said, hoping this wouldn't put a strain on them.

"Cal, if you're worried about your relatives and friends unable to attend the wedding, we are more than happy to fly them out on our dime," Asher said, if his daughter was gung-ho on this, then he was going to make sure it was a wedding that she would remember for all her years.

"You'll have to take a class and talk to the Bishop to get the church's approval on the marriage," Elena said, seeing that eyebrow of his raising.


"Yes," Elena nodded, "if Itzel wants the church to recognize your marriage to one another."

"I know it's a lot to ask of you Cal," Itzel said, knowing the things he would have to do just to get the church's approval. However, she was willing to do whatever he wanted to make sure his family was okay with their marriage.

"And you really need this to marry me?" Callum asked, curiously.

"Mmmhmm," Itzel hummed. "I know it's a lot Cal, and I know I'm asking so much of you when you aren't Catholic. Yet I've dreamt of a big Catholic wedding since I was Shari's age to a man that made my world complete," she said, looking lovingly into his dark honey brown eyes.

"I don't know how Mom is going to take the news, but if this is what you want Itzel... I'll see this Bishop of yours," Callum said, knowing life without Itzel would be dull and very bleak. If he had to jump through whatever hoops to make Itzel happy then he would gladly do it. What she said was true, yes they've only been dating for a short time and yet Callum couldn't imagine his future life without her in it. Feeling his skin heat as Itzel pressed her forehead against his.

"Thank you," Itzel whispered as her lips lightly plucked at his.

"So Itzel just how big of a wedding are we talking here?" Elena asked, pulling out her phone texting her assistant to set up an appointment with the best wedding planner in town.

"Two hundred maybe three hundred people," Itzel stated looking over at her mother. Knowing half of those numbers would be their friends from the motorcycle club and Callum's family.

"That many?" Asher asked, doing the figures of the plane tickets in his head.

"Oh yes, I wouldn't dream of leaving our friends out of this," Itzel said, casting Callum a smirk. She was going to have to ask if Regina wanted to be her maid of honor. She was, after all, the one who had introduced her to Callum in the first place, this wouldn't have been possible without her.

"Then you and I best head over to the bridal shop and fit you for a dress seeing how you'll be leaving soon," Elena said, rising from her seat.

"Can I come with Mama?" Shari asked, looking up at Itzel who glanced at Callum who nodded.

"Of course, you can," Itzel said, lovingly. "How else are we going to fit you for your pretty dress if you don't come along?" she inquired, as she rose to her feet. Holding out her hand to Shari, who quickly filled it with her own tiny hand.

"You two be safe now," Callum said, looking at the both of them.

"I'll be good," Shari said, with an innocent smile.

"I'll keep an eye on her," Itzel said, bending down and giving Callum a soft, warm, inviting kiss before she and Shari followed after her mother.

"Have you ever worn a tux before?" Asher asked, once his wife, daughter, and future grandchild left.

"Can't say that I have," Callum admitted. He never went to his prom, nor did he ever go to an event that required such attire before.

"I know a great place, come," Asher directed getting to his own feet. "The ladies can't be the only ones preparing for this wedding," he said, tugging on the tails of his suit jacket. "So Cal, you are Christian yes?"

"Yes," Callum nodded as they walked towards Asher's idling Cadillac SUV.

"What denomination exactly are you?" Asher asked, as his personal driver closed his door as he settled into the back seat of the vehicle.

"Lutheran," Callum said, matter-of-factly. "Why?"

"Ah, well, in order for Itzel and yourself to be married in the church, you and she, more so you than her, will have to go through certain steps. Hence why the meeting with the Bishop is important. I'm sure you know by now that Itzel takes her faith very seriously," Asher spoke as the driver pulled out of their long and gated driveway.

"I know," Callum said, as he looked out the window.

"And you know we Catholics don't believe in divorce," Asher said, making sure Callum knew what he was getting into.

"Do what?" Callum muttered looking over at Asher.

"We take our marriage vows very seriously Cal. So you have to be very sure this marriage is what you truly want. I won't judge you for wanting to wait. I could see that you too thought my daughter was moving too fast. I don't blame you. I have my own reservations about it, yet I can't help but see how much you make my little girl happy. Happier than I have ever seen her in a very long time. For that you have my gratitude. Nonetheless, the church doesn't recognize divorce decrees from any other churches if your own is like ours, or any institutions. Annulments yes, if they deem the marriage to be invalid to begin with," Asher said, laying it all out for Callum. "I'm only saying this to make sure you are ready for this kind of commitment."

"Marriage can't be as hard as raising your child on your own, right?" Callum asked with a smirk, as he looked over at Asher.

Asher released a chuckle, "Okay, maybe the commitment part you got down, and yes, sometimes marriage is harder than raising Shari all on your own. You only had yourself and her to think about, now you have two more that you must take into account. Plus, the two of you must agree on what happens in the marriage otherwise it will just fall apart. A marriage is a two way street. If it's all give and take one way the relationship is doomed to fail. No marriage can last like that for a long time. You understand what I'm saying?"

"Yeah, I get what you're saying," Callum nodded, remembering the fights his own father and mother had. The times he stumbled on them silently chatting away in one of the rooms. The way they gently touched each other's hands, yet as Callum looked back just that simple touch conveyed their affections for one another.

"Good," Asher nodded. "So tell me about this church you go to?" he inquired, looking over at Callum.

"It's this little church in Leads called Shepherd Of The Hills, me and my family has been going there since I can remember," Callum said, watching Asher pulling out his phone.


Mazdos Bridal, L.A...

"Oh my," Elena whispered as she pressed her hand against her lips as Shari tried on her flower girl dress. Her light blue eyes ran down the white, flower lace, long sleeve, evening dance gown that left Shari's shoulder's bare as Shari swayed back and forth watching how the hem of the dress moved in the mirror.

"I look like a princess!" Shari exclaimed with a giggle. "Don't I Mama?" she asked, turning to look back at Itzel as she stood on the little raised platform. Her dark blonde hair teased the top of the dress as her cheeks held a rosy hue to them.

"Why yes, yes, you do," Itzel nodded in agreement. Her steel blue eyes quivered at how beautiful Shari was in that dress.

"Here honey," Elena whispered handing her daughter a Kleenex. Knowing that her daughter's hormones were probably the cause of the glistening of tears she saw in Itzel's eyes.

"Can we show Daddy?" Shari asked, with a wide smile.

"Oh, we most certainly should?!" Itzel said, matching Shari's smile. "He just has to see the most beautiful girl in the world," she cooed, loving how Shari's eyes always lit up at such praise. Wondering if Shari was starved for affection. She knew Callum did everything in his power to give his daughter the things she needed, yet sometimes girls need an older woman's love to ensure that they become a well-rounded person as a whole. Digging into her purse, pulling out her phone, bring up her camera app. Biting her lip as Shari placed her hands on her hips and tilted her chin up with that adorable smile of hers on her face. "Now hold still," Itzel said, lining up the shot. Making sure the black ribbon bow was centered along Shari's waist. Typing out a text to Cal telling how pretty Shari looked in her flower girl dress.

"My isn't she just a pretty little thing?!" Came a reply that sounded so unlike Callum.

"Who is this?!" Itzel typed out forcibly.

"It's me honey, your father," Asher replied.

"Why do you have Cal's phone?!"

"Because he's in the middle of getting fitted for his tux at the moment, and the look on his face when I showed him the picture. Well, it's not hard for one to see the love he has for his child."

"A... tux," Itzel couldn't kept her mouth from watering at the image of Cal in a tuxedo, "I... want to see?!" Itzel typed out trying to contain her lust. A burning hunger simmered in her blue eyes as a picture of Callum in it appeared on her screen. Itzel fought to keep her nipples from hardening at the sight of how handsome Callum looked in that tux.

"Well, he does clean up nicely," Elena spoke as she peeked at her daughter's phone. Noting how her daughter was trying to hide her arousal from her and Shari, yet it wasn't hard for her to see how much Itzel was taken by the man. She just hoped this was what her daughter truly wanted and that it wouldn't come back to bite her in the future.

"Mmmhmm," Itzel hummed as her thumb moved lightly along the photo of Callum.

"I want to see!" Shari exclaimed jumping from the platform causing the seamstress to huff in annoyance.

"See, look how nice your dad looks," Itzel said, squatting down beside Shari. "Doesn't he look handsome?" she asked, to which Shari nodded very vehemently causing her dark blonde hair to bounce. "Now you get back up there, we have a lot left to do," Itzel said, her index finger trailed down the bridge of Shari's nose who had a bashful look on her face.

"Yes Mama," Shari said, lightly.

Itzel's heart swelled as Shari scurried back to the platform. Looking to her left as her mother placed a hand on her shoulder. She had always feared that Shari would not accept her as her stepmother. However, whenever she heard that word, it made her want to cry knowing that Shari sees her as such.

"Seems you've become quite close to her," Elena said, in a light, loving voice.

"I have, I wish she was mine," Itzel sighed as she rose to her feet. Watching how Shari fidgeted as she was forced to stay in one place as the seamstress worked along the hem of her dress. Noticing how Shari's eyes always found hers as she stared into the mirror in front of her.

"I hope it lasts honey," Elena whispered into her daughter's ear. Knowing that Shari would be entering her teenage years soon and who knows how much Shari would change during that time.

"Me too," Itzel admitted.

Itzel's eyes darted to and fro at the three mirrors as she stood in the floor length, mermaid silhouette, natural waist, Magnolia lace style wedding dress by Enzoani. Making sure the lace didn't show off things that were only meant for Callum's eyes. She had to say she did love how the dress looked on her body, yet it felt something was missing seeing how the dress had no train to it.

"Itzel you look so pretty!" Shari said, as she sat beside Elena. Her legs kicking as her eyes ran down the dress.

"Why thank you Shari," Itzel said, smiling at her. "Do you think your dad will like it?" she asked, doing a slow spin on the platform so not to trip on the hem of the dress.

"Mmmhmm," Shari nodded her head vigorously. "Can we show Daddy?"

"Now Shari its bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her wedding dress before the big day," Elena said, in a grandmotherly voice. She couldn't help it, she felt the corners of her lips curl up as Shari looked up at her with that innocent look.

"Mom that's on the wedding day, plus I want my future husband to know how hot I look in this thing," Itzel spoke as she peered over her shoulder to see how good or bad the material hugged her ass. Seeing her mother's scowl in the mirrors reflection at the non-traditional approach, and her parents were very traditional. "But if it makes you feel better Mom we won't show him as much as I want to," she said, as she turned back to face the mirror. Her fingers fiddled with the spaghetti straps that sat lightly on her shoulders as the door to the dressing room opened. Smirking at Shari as she caught sight of the tiara that sat on a blue velvet cushion. The light that refracted off the diamonds played along the silver that made up the structure of the tiara.

"Miss. Danbury, this is a Shira tiara," the salesman said, as he gently held the hundred thousand dollar item in his hand. Princess cut diamonds lined the bottom row, while the diamonds of the second row were set to look like the sun, and along the top row shaped like a six leaf stem.

"Itzel you are a princess!" Shari cried out as Itzel lifted the tiara to her head.

"Well, I am," Itzel admitted smugly as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"And this is the veil you asked for," the man said, draping it over the tiara allowing it to hang just below Itzel's chin. Three feet of it trailed behind Itzel making up for the lack of a train.

Looking down as Shari rushed to her side. "So pretty!" Shari swooned.

Bending down gently so not to damage the delicate lace as she squatted down before Shari. "No more than you are little angle," Itzel said, lightly tapping Shari's nose. Smiling at Shari's giggle as her cheeks heated. "So Shari, are you okay with me marrying your dad?"

"Mmmhmm. I love you Itzel," Shari said, in a small, cute voice. "I know Daddy loves you too..." Shari's head dropped as she instantly got bashful.

"What is it Shari?" Itzel asked, lifting her chin.

"Will we still be able to snuggle on the couch?" Shari asked, hoping that it all wasn't a lie to win her trust.

"Oh Shari," her thumb brushed along Shari's left cheek, "of course, we'll always have snuggle nights on the couch. You're going to be my family, my sweet girl, you are always going to be welcomed in my arms," Itzel said, remembering what Callum said about Shari's abandonment issues. She was never going to make Shari think she was forgotten. Just because there was another child coming into her family didn't mean Shari was ever going to be neglected. "Don't you worry Shari this baby isn't going to change anything, okay?" Lifting up the veil, placing a kiss on Shari's forehead as she nodded weakly. "Who knows the baby could be a girl and we all could gang up on your dad, and have girls day every day," Itzel said, with a slight smile on her lips.

"Now Ms. Danbury if you'll hold still I'll work as fast as I can to get this dress ready for you," the man said, as he looked up at Itzel as her right hand held onto Shari's who stood beside her.

"Go sit, we wouldn't want keep your dad waiting," Itzel said, peering down at Shari.


The next day...

Callum whistled as he stood staring up at the gothic-style exterior of St. Brendan church. Looking down the st

reet seeing the people of the city going about their everyday lives as they stood on the sidewalk of 310 S Van Ness Ave, Los Angeles, CA. Noting how Itzel was watching him along with her parents. Looking down, smiling at Shari as she held his hand and returned his smile. His dark honey brown eyes ran along the roof, falling on the spire that rose higher than the highest peak of the roof.

"You went here?" Callum asked, as he gazed at the three story tall stained glass window that drew the onlooker to be awestruck by its wonder.

"Since I can remember," Itzel said, her thumb brushed along his as her right hand held onto his upper right bicep.

"Come, Father Brian will be waiting for us," Asher said, looking over at them.

"You're just going to love the chapel," Elena said, smiling at Shari.

"Wow!" Shari exclaimed as she stared up at the tree story high ceiling. The grand arches gave the sanctuary its vast openness. The vast colors from reds, blues, greens, and golds danced along the pews, the floor, the confessional, and the pulpit as the morning sun shined through the stained glass. "Daddy what are those?" Shari asked, pointing to the long pipes that lined the far wall.

"Those are the wind pipes for the organ," Asher said, in a grandfatherly voice.

"Cool!" Callum couldn't stop from smirking as his daughter began to wiggle..

"Mr. and Mrs. Danbury it's always a pleasure to see you,"' the mother superior said, as she and her attendants walked down the center aisle. "Itzel it's good to see you once again. Your presence has surely been missed since you moved away," she said, as she came to a stop before them. Her eyes moved over the man and child that stood at Itzel's side. "So what brings you all here on this fine morning?"

"We're here to see Father Brian," Asher stated.

"Oh? What about?" the mother superior asked, in a curious light.

"About my wedding," Itzel said, speaking up.

"I see, congratulations," mother superior said, with a warm smile. Turning to her right, speaking in a hushed whisper to her attendant. "Sister Jessica here will show you to Father Brian's office," she said, gesturing to Jessica. "I'm sorry that I can't show you the way myself but I must see to matters that require my attention."

"I understand mother superior," Itzel said, bowing her head in reverence to her.

"Go with God my child, I shall pray for a happy and fruitful marriage for the two of you," mother superior said, as she lightly patted Itzel's arm as she walked through the gap that Asher and Elena had formed as they stepped to the side.

"Please if you would follow me," Jessica said, leading them towards the priory. "Please keep your voices low, the priests are still in their morning prayers," she said, opening the door. She felt the corners of her lips lifting as she watched how Shari made the zipping motion along her lips as Callum placed his finger to his lips. She did enjoy seeing a happy relationship between the children and parent(s). "It's good to see you again Itzel, your rather hasty departure took many of us by surprise," Jessica said, from over her shoulder as led them down the hallway to Father Brian's office.

"I know, but I just had to get away from everything that seemed to be letting me down in my life," Itzel said, mouthing 'not the two of you' when her parents glanced at her.

"Ah, I completely understand," Jessica said, nodding her head. It was the same way for her when they were younger, and what her own mother went through that made her decide to enter the convent. "Just retrace your steps to find your way back to the chapel once you're done," she said, lightly knocking on Father Brian's door. "We have to have coffee before you leave again, I want to hear everything," Jessica said, hugging her childhood friend tightly.

"'Sure thing Jess," Itzel replied gently rubbing her back. Waving to her friend as Jessica disappeared around the corner.

"Yes..." Father Brian uttered as he opened the door. "Ah, the Danbury family, come in, come in, I've been expecting you," he said, ushering them into his office. Noting how Elena and Itzel sat in the chairs in front of his desk watching how Itzel plucked Shari off the floor and placed her in her lap while Asher and Callum stood behind their corresponding partners. "Now what can I do for you on this fine morning?" he asked, scooting underneath his desk. Resting his forearms on its surface, interlocking his fingers together as he looked between the two women.

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