The List Of Private Servers

The List Of Private Servers

Since all the official servers are dead, for those who wants to keep playing the game now or in the future, please post the names of the private servers you know of under the comment section.

I am only aware of Menma's TERA and Asura TERA .


Anyone have any experience with Menma Tera?

I also gave it a try a couple of days ago, the player-base is very helpful, just active on EU time...

You get Max Advanced skills and EP plus instant max level 70 so you don't have to farm to max level.

But if it gets popular, Menma might change it into a normal game. So level up now and get stuff while they are still easily farmable.

played on in for a bit a few months ago and it's really geared towards people who only care about end game PvP. if you wanna level normally, it'll be slow as exp, gold, and drop rates are lower than retail. there is an instant max level option tho. oh the card system doesn't work too.

special warning for those who like the rather risque armor aesthetics of TERA:

menmas tera is running an older version of the game where Brawlers, Valks, and Gunners have different armor models than the regular heavy-armor classes. as such, some classes will have less skimpy gear compared to their retail counterparts.

at the time i played there's also no coupon system, and cash shop cosmetics have been moved into the tikat shop. note that since it's an older version of the game, it does not have all of the cosmetics available on retail.

EDIT: Thanks to u/Maulclaw for pointing out how retail changed the models for heavy armor.

I played it around half a year ago, was pretty decent, but you'll need a guild or friends to play with, solo queue is non-existent.

The private servers are usually PVP any that have PVE? I just want to feel the adventure once again (I know it was bad, but at least it was something) and explore peacefully.

i hate pvp and want pve focused to with dragon mount/companion

Yeah I'm looking for something PVE focused as well.

Unless the said server is giving away items upon character creation and skips the leveling process entirely, PvE will exists in some kind of form.

PvP only servers are specialized. Those aren't ultra-common anymore like a decade ago. Most of them balances the both.

Tera CZ friend.

Both ASURA and MENMA are insta lvl 70 that remove the feeling of progression and exploration to Tera.

Tera CZ still has the leveling experience, and it has a heavy focus on PvE. check it out see if you like it!

If only there was a way to get my main character onto a private server, I'd be interested.

I made too many memories with my main character.

Time to make new ones! The good thing about private servers is that they can do many things which the original game couldn't! I see shop that sells cosmetics for ingame currency and not IRL money! Isn't that great.

So at a glance on both website seems like they both have open world PVP?

Do the players like to pk others? It is sad to have the official server shutting down and I really love the PVE side of TERA if there is a good private server for that?

Tera CZ my friend.

It's the closest thing you'll get at the moment to how Tera is.

There is open world pvp but no one murders anyone and the game has a heavy focus on PvE, both at the max level and while leveling.

Check it out

There is TeraCZ, it was going to shutting down today, really bad timing, but it was announced a month ago.

It runs on a version of the game from 2015, and it was fun to play on, but it had very few players, and the people running it were struggling to keep the servers up, but maybe now it might get the support it needs.

on the bright side, that means theres an old version off tera floating around outside off blueholes controll...the chances off law suites are high but the chances off a tera popping up again are not zero

Update: The game isn't going to shut down after all. Serverlist101 'll remain up a little longer with hopes of seeing what happens now that retail is going down. I ended up talking to the team and they decided to invest on it once more.

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