The Last Days of Diaxophas

The Last Days of Diaxophas

👓 Mike Hoornstra
The Last Days of Diaxophas

The Last Days of Diaxophas

✅ For millennia, the medieval world 🗺️ of Diaxophas has lived in peace ☮️. But when a scientist 👨‍🔬 named 📛 Dyven shares his 👤👨⬅️ discovery with the High Council of Diaxophas, he 👤👨 and ➕ all its members soon 🔜 turn up ⬆️ either dead ☠️ or missing. What did Dyven discover and ➕ why ❓️ was he 👤👨 silenced Who is behind this treachery and ➕ why ❓️ are they targeting 🎯 the Royal Family 👪️ itself for blame and ➕ scandal Why ❓️ is a haunting childrens nursery rhyme suddenly on everyones mind There are few clu 🧩 ➡️ on other than whispers of a mythical 🏃‍♂️ of shape shifters ➕ Dyvens ✋ scribbled 🖌️ of a 🐐 👁️. Aglar, the High 👑🧔 of Diaxophas, must solve this mystery ➕ 🔎 👤👨⬅️ missing daughter in order to save a 👥 on the brink of civil war. Welcome to go on other than whispers of a mythical race of shape shifters and Dyvens hand scribbled drawing of a goats eye. Aglar, the High King of Diaxophas, must solve this mystery and find his missing daughter in order to save a people on the brink of civil war. Welcome to the last days of Diaxophas!


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