The Kraut Boys Episode I

The Kraut Boys Episode I


The Kraut Boys Episode I




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June 20, 2021 at 12:28 AM

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Monday-Tuesday (June 20-21)

Red Heart 15-16 (KBS)
Woori the Virgin 13-14 (SBS)
Link: Eat, Love, Kill 5-6 (tvN)

Wednesday-Thursday (June 22-23)

Jinxed at First 3-4 (KBS)
Insider 5-6 (JTBC)
Eve 7-8 (tvN)

Weekend (June 24-26)

It's Beautiful Now 25-26 (KBS)
Doctor Lawyer 7-8 (MBC)
Why Her? 7-8 (SBS)
Cleaning Up 7-8 (JTBC)
King of Pigs 3-4 (OCN)
The Witch is Alive 1-2 (TV Chosun)
Alchemy of Souls 3-4 (tvN)

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In this heartwarming coming-of-age story, a boys badminton team that is about to be disbanded gets a second chance to succeed when a hotshot coach and his family come to town. As the boys and girls team practice their sport, they learn about life, friendship, and perseverance.

In this heartwarming coming-of-age story, a boys badminton team that is about to be disbanded gets a second chance to succeed when a hotshot coach and his family come to town. As the boys and girls team practice their sport, they learn about life, friendship, and perseverance.
Inside the bus terminal, the badminton boys argue over what to do. Acting as the voice of reason, Yoon-dam advises everyone to return to practice, but Yong-tae and Woo-chan warn the new members about “Run to Hell” (aka, intensive training). Last year, the boys could barely lift their spoons afterwards, and Yong-tae even collapsed.
Hae-kang switches over to the “let’s ditch” team, and to everyone’s surprise, In-sol joins them, too. They pool their money together for their trip, and Hae-kang has the least amount since his roommates have been secretly collecting a housing fee from their parents. Before they head off, Yoon-dam tells them to be careful, and they assure him that they will.
Hyun-jong overhears Han-sol and Se-yoon talking and tries to jump into their conversation. He interprets their use of yang literally, and Hae-in sighs at her dad for being so ignorant. Young-ja tells him that keeping quiet is communicating and asks if he told the kids about their joint practice. Hyun-jong giggles since he pranked the boys about having intensive training today.
Young-ja asks Hae-in about school, and Hyun-jong starts lamenting how quickly his daughter is growing. Hae-in scowls at his whining and then scolds him for forgetting about the traffic lights. While they wait at the intersection, Hyun-jong asks Young-ja if she knows what yang means, but she mumbles back, “I don’t know, either.” Heh.
On the bus, Yong-tae digs through his backpack but the envelope with all their money has disappeared. Though practically stranded, Yong-tae tells the others not to worry since there are tons of jobs available in the city.
Once they arrive, Hae-kang grumbles about their predicament, but Woo-chan and Yong-tae tell him that this is better than intensive training. However, their grumbling stomachs argue otherwise, but a stroke of luck finally hits them when Yong-tae finds a recruitment flier.
While Hyun-jong drives down to meet his old buddy, the boys go to a construction site, looking for work. Though they lie about their age, the employer quickly busts them when Yong-tae innocently tells him their middle school’s name.
The boys promise to work hard, but Supervisor Yoo (cameo by Lee Joon-hyuk ) turns them down. A younger employee, Park Joon-young (cameo by Kim Sung-chul ), comes to their defensive, and Supervisor Yoo relents.
Hyun-jong meets with his old friend, Coach Lee Jae-jung (cameo by Park Hae-soo ), and they greet each other with the middle finger. Jae-jung introduces Hyun-jong as his minion to his elementary school players, and Hyun-jong is surprised by his strict tone.
At the construction site, Supervisor Yoo instructs the boys to move bags of cement and keep their helmets on at all times. They ask him for advice, but he says that he has none. As soon as he leaves, Joon-young tells them to take off their helmets and teaches them how to carry the bags. He says that they should ignore what geezers say, which earns him Hae-kang and Yong-tae’s respect.
Grandma’s grandson has come down to see the mural, and her son’s family promises to visit more often.
Back at the construction site, Supervisor Yoo scolds the boys for tearing another bag and orders them to wear their helmets properly. Joon-young defends the kids again, but Supervisor Yoo tells him that this is how they all learned back in his day.
After the supervisor leaves, Hae-kang and Yong-tae take off their helmets and complain about the boomer. Woo-chan disagrees, but Hae-kang taunts him for being a boomer-wannabe. He asks where In-sol is, and they find him sweeping the cement they spilled earlier.
Hyun-jong tells Jae-jung about his team playing hooky, and they talk about how much harder it was back in their day. When they were in university, their seniors would not let them eat any meat during team dinners and forced them to warm up their toilet seats.
While the adults reminisce about their past, Joon-young complains about the boomers always yapping about the old days. He tells the boys to live how they want since no one will take responsibility for their lives.
When the boys’ stomachs growl, Joon-young grabs them some food and asks if they ran away from home. They give him a roundabout answer, and he wonders if they have a cliched story like losing their money at the terminal (which is exactly what happened).
Hae-kang thanks him for the food, but Joon-young tells him that it comes out of their paychecks. They still appreciate all his help, so Joon-young gives them another piece of advice: “Don’t trust adults.” Before he can finish, Supervisor Yoo calls him over.
While the girls’ team walks over to the gym, they smell perfume, and Han-sol scolds the others for spritzing themselves before practice. Se-yoon calls her out for putting on lip tint, too, and she asks what happened with Yoon-dam.
Last night, Han-sol asked Yoon-dam if he wanted to switch mixed doubles partners, but he said that he liked playing with her. Holding back her smile, she told him to be careful at practice since he was still the ace, and they fist-bumped before heading to bed. Accepting his answer, Han-sol tells Se-yoon that her crush is really over.
Since most of the boys fled, Young-ja instructs Han-sol and Yoon-dam to practice doubles, and then calls Se-yoon over. A company team coach is here to scout her, and she immediately wraps her arms around Se-yoon, asking if she wants to sign onto her team right now. Pfft.
Hyun-jong asks Jae-jung if he should punish his team for ditching or just ignore it, and his friend says that they behaved well as players because they were hit all the time. Hyun-jong shudders at the thought since he never got used to physical punishments, and Jae-jung agrees, asking if he remembers those terrible third years.
Back when they were players, the third years bullied Hyun-jong and Jae-jung for not keeping the first years in check and hit them a hundred times each. Though the coach found them, he ignored the scene and simply told the bullies to lock up properly after they finished. Ugh, so disgusting.
Dropping his cement bag, Hae-kang takes off his helmet and sits down to rest. While he berates his teammates for ripping another bag, a worker yells at him to watch out. Hae-kang looks up as a pipe comes hurtling towards his unprotected head, and at the last second, Supervisor Yoo pulls him to safety.
The supervisor shouts at Hae-kang for taking off his helmet and points out that everyone hates wearing them as well. However, he tells him that there is a reason behind their protocol and says that being young should not be used as an excuse to ignore the rules.
The night the third years hit Hyun-jong and Jae-jung, another coach heard about the bullying but brushed it aside. However, the one inside swinging a bat was Jae-jung who took his anger out on the first years. He threatened to hit them twice as much, but Hyun-jong found him and stopped things from escalating.
Jae-jung tells Hyun-jong that he regrets that day, and even though he only hit the first years once, it was still one too many. Hyun-jong consoles him since he did not know better, but Jae-jung refuses to use that excuse because it is not true.
He says that this is something he will carry with him for the rest of his life and vows to not repeat the same mistakes to his players. He tells Hyun-jong that he admired him since that day, and Hyun-jong tells him to buy him a drink then.
At the elementary school, the young players dance to “Any Song” and eat the food Jae-jung bought. The kids complain about all the mistakes he made in their orders, and Jae-jung promises to get it right next time—his tone noticeably softer than during practice
The kids clean up after their break, and Hyun-jong marvels at how the older kids help alongside the younger ones. Puffing up his chest, Jae-jung brags about his team coming in first place without using outdated training methods. Hyun-jong points out that he placed first before, too, but Jae-jung points out a crucial difference: his players enjoy badminton.
A handful of uninvited coaches visit the girls’ practice in hopes of scouting Se-yoon, and they will do anything—even join her mom’s prayer group—if it means winning her over.
Meanwhile, In-sol threatens to call the supervisor to verify Joon-young’s story, but when he makes the call, his face falls. Joon-young smirks since he knew the supervisor would not answer, and In-sol frowns.
Jae-jung advises Hyun-jong to keep up with trends, and teaches him what yang means. Jokes aside, he knows Hyun-jong already had the answer to his dilemma before he came to visit, and the two friends give each other the middle finger as farewell.
Elsewhere, Supervisor Yoo picks up his phone, and In-sol tells him about Joon-young. Showing his true colors, Joon-young warns the boys to watch themselves and stalks away.
While Supervisor Yoo enjoys drinks and expensive side dishes thanks to his latest prey, the boys realize that they only received one person’s wage. They wonder who they can trust now, and Yong-tae defaces the recruitment flier, warning others away.
Yoon-dam and Han-sol clean up the gym, and their hands accidentally touch while putting away the shuttlecocks, causing them to quickly break apart. Meanwhile, Young-ja apologizes to Se-yoon for having the coaches over and explains how she just wants her players to have better future than her. Se-yoon tells her that it was fine, and instead, asks about their next joint practice.
The boys return home after their arduous day out, and only Yong-tae is in a bright mood since he found the missing money in his pocket. The others are barely able to hold Hae-kang back, but Yong-tae remains optimistic, claiming to have an idea on how to deal with their coach. Hae-kang says that he no longer trusts him, and the others agree. Pfft.
The others are impressed by Yong-tae’s plan—he prepared the bat as well as butt pads for them—but In-sol asks what he was going to do if Hyun-jong really hit them. Yong-tae says that their coach would never do that and calls him the only adult that he can trust. Though he might be awkward, they all agree that he tries hard to connect with them. Huddling together, they take a picture as a team to remember this moment.
Yoon-dam goes to the bakery unannounced, but instead of a warm welcome, his parents are tense and his siblings nearly cry. His younger brother asks if they have to eat pizza now, and the kids beg Yoon-dam to let them enjoy their noodles this once. Yoon-dam looks dumbstruck by their pleas, and for the first time, he notices his picture on the wall.
Yong-tae goes home to a mountain shack and finds his dad preparing more tonics for him. His dad asks if he finished the previous batch, and he tells him to rest inside while he makes dinner.
Arriving back to his room, In-sol finds his dad using his laptop and kicks him out. He looks through the search history and discovers that his dad was looking up wristbands for badminton players as well as tips on how to avoid injuries.
When Hae-kang comes home, he is surprised to see his sister all alone, and she tells him that she is always by herself until someone comes back. Hae-kang apologizes, but Hae-in says that she is only a little lonely and understands how much sports mean to him. As she gets up to use the bathroom, Hae-kang reads her homework assignment listing all her wishes.
Hae-kang goes to the warehouse to practice, and later that night, the girls come to pick him up. Han-sol bounces off first because her phone died, so Se-yoon and Hae-kang walk home together. She teases him for being scared of the dark and almost crying over the phone to have them come get him.
Se-yoon mentions their joint practice today, and Hae-kang gasps since he would have never ditched if he knew they were coming. She asks if he hates running that much, but Hae-kang tells her that he is talking about a different reason. Before he can elaborate, Han-sol returns and links arms with Se-yoon.
Young-ja guesses that the boys went home since Hae-kang is sleeping in their room and pats her son’s head. Hyun-jong asks about the coaches that came to visit, and Young-ja shares some of her worries concerning the girls’ futures. When she turns around, she finds her husband sleeping and pats his head as well.
In the morning, the city couple admires the mural, and Gra
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