The King and Her Children

The King and Her Children

👓 A. R. Duckworth
The King and Her Children

The King and Her Children

✅ Hatchepsut, the Pharaohs daughter, finds and adopts an abandoned infant when she is still a child herself, and does not understand the enormity of her action. By rescuing this boy, Hatchepsut finds love in an otherwise loveless existence. He becomes the core of her life and watching him grow into a man of extraordinary ability makes her audacious. Her ambition for him drives her to seize the throne, becoming the king Egypt needs, so she can raise him to rule the proudest Empire on earth. But who is this man, and does he have an identity better known beyond the borders of Egypt Hatchepsut and Senenmut are well known figures in Egyptian history, and while it has fallen to me to paint the story of their lives where it has been lost, these are people who once lived and breathed.


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