The Ka, Kun, Kaun Or Kaum Rune

The Ka, Kun, Kaun Or Kaum Rune

The “Ka, Kaun, Kan” Rune According to Guido Von List

ka = chew [kaun ], kan, kuna , pine [kien ], keel/boat [kiel ], kon, daring/bold [kühn], none [kein ] (nothing [nichts]), and so on.

A Sixth is mine, if a Man hurts me

with a strange Tree Root;

The hurt with which the Man threatened me

does not hurt me, but Ruins him.

The Yggdrasill  “World-Tree” [Weltbaum] means, in the narrower sense, the aryan Folk-Lineage/Trunk [Volksstamm], beside which the Folk-Lineage/Trunk of foreign races [fremdrassigen] are seen as savage/wild Trees [wilde Bäume]. 

The Runic-Term “kaun ”, “kunna ” (Maid) demonstrates the feminine Principle [weibliche Prinzip ] in the All, in the purely sexual Sense [Verstande]. 

The Lineage/Trunk, the Race, is to be purely preserved, it must not be defiled by the “savage/wild Tree Roots” (Phallus). But if it did happen, it would be of little use to the “savage/wild Tree”, because its “savage/wild Rice-Plant” would grow to become its own raging Enemy [wütendstem Feinde]. Therefore: “Your Blood [Blut], your highest Possession/Good [Gut].”

-Paraphrase from The Mystery/Secret of the Runes [Das Geheimnis der Runen] (1908)

by Guido von List

The “Kun” Rune According to R.J. Gorsleben

Letter K (also sometimes G) and Number 6. 

Kun or Kaun Rune: Gender, Kein-Torch means Burning and Heat/Rut/Lust, but also the Caduceus (Latin: cunna), the Royal-Will [Königswillen ] which (with Skill and Daring) creates Forms, shapes Peoples, and refines the wise Order of the Reproductive-Instinct of the Genders. 

Its Ur-word is Bestehendes meaning “that which is Existing” as well as Existent, Having Being, Alive, Sustain, Bear, Stand, Endure, Pass, Get Through, etc. 

“A sixth one is mine, if a man

Hurts me with the tree’s fresh root,

I am not hurt, but the offender is devoured

By the ruin with which he threatened me.”

The family of words kaun, kan, kin, kühn, kuna, keim, kiel, gon, gen are expressions of procreation, as is the image of the Rune with the branch, the angle (which comes to a head or point), clearly shows us. 

The Rune is composed of the IS-Rune or rune of the [Being or the Divine] Self (the vertical line) with the BAR-line or Life line (the ascending line). 


However, the BAR Rune (related with the BAR-line) is considered the Rune of the child (among other things), and so the Rune means both life and the son (the offspring), who descends from our [Being or the Divine] Self (as does the branch from the tree trunk). Birth is always a branching, an angle, a bend in the straight line of procreation. 

Be aware of the sprout in the Rune image, the Kühn-, Kien-, the Light torch, the procreator of light, the Light-pole or phallus. 

The Rune is also an image of the torch, which, by generating fire, brings light, and which announces [kun-det ] light. In the announcement [Ver-kün-digung ] the angel always has the stiff stem of a lily in its hand and the Kala, the lily, is the world tree, the family tree, but also a phallic symbol. The announcement tells Mary of the arrival of the child [Ver-kin-dung] humanly, and the announcement of Divinity, spiritually.

From the Kun-Rune the number 6 is also derived, as is shown by the letter G, because G and K were originally the same letter: G = 6, six (Latin: sex) and G = Gender (Latin: sexus). Turning the number 6 over, we get the phallus no doubt… The K sound stands for that which originated, or descended, from the inside, the capability in the material world and knowledge in the mental & spiritual realms. 

It is the King’s Rune, the Rune of the capable, or the one who ‘can’ and who has resources in all respects, through material and procreation.  Konr is the aristocratic offspring in the Rigsmal of the Edda, who acquires the royal and capable arts (which were, above all, the knowledge concerning the Kon- or Kun- Rune). From the Ur-word Konr (meaning: the one who can, the king) comes also the Hebrew Kohen or Cohen meaning ‘Priest’. Let us not forget Genghis Khan, as well. 

The Kun, Kon or Gon- Rune appears as the letter “Gamma”  Γ  in the Greek alphabet. It is also the Rune of the guru or kuru (who is master of magic), the Cher-ubs (heavenly creatures who guard the Garden of Eden), the Kyr -ios (Greek: ‘Lord’ or ‘Master’), the Küren (German: ‘Elect’), Kern (German: ‘Core’, ‘Seed’ and ‘Essence’); Kyrr = master.  Kirren means ‘to make a person obedient by means of loosening and orders’, it means ‘to rule’. “Kyr -ie Eleison” is Greek, meaning “Lord, have Mercy” or “Lord, redeem us!”. Here the Lord is called, the Kyrr , the Kuru , who is the chosen Lord and Master.

In the shape of this Rune we see the shape of the one who is capable (the magician, the king, who owns magic & power), in the ancient position of prayer (when calling the Lord, the Sun), but as seen from the side, and when seen from the front, we see the shape of the MAN Rune. He sings the Song or Canticle because he “can” do so. The Cantus (Latin: ‘Singing’ or ‘Chant’) has word- and sound- magical effects upon the listener (consider the word ‘Incantation’). It is the capability, the kaun, kun, chon, the “chant” of the singer, who enchants those who listen through the light of their voice or lux canalis (Latin: ‘pipes of light’).

-Paraphrase from The Peak-Time of Humanity [Die Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit] (1930)

by Rudolf John Gorsleben


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